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???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 密 学院(部) 封专 业 学 号 线 姓 名 注意: 密学号和姓名不写、不写全或写在密封线外者,试卷作废,成绩按零分处理。 封密封线内各项内容填写在指定的框内。 ???????线?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ___________大学20___ — 20___学年度第二学期期末考试
15. 经济增长不能以环境破坏为代价,这已达成了共识。 卷号:A 完成时限: 90 分钟 适用专业:商务英语
题号 一 二 三 四 总分 复核人 16. 我们正在调查这一事件。请贵方耐心等待, 我们将(调查结果)反馈给贵方。 得分
17. 跨国公司是当前发达国家从经济上支配发展中国家的手段。 得分 评卷人 一、填空题(共10分,每小题1分)
1. IDA ____________________________ 18. 若因卖方的延迟,我放保留每月获得1.5%的延付费的权利。 _________________________ 2. CPA ____________________________ _________________________ 3. RSVP ____________________________ _________________________
4. COCOM ____________________________ _________________________ 19. 经过仔细核对信用证,兹要求贵方做如下修改:“允许分批装运和转运”。 5. GSP ____________________________ _________________________ 6. CIF ____________________________ _________________________ 7. CBD ____________________________ _________________________
8. D/D ____________________________ _________________________ 20. 资产折现力是指投资者将债券或股票等金融资产转换为现金的能力。 9. FOB ____________________________ _________________________ 10. EMU ____________________________ _________________________
得分 评卷人 二、句子汉译英(共30分,每小题3分)
得分 评卷人 三、句子英译汉(共30分,每小题3分)
11. 产品的革新是国企改革措施之一,因为它可以减少损失、降低成本和预算。
21. Before World War II the most successful attempt to reduce tariffs by reciprocal bargaining was the trade agreements program of the United States, which was limited, however, by its bilateral nature.
12. 我们的产品如果适当地定期检修,至少可以使用20年。
22. In fact, the blatant use of money to motivate people either to join an organization or to stay on has created more motivation problems than it has solved. 13. 即使有防护设施也不能保证不发生因缺氧而死亡。
23. The export trade is subject to many risks. Ships may sink or consignments be damaged in transit, 14. 通常会为客人安排一些时间参观商场,客人们往往会买几样使他们回家后不忘此行的纪念品。
exchange rates may alter, buyers default or governments suddenly impose an embargo.
《商务笔译》2015级商务英语专业 第1 页 共 3 页
24. If the market is thought to be poor and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to fall, the market is called a bear market.
25. But when the smoke clears, he’ s likely to look up and find himself staring at another giant challenge—fending off a new round of international trade wars and, perhaps, pressure for protectionism at home.
26. We have just examined the contents of this consignment and have discovered that there is a fault in the weave which makes the carpeting completely unusable.
27. Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and, as I’m sure you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum.
28. The current US incarnation of the overseas end of the former Bell Telephone Corp. has returned to China, joining Japanese and German companies in major high-technology telecommunications manufacturing.
29. It has raised its JV equity to 70% to gain management control. It has trebled its initial investment and is now expanding its product range and manufacturing capacity to meet growing demands.
30. It is a common practice in America for publishers to send a professor a desk copy if the professor chooses a book they have published as a coursebook in a university.
得分 评卷人 四、段落翻译(共30分,每小题15分)
31. NOTHING evokes the misery of mass unemployment more than the
photographs of the Depression. You can see it in the drawn faces of the men, in their shabby clothes, in their eyes. Their despair spawned(引发) political extremism that left a stain on society; but it also taught subsequent generations that public policy has a vital part in alleviating the suffering of those who cannot get work. Thanks to welfare schemes and unemployment benefits, many of which have their origins in those dark days, joblessness no longer plunges people into destitution, at least in the developed world.
Not even the gloomiest predict that today’s slump will approach the severity of the Depression, which shrank(缩小,萎缩) America’s economy by more than a quarter, and put a quarter of the
working-age population out of a job. But with the world in its deepest recession since the 1930s and global trade shrinking at its fastest pace in 80 years, the misery of mass unemployment looms nonetheless, and raises the big question posed in the Depression: what should governments do?
