新视野大学英语第三版第二册长篇阅读翻译 下载本文

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Butterflies are very sensitive to weather and climate, making them useful indicators of how other wildlife species may respond to global warming. Butterfly species in Europe and North America have shifted their ranges northward as average temperatures have risen throughout the latter half of the 20th century, and populations of some species—like the Edith's checkerspot in the western US—are more likely to become extinct in the southern part of their range and at lower elevations. Scientists also project that increasing cool-weather rain and snow in the winter habitat for eastern migratory North American monarch butterflies will become inadequate for the species' survival.

蝴蝶对天气和气候非常敏感,使它们的有用指标其他野生物种可能如何应对全球变暖。蝴蝶物种在欧洲和北美已经改变了他们的范围向北的平均气温上升了整个20世纪的下半叶,和人口的一些物种如伊迪丝的checkerspot在西方我们更容易灭绝在南部范围和在海拔较低地区的一部分。科学家还计划增加冷天气在冬天雨雪栖息地迁徙北美东部黑脉金斑蝶的不足将成为物种的生存。 H H

Scientists recently concluded that within the next 50 years, as many as one-third of all wildlife species in some regions of the world could be headed toward extinction due to global warming. Without open spaces, wetlands and protected corridors that allow wildlife to adapt and move in response to global warming, many species will simply disappear.

科学家最近得出结论,在未来50年里,多达三分之一的野生动物物种在世界的一些地区可能会因全球变暖而走向灭绝。没有开放空间,湿地和保护走廊,让野生动物适应和应对全球变暖,许多物种将消失。 I

There are some things you can do starting today: Check your attic or basement to make sure your home is well-insulated (绝缘良好); test windows and doors for air leaks; and look for holes or cracks in walls that may be letting air into or out of your home; change or clean your furnace and air conditioner filters regularly to keep heating and cooling systems running efficiently; set your water heater to a lower setting or call a service person to adjust it for you; recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, paper, cardboard and newspapers, which will reduce the energy needed to make new products; regularly check your car's tire pressure—poorly inflated tires waste gas and cause extra pollution. Better yet, carpool (拼车) or take mass transportation whenever possible.


1. Butterflies have to change their habitat for the rise of temperature on the earth.


2. The stream flows can be reduced if rain and snow patterns change, snowpack decreases and snow melts earlier.


3. Carbon dioxide and some other unhealthy gases were produced at the highest amount since the Industrial Revolution.


4. The decrease of open spaces and wetlands is one of the major reasons for the extinction of many species.


5. With regard to global warming, you can do some things from now, for example, take mass transportation if it is possible.


6. Some salmon populations tend to shrink owing to the rising sea surface temperatures and the decreasing nutritious waters.


7. The shrinking of many kinds of water birds is caused by the decrease of lakes and ponds. 7所示。各种水鸟的萎缩是减少造成的湖泊和池塘。

8. The rise of the temperature of the earth in the present century will be sharper than that in the last century.


9. The decrease of whitebark pine seeds, an important food source for grizzly bears, would endangered grizzly bears if they cannot find alternative food sources in their living areas. 9。的减少就种子,灰熊的重要食物来源,濒危的灰熊如果他们不能找到替代生活地区的食物来源。

10. The temperature change on the earth is closely linked with the global warming pollution.


The ocean has issues: Problems facing our seas, and how to fix them 海洋的问题:我们的海洋面临的问题,以及如何修复它们 A


The oceans are among our biggest resources for life on earth, and also our biggest dumping grounds. That kind of paradox (似是而非) could give anyone an identity crisis. We seem to think we can take all the goodies out and put all our garbage in, and then expect them to keep happily ticking away indefinitely. However, while it's true the oceans can provide us with some amazing eco-solutions like alternative energy, they're undergoing some serious stress factors. Here are the biggest problems, plus some light at the end of the tunnel. 海洋是地球上的生命我们最大的资源之一,也是我们最大的垃圾场。这种悖论(似是而非)可以给任何人一个身份危机。我们似乎认为我们可以把所有的东西,把所有的垃圾,然后希望他们继续无限期地滴答滴答。然而,尽管这是真的海洋可以给我们提供一些神奇的生态解决方案替代能源,他们接受一些严重的压力因素。这是最大的问题,加上隧道尽头的光。 B B

Overfishing is having some serious impacts on our oceans. Not only does it work toward wiping out a species, but also the other species of marine animals that are dependent upon those fish for survival. It's been shown that overfishing can cause marine animals to starve, since we're taking food from their mouths in too large numbers for them to be able to get their fill. It is also estimated that most seas already need long-term fishing bans if certain species are to recover at all. Reasons for overfishing are obvious in some ways, in that there are a lot of people who like to eat a lot of fish. The more fish, the more money for the fishermen. However, there are other elements at work that promote overfishing that are less obvious, such as promoting the health benefits of one fish over another, or the health benefits of fish oils.

对我们的海洋过度捕捞是有严重的影响。它不仅努力消灭一个物种,而且其他物种的海洋动物的生存依赖于这些鱼。已经表明,过度捕捞会导致海洋动物饿死,因为我们把食物从嘴太大量了他们能够得到填补。也估计大多数海洋已经需要长期捕鱼禁令如果某些物种恢复。过度捕捞的原因是很明显的在某种程度上,在那有很多的人喜欢吃很多鱼。更多的鱼,渔民的更多的钱。然而,还有在工作中其他元素,促进不明显的过度捕捞,如促进健康的好处在另一条鱼,或鱼油对健康的好处。 C C

Overfishing is an issue that extends beyond familiar species like bluefin tuna and orange roughy. It's also a serious issue with sharks. Sharks are killed in the tens of millions each year, mainly for their fins. It is a common practice to catch sharks, cut off their fins, and toss them back into the ocean where they are left to die. The fins are sold as an ingredient for soup. And the waste is extraordinary. Sharks are top-of-the-food-chain predators (捕食者), which means their reproduction rate is slow. Their numbers don't bounce back easily from overfishing. On top of

that, their predator status also helps regulate the numbers of other species. When a major predator is taken out of the loop (环,圈), it's usually the case that species lower on the food chain start to overpopulate their habitat, creating a destructive downward spiral of the ecosystem.

