初中英语短语动词归纳 下载本文

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在现代英语中, 某些动词后接副词或介词, 构成短语动词,产生新的意义,应根据语境判断其意义。有的短语动词相当于及物动词, 有的则相当于不及物动词。 (一) 动词 + 副词:

动词与副词紧密相连, 词义上相当于一个简单动词, 而且常常有新的词汇意义。如: bring up = educate 教育, 培养; find out = discover 发现, 理解; turn up = appear 出现; make out = understand。

(1)“及物动词+副词”相当于一个及物动词,可以接宾语,也可以用于被动语态。其宾语位置有以下两种情况: ① 当宾语是名词时, 可以放在动词与副词之间, 也可以置于短语动词之后,如: ① On reaching the city he called up my office.

② I'll call Mr Wang up the moment I arrive in New York.

② 当宾语是人称代词时,一般只能放在动词后面,即介于动词和副词之间。如: A) 4。

(2)“不及物动词+副词”相当于一个不及物动词,这种结构中的短语动词不能接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。如: ① The plane took off in spite of the rain.

② The war broke out in 1937 and lasted eight years.

(3) 动词 +across,around,by,down,in,inside,past,off,on,over,through,up,without

等, 既可以构成动介型短语动词, 也可构成动副型短语动词, 但动词与about,around,in,inside,down 多构成动介型短语动词。在动副型短语之间一般不可加副词, 而动介型短语动词之间一般可插入副词。如: ① I walked quickly past Betty without recognizing her.(past 为介词) ②You'd better think over my suggestion and then phone me.(over 为副词) 下列动副型短语动词后接宾语

call off 取消 blow up 炸毁 cut off切断 carry out 执行give away 暴露 find out 查明 hand in上交 give up 放弃 look up 查找 hand out 分发 make up构成 make out 认出point out 指出 pick up 拣起 put forward提出ring up 给……打电话set up建立 see off 为……送行 take off 脱下take in 吸收 下列短语动词后不接宾语

break down 出故障 come to苏醒 die away 逐渐消失give in 让步grow up长大 pass away 去世 look out 当心show off 炫耀run out 耗尽 turn up 出现 come out 开花,出版fall off 减少,脱落pull up停下 (二) 动词+介词:

部分介词 at,for,from,into,of,to,with 接在动词后构成动介型短语动词,

这类短语动词相当于及物动词, 其后可以接宾语,宾语只能位于介词之后。在被动语态中整个短语动词不能分割。如: ① The police were ordered to look into the truck accident immediately(look into 调查).

② In spite of his illness,he insisted on dealing with a variety of problems. (deal with 处理)。 常用的动介型短语有:

believe in 相信 attend to 关照 insist on 坚持 break through 冲破 come across 遇见 deal with 处

理 look after 照顾 look into 调查object to 反对 operate on 动手术 read of(about) 读到 dream of 梦到call on 访问 ask for 要求 care for 要求 hear of(about) 听说hope for希望 learn about 得知 pay for

付款 refer to 意指quarrel about(with) 争吵 rely on 依靠 speak about(on) 讲述 take to喜欢provide for 提供 add to增加 aim at瞄准 agree on(with/to) 同意call at访问(地方) (三) 动词 + 副词 + 介词:


add up to 加起来是 catch up with 赶上get along with 与……相处make up for 补偿 live up to不负于,实现 go on with 继续look forward to 盼望 get away with 逃避get through with 完成get down to 认真,从事 look down on(upon) 轻视break away from 脱离look out for 警惕 keep away from 避免keep up with 赶上 go in for 当心, 提防 get out of 离开, 脱离 (四) 动词 + 名词 + 介词:

这类短语动词相当于及物动词, 其后可以接宾语,一般都可以用于被动语态,这种短语动词中的名词有的可以有定语, 如 pay (no,much) attention to,常这样用的短语动词有:catch sight of 看见 draw one's attention to 吸引……注意 make fun of 取笑make use of 利用 take care of 照顾take part in 参加set fire on 放火 lose sight of 看不见 make friends with 与……交友put an end to 结束 take(catch,get) hold of 抓住take notice of 注意到 (五) 动词 + 介词(动介型短语动词)和动词 + 副词(动副型短语动词)中介词和副词的区分: (1)如果宾语只能放在短语动词之后, 是介词; 如果宾语可以置于短语动词之间, 是副词。