32. 各国政府正为劳动者提供大量的短期援助。美国的社会保障体系在富裕国家中处于最低,而最近出台的经济刺激计划(stimulus package)中,扩大失业救济金惠及面恰恰是计划中的一部分。日本为长期以来受忽视的“非固定”劳动者群体提供社会援助。不过总的来说,比起失业补助( unemployment compensation),资助企业以留住员工才是明智之举。很多国家通过缩短每周工作日或强制休假来满足劳工薪资。
这些措施在一定时限内是合理的:因为在短期内,政府需要尽全力维持需求。只是就业危机不大可能只在短期内存在。即便经济衰退很快结束(而且几乎不可能发生),引起这场危机的阴云——资金短缺和过度借贷(the asset bust and excessive borrowing)——将在接下来继续笼罩世界经济长达数年。更有甚者,不论是西班牙的砌砖匠(bricklayer)还是华尔街的交易员(trader),很多昔日的就业岗位会一去不复返。人们将被迫告别现有职位,转行进入新岗位。
《商务笔译》2015级商务英语专业 第2 页 共 3 页
卷号:A 完成时限:90分钟适用专业:商务英语
一、 填空题(共10分,每小题1分)
1. International Development Association
2. Certified Public Accountant
3. Repondez s’il vous plait 4. Coordination Committee
5. Generalized System of Preferences 6. cost insurance and freight
可能有变动 ,买主可能违约 ,或者政府突然宣布禁运。 24. 市场疲软,股票价格看跌,这种股市被称为熊市。
25. 但是 ,当硝烟散尽 ,他可能发现自己正面临另一场巨大的挑战——新一轮国际贸易战,也许还有国内要求实行贸易保护主义的压力。
26. 我方在验收时发现这批地毯编制上有瑕疵, 无法使用。
27. 我方报价已充分考虑到大宗订货的因素。相信贵方一定清楚,我方是在竞争十分激烈的市场上经营业务,迫于市场压力,我方已将价格降至最低。
28. 昔日美国贝尔电话公司的海外营业部,如今重整旗鼓,重返中国,与日本和德国公司一起,主要从事高技术电信设备的制造。
29. 公司将其在合资公司的股份增至70%,以获得管理控制权。这使它的先期投资增加了两倍,而且现在正在扩大产品范围和生产能力来满足不断增长的需求。 30. 如果一位大学教授选中出版社的书作为教材,出版社就给这位教授赠送这本书以示感谢,这是美国出版商的通行做法。
四、 段落翻译(共30分,每小题15分)
32.Governments are piling in with short-term help for workers. In America, which has one of the lowest social safety nets in the rich world, extending unemployment benefits was, rightly, part of the recent stimulus package. Japan is giving social assistance to “non regular” workers, a group that has long been ignored. In general, however, it makes more sense to pay companies to keep people in work than to subsidize unemployment. Many countries are topping up the earnings of workers on shortened weeks or forced leave.
These are sensible measures, so long as they are time-limited; for, in the short term, governments need to do all they can to sustain demand. But the jobs crisis is unlikely to be short-lived. Even if the recession ends soon (and there is little sign of that happening), the asset bust and the excessive borrowing that led to it are likely to overshadow the world economy for many years to come. Moreover, many of yesterday’s jobs, from Spanish bricklayer to Wall Street trader, are not coming back. People will have to shift out of old occupations and into new ones.
票汇 离岸价
7. cash before delivery
8. demand draft
9. free on board 10. European Monetary Union
二、 句子汉译英(共30分,每小题3分)
11. The innovation of products is one of the reform measures of the state-owned enterprises because it can decrease loss, cost and budget.
12. Our products, if maintained properly and regularly, can at least see twenty years’ service. 13. Even the protective facility is no insurance against death from lack of oxygen.
14. Guests are normally given some time to visit shops where they often buy souvenirs to remind them of their holiday when they return home.
15. It has become a conventional wisdom that economic growth could not be gained at the cost (expense) of environmental destruction.
16. We are in process of examining the incident in question and ask for your patience in this matter until we can report back to you .
17. The present vehicle of this economic domination by the north of the south is the multinational corporation.
18. If by reason of delay on the part of the Purchaser, we reserve the right to apply a late payment charge of one and one-half percent per month.
19. After we have checked the L/C carefully, we request you to make the following amendment: “Partial shipment and Transshipment Allowed.”
20. Liquidity refers to the ability of investors to exchange a financial asset, such as a bond or a share, for cash.
三、 句子英译汉(共30分,每小题3分)
21. 第二次世界大战之前,通过互相谈判降低关税的最成功的努力是美国的贸易协定计划,但是这一计划受其双边性质的限制。
22. 事实上,大张旗鼓地用金钱来促使人们加入某组织或留下来,这种做法所引起的激励机制上的问题,远比其所解决的问题要多。
23. 出口贸易常遇到许多风险。例如船舶可能沉没,货物可能在运输途中受损 ,外汇兑换率
《商务笔译》2015级商务英语专业 第3 页 共 3 页