过度捕捞是一个问题,超越了熟悉的物种如蓝鳍金枪鱼和罗非鱼。这也是一个严重的问题与鲨鱼。鲨鱼是死于每年数千万,主要因为它们的鱼鳍。这是一种常见的做法捕捉鲨鱼,切断他们的鳍,扔回海里,它们死亡。鳍是作为汤的原料销售。浪费是非同寻常的。鲨鱼是食物链顶端食肉动物(捕食者),这意味着他们的繁殖率是缓慢的。它们的数量不反弹容易过度捕捞。最重要的是,他们的捕食者的地位也有助于调节其他物种的数量。主要捕食者时的循环(环圈),通常情况下,物种低食物链开始它们的栖息地多多,创造一个生态系统的破坏性的恶性循环。 D D

Ocean acidification (酸化) is no small issue. The basic science behind acidification is that the ocean absorbs CO2 through natural processes; but at the rate at which we're pumping it into the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels, the ocean's pH balance is dropping to the point where life within the ocean is having trouble coping. \the history of the earth and if you look at the pCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide) levels we have reached now, you have to go back 35 million years in time to find the equivalents,\Bijma, chair of the EuroCLIMATE programme Scientific Committee and a biogeochemist at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute in Bremerhaven.

海洋酸化(酸化)是一个不小的问题。背后的基本科学酸化是海洋吸收二氧化碳通过自然过程;但在我们泵的速度通过燃烧化石燃料向大气,海洋pH值平衡正在下降,生活在海洋是难以应对。“海洋酸化是地球历史上比以往任何时候都更迅速,如果你看看二氧化碳分压(二氧化碳的分压)我们现在已经达到水平,你必须回到3500万年的时间来寻找等价物,“说Jelle Bijma EuroCLIMATE计划科学委员会主席和生化学家阿尔弗雷德韦格纳研究所不莱梅哈芬。 E E

Keeping the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) healthy is another major buzz topic right now. A focus on how to protect the coral reefs is important considering coral reefs support a huge amount of small sea life, which in turn supports both larger sea life and people, not only for immediate food needs but also economically. Global warming is a primary cause of coral bleaching, but there are other causes as well. Science is working on ways, but it also is a matter of setting aside marine conservation areas. Figuring out ways to protect this \support system\is a must for the overall health of the oceans.



Dead zones are swaths of ocean that don't support life due to a lack of oxygen, and global warming is a prime suspect for what's behind the shifts in ocean behavior that cause dead zones. The number of dead zones is growing at an alarming rate, with over 400 known to exist, and the number is expected to grow. Dead zone research underscores the interconnectedness of our planet. It appears that crop biodiversity on land could help prevent dead zones in the ocean by reducing or eliminating the use of fertilizers and pesticides that run off into the open ocean and are part of the cause of dead zones. Knowing what we dump into the oceans is important in being aware of our role in creating areas of lifelessness in an ecosystem upon which we depend. 死区是大片的海域不支持生命由于缺乏氧气,和全球变暖是一个海洋的变化背后的首要嫌疑人的行为导致死亡地带。死亡区域的数量正以惊人的速度增长,拥有超过400种已知存在,数量预计将增长。死区研究强调了我们星球的互联性。看来作物生物多样性在陆地上可以帮助防止海洋死区通过减少或消除使用化肥和农药,跑到公海和死区是事业的一部分。知道我们转储到海洋是重要的意识到我们的角色在创建领域的枯燥无味)对我们赖以生存的生态系统。 G G

Pollution is running rampant (猖獗的) in the oceans but one of the scariest pollutants is mercury because, well, it ends up on the dinner table. The worst part is mercury levels in the oceans are predicted to rise. So where does the mercury come from? You can probably guess. Mainly coal plants. In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency, coal-fired power plants are the largest industrial source of mercury pollution in the country. And, mercury has already contaminated water bodies in all 50 states, let alone our oceans. The mercury is absorbed by organisms on the bottom of the food chain and as bigger fish eat bigger fish, it works its way back up the food chain right to us, most notably in the form of tuna.

污染是运行猖獗(猖獗的)海洋但最可怕的是汞污染物之一,因为它最终在餐桌上。最糟糕的是海洋的汞含量预测上升。水银是从哪里来的呢?你大概可以猜测。主要是燃煤电厂。事实上,根据美国环境保护署,燃煤电厂是最大的工业汞污染的来源。水星已经受污染的水体,在所有50个州,更不用说我们的海洋。汞吸收生物食物链底部的更大的鱼吃更大的鱼,它食物链回归正确的对我们来说,最明显的形式的金枪鱼。 H H

Of course, good old-fashioned conservation efforts will help us out. It's true that conservation efforts are lagging, but that doesn't mean they're non-existent. Records are even being set for how much marine area is being conserved. It's all just a head nod if we don't implement and enforce the regulations we create, and get even more creative with them. But when we look at what can happen for our oceans when conservation efforts are taken to the max, it's well worth the energy.