(2)如果短语动词中的动词是及物动词, 其后一般应是副词, 如果是不及物动词, 其后应是介词。 (3)这类短语动词后的 to 均为介词, 后接名词或动名词作宾语,而不能接动词不定式。如: look forward to 盼望 face up to 面对 come up to 达到,符合 stick to 坚持 等。 1.laugh at“嘲笑”。 2.throw … to “把……扔掷”; throw at 投掷。 3.keep up with “跟上”。 4.wake up“唤醒,叫醒”, 不能说 wake up her。 5.take off“起飞”,还有“脱掉;减掉”等意。 6. look through “看一遍,翻阅”。 7. come across “碰到”。 8.take pride in“为……感到自豪(骄傲)”, 与 be proud of 意思一致。 9.pick up“(用车)接”, 还有“拾起, 拿起;学会(非正规地); 接收(节目)”等意。 10.show off“表现自已,炫耀”。 11.pull up“(车子)停下”; come out“出来”;还有“开花; 出版”等意。 12.look for“寻找”。 13.catch sight of “看见, 发现, 意识到”, 还可用get,have 代替 catch。 14. take (get,catch)hold of “抓住,握住”。 15.set out“打算,试图,使(自己)尽力干”,其后可接不定式作宾语, set out “出发, 开始”等意。 16.stick to“坚持,坚守”, to 为介词。 17.up turn up“把(收音机等)音量开大一点”;还有“出席; 发生”等意。 18.send up“发射”。 19.wait on“侍候,照顾”。 20. take a day off “休假”。 1.run out of“用完(某物)”。 2. show you round。show sb.round(around)“带领某人参观”。 3.blame for “指责,归咎于”。 4.pay for“赔偿”。 5.give them back “归还,恢复”。 6.drove off“开走(车)”。 7.apologize to “向某人道歉”。 8.dreaming of“梦想,幻想”。

9.put off “延期,推迟”, 还有“关灯, 无电, 打消(疑点)”等意。 10.depends on“依靠,依赖,指望”。 11.got along “相处”,“进行,(生活)进展”。 12.goes on “(时间的)过去”。还有“继续前进, 继续干, 进行,发生”等意。 13.lead to“导致,引起”。 14.pointed him out point out “指出”。 15.died away“逐渐消失”。 C)根据下列句子和所给汉语注释,完成下列各句。

1.take up 占去(时间或空间)”,“选学(课程)”;“开始(某项活动或爱好);从事(某工作)”等意。 2.Hope for “希望,盼望”, 后接名词、动词不定式复合结构等。如: We hoped for Mary to come. 3.wrote back; looked forward to。write back“回信”;look forward to “盼望”。 4.put out “扑灭,使熄灭”, 还有“生产, 出版”等意。

5.wear out 除表示“穿破”外,还有“使疲惫不堪, 使虚弱,使衰老”等意。

6.hung up/rang off 除表示“挂上(听筒)”外, 还有“挂起来, 搁置,耽搁”之意。 7.held up “耽搁(误),使停顿(滞)”。

8.keep up with“跟上, 不落在后面,及时了解(情况)”。

9.put away 除表示“存起来”外, 还有“收拾起来, 放弃,打消”等意。 10.made up of be made up of “由……构成(组成)”。


add to增加,增进 add … to把…加进… add up相加 add up to总计,所有这一切说明

2. break away from打破,脱离,挣脱,改掉 break down出毛病,身体(精神)衰弱,分解,拆开 break off暂停,中断 break in强行进入,插话 break into闯入 break into pieces成为碎片 break out爆发 break up捣碎,驱散,瓦解,学期结束,拆散 break through突破

3. bring up抚养,呕吐,提出 bring about造成 bring out拿出,出版 bring in引入,引进,挣钱 bring back使回想起 bring down使下降,使倒下

4. call on号召,拜访(某人) call at拜访、参观(某地) call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要

call up使回忆起, 征召入伍 call in召集,请某人来 call out大喊,高叫 call off取消,不举行( in, for, at, out, off) 5. come about发生,出现come down下跌,落,降,传下来come in进来come into (sight/being/existence/use/notice/effect) come on来临/ 快点come out出版,结果是come along一道来,赶快come to达到 (an end/an agreement/a stop)苏醒,合计,总共是come over走过来come up发芽,走近come across偶然碰到come back回想起come from来自,源自 6. cut across抄近路cut down砍倒,削减cut off切断,割掉,断绝关系cut up连根拔除,切碎through剪断,凿穿 cut out删(省)掉,戒掉cut in插嘴

7. die of (disease/hunger/grief/old age)死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)die from死于(意外事故、情形) die away渐渐消逝die out绝种die down(炉火)渐熄die off逐一死去

