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成绩单 您的得分:155 分 问卷满分:200 分 答对题数:31 题 测试题数:40 题


1. mendacity 分值:5

您的回答为:lacking of honesty 2. measured 分值:5

您的回答为:required by a law or rule 正确答案为:done with thought and care 3. marked 分值:5

您的回答为:very noticeable 4. maudlin 分值:5

您的回答为:weakly and effusively sentimental 5. maverick 分值:5

您的回答为:a person who refuses to follow the customs or rules of a group 分:5) 6. mercurial 分值:5

您的回答为:changing often 7. meticulous 分值:5

您的回答为:very careful about doing something in a extremely accurate and exact way (得分:5) 8. mockery 分值:5

您的回答为:insulting or contemptuous action or speech: derision





(得分:5) (得分:5)

9. mollify 分值:5

您的回答为:to make (someone) less angry 10. momentary 分值:5

您的回答为:lasting a very short time 11. mutable 分值:5

您的回答为:able or likely to change often 12. nascent 分值:5

您的回答为:beginning to exist 13. nebulous 分值:5

您的回答为:not clear 14. nonconformist 分值:5

您的回答为:secret or dishonest behavior or activity

正确答案为:a person who does not behave the way most people behave 15. numinous 分值:5

您的回答为:having a mysterious, holy, or spiritual quality 16. obeisance 分值:5

您的回答为:respect for someone or something 17. obsequious 分值:5

您的回答为:too eager to help or obey someone important 18. obviate 分值:5

您的回答为:to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way

正确答案为:to make (something) no longer necessary 19. ominous 分值:5






(得分:5) (得分:5)


您的回答为:suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future 分:5) 20. onset 分值:5

您的回答为:the beginning of something 21. panacea 分值:5

您的回答为:something that will make everything about a situation better 分:5) 22. parity 分值:5

您的回答为:the quality or state of being equal or equivalent 23. parsimonious 分值:5

您的回答为:very unwilling to spend money 24. paucity 分值:5

您的回答为:a small amount of something 25. pecuniary 分值:5

您的回答为:of or relating to money 26. pellucid 分值:5

您的回答为:very clear 27. perilous 分值:5

您的回答为:full of danger 28. perpetuate 分值:5

您的回答为:to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely 29. ponder 分值:5

您的回答为:to think about or conducer (something) carefully 30. precarious 分值:5


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