通信系统中数字调制技术的研究与仿真 下载本文

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摘 要




关键词: MATLAB 调制解调 2ASK 2PSK 2FSK

Research and Simulation of Digital Modulation

Technology in Communication System

Major: communication engineering

Student: Qin Kai Supervisor: Tang Quan


In day-to-day life,communication is used to convey information. With the rapid development of digital systems,digital system for modem performance and the technical requirements of increasingly high.

At the same time,the development of computing technology,simulation of communication systems have become increasingly common,have gradually become the design and analysis of today's main tool for communication systems.

In chapter 1, this paper introduces the composition of the communication system, the use of MATLAB and Simulink module is established. The second chapter in-depth analysis of the 2 ASK, 2 PSK, 2 FSK of demodulation principle theory knowledge, be familiar with the theory, in the third chapter using MATLAB programming and Simulink simulation and research on them. This design mainly realizes 2 ASK, 2 PSK, 2 FSK demodulation process Simulink, and analyzes the performance of their differences. The last chapter of digital modulation and demodulation made a summary.

Key words: MATLAB modem 2ASK 2PSK 2FSK



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