8. fall behind落后fall over one's feet 跌跤fall down掉下,跌倒fall back撤退,后退

9. go in for从事,喜爱,参加go through通过,经受go over复习,检查go up(价格)上涨,建造起来go after追捕,追赶go against违反go ahead先行,开始吧,问吧,说吧go away离开go by时间过去go down下沉,降低,(日、月)


go on(with)继续进行go with相配,陪同go without没有,缺少go out外出,熄灭go all out全力以赴go off爆炸,进行,变坏,断电,停止供应go back on背约,食言go beyond超出

10. get down下来,记下,使沮丧get down to致力于,专心于get on进展,进步,穿上,上车get off脱下,下车 get in收集,插(话)get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假get over忘记,越过,克服,从疾病中恢复

get along with进展,相处get up起床get through打通电话,完成,通过get round消息传开get close to sth. 接近,几乎 get into (trouble)get to (know)get out

11. give away赠送,泄露,出卖give out发出,疲劳,分发,公布give off发出(光、热、气体)give in (to sb.) 屈服 give up放弃,让(座位)

12. hand in交上,提交hand out分发hand down流传,遗传 13. hang about闲逛hang up挂电话

14. hold back阻止,隐瞒hold up举起,使停顿hold on别挂电话,等,坚持hold out持续,坚持,伸出hold down控制,镇压

15. keep up (courage, English, spirits)保持,keep up with跟上keep off (grass)不接近,离开keep away from避开,不接近,离…远远的keep out ofkeep to (rules, promise)坚持,遵守keep on继续,坚持下来keep back阻止,留下,隐瞒,扣下 keep from克制,阻止

16. knock at/on敲knock into撞到某人身上knock down撞倒knock out of把…敲出knock over撞倒knock off停止工作,休息

17. leave for。 leave out删去,遗漏leave behind遗留,忘记拿走leave to留给,遗嘱赠于leave over遗留,剩下,延期 18. look up查找,向上看look through翻阅,浏览look on旁观look on…as看作look into调查look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找look out(for)当心look about / around/round四下查看look down upon瞧不起look back upon回忆,回顾 look ab. up and down仔细打量某人look ab in the face/eyes直视某人

19. make up编造,配制,打扮,组成make up for弥补make out弄懂,发现,看出,填写,开列(清单) make for走向,驶往,促使

20. pass away去世pass by经过pass down(on)…to传给pass through经历pass over漠视,忽视

21. pay back还钱,报复pay for付钱,为…受到惩罚,因…得到报应pay off还清(for, back, back, for, off)

22. pick up拾起,获得(information),接人,站起,收听,自然习得(language/knowledge),恢复重获(pick up health) pick out挑选,辨认,看出pick cotton/flower/leaves/words选词

23. put up搭起,张贴,举起,安装,投宿,安排住下put up with忍受put out伸出,扑灭put off推迟put into放进,翻译put away放好,存钱put down记下,平息put on穿戴,上映,增加(put on weight/speed)put forward 提出,提前 put through 接通电话put aside放到一边put back放回 24. pull down拆掉,推翻 pull on匆匆穿上 / off 脱

pull in进站 pull out取出,(火车)离站pull down往下拉,拆毁 pull over驶到一边pull through恢复健康,渡过难关,脱离险境 pull up(使)停住

25. push over推倒,刮倒push ahead(on, forward)继续前进,坚持下去push through努力设法通过,挤过

26. run across偶然碰到 run after追逐,追捕run away逃跑 run for竞选run into偶然碰到(困难)遇见(人),相撞 run out of用完

27. see off送行see through看透,识破see to照料,照管

28. send for派人去请send off送行send out发出(光亮)等send up发射

29. set up建立set off出发,触发,引起set out动身,着手(to do),陈述set about开始着手(doing)set to work(n.)开始做 set back拨回,使推迟

30. take off脱掉,起飞 take on呈现 雇佣take away拿走 take in吸收,领会take up从事,占用(时间空间)

take down记录,取下 take back收回take for误认为 take along随身带take over接管 take out。take charge of负责, take sth. for granted想当然, take hold of抓住, take

pride in以…为自豪, take the place of, 代替take turns to do轮流做, take office就职

31. think of想起 think of…as把…看作think out想出 think up想出think about考虑 think over仔细考虑think well of sb. 对某人看法好

32. turn off / on打开turn over翻身,反复考虑,翻(书页),翻转turn out证明为,结果,制造成品turn to转向,求助 turn down调低,拒绝turn against变得敌视,反对turn away打发走,驱逐,转过脸去turn back返回,转回去 turn round转过身来turn up向上翻,露面,出现,音量调大turn in上缴turn upside down把倒置,弄得乱七八糟