基于PHP开源框架的网站设计与开发毕业设计 下载本文

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昆 明 学 院


设计(论文)题目 基于PHP开源框架的网站设计与开发

子课题题目 基于CMS的文学网站与开发

姓 名 李玉良 学 号 20091103105 所 属 系 信息技术学院 专业年级 09级 电子商务 指导教师 朱军老师

2012 年 5 月


摘 要

网络的日益发展,使动态网站的开发和管理倍受人们的关注。在这里,介绍了基于PHP框架dedeCMS网站系统的开发,剖析了dedecms使用过程中的优势,展现了整个后台的制作流程。为了方便开发,选用了CI框架,该框架可以实现简单入门、快速开发等。利用以上技术实现了一个小型CMS系统,该系统后台的主要功能有:文章管理、分类管理、静态页面生成、用户管理及系统管理。本系统采用PHP开发语言,采用MySQL做为数据库支持。实现后台管理、会员管理等功能。强大的后台管理功能模块,使网站管理人员只需要进行添加、修改、删除等操作即可实现网站的同步更新。通过会员管理功能,可以限制不同用户的观看权限。织梦网站的开发,是更多的公司之间联系更加的方便,交流的平台更加的广泛,是社会的竞争力更强,人们的工作积极性越来越高。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 新的技术总是带来新的机遇。企业迫切需要充分利用网路,加速培养自身的学习能力,捕捉市场变化的机遇,积极吸取新知识并制定相应的战略,重组资源,调整自己的行动。这样企业才能应变灵活,不断提高竞争优势聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。

关键字 :dedecms ;php开源程序 ;开源插件 ;网站的设计




he increasing development of the network, so that the dynamic website development and management has become the focus of attention. Here, introduces the PHP framework based on the dedeCMS website system development, analyzes the advantage of in the course of using dedecms, shows the whole production process. In order to facilitate the development, use the CI framework, the framework can realize simple entry, rapid development. Using the above technology to achieve a small CMS system, the system background of the main functions are: article management, classified management, static page generation, user management and system management. The system uses PHP development language, using MySQL as database support. Realize the background of management, membership management and other functions. Strong background management function module, so that the site management personnel only need to add, modify, delete operation can realize the synchronous update site. By members of management functions, can be restricted to different user viewing privileges. Dede website development, is more of a link between more convenient, communication platform is more extensive, more competitive society, people's enthusiasm for work is more and more high.残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。 New technology always brings new opportunities. The enterprise is an urgent need to make full use of the Internet, to accelerate the cultivation of their own ability to learn, to capture changes in the market opportunities, and actively absorb new knowledge and to develop appropriate strategies, the reorganization of resources, adjust their actions. Such enterprises can strain flexible, constantly improve the competition advantage酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。

Keywords: dedecms; PHP open source; source plug; website designompetition advantage 彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。
