新标准大学英语视听说教程4 - 听力原文 下载本文

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speak, because they did not have their own financial support. Therefore, our generation of women must work to be financially independent. The growth in the number of women who work has caused the typical South Korean household to change. For example, there are more women living alone. This is because they can make their own money rather than depend on a man to support them. There has also been a rapid rise in the number of families in which both parents work. Married women increasingly want to participate in society but they need to balance family life and work. After marriage, we all struggle with how to take care of our children and work. The introduction of day care centers at some work places, such as the Chohung bank, has helped to make it possible for mothers to work. Whilst these women are at work, their children are in the day care center. There they are usually very well looked after, receiving a balanced diet, playing lots of games and doing plenty of exercise. Day care centers are increasingly popular all across the world because they enable parents to work. Women employees at Chohung Bank find it a big help, although the system is far from perfect. So far, my children have been well taken care of by our day care center. However, it will be difficult when my children go to elementary school because I often have to work late. Who will take care of them? Our family recently decided to live together with our grandparents who might be able to take care of my children. Mothers also face other problems when they go to work. Women have traditionally been responsible for raising their children and often feel a strong sense of guilt when they put their children into day care. Some worry that it will have a negative impact on their children and that they may fail as a parent. On top of this, South Korean women often end up being less well paid than men with the same education. Korean women‘s status in the labor market has not been much improved in spite of a continuing rise in their presence in the labor force and the level of their education. The majority of working women are still crowded in low wage and low status jobs many of which are found in the secondary market. So there are still lots of issues facing women going to work--- they are still having to choose between their families and their careers. What can be done to ensure that women are rewarded for their valuable contribution to the working world?

Sector 部门,行业,领域 Aspiration 志向,抱负 Whilst 在……时,虽然

Counterpart 植物相当的人,职能相当的物 Guilt 负罪感,内疚,自责 Presence 存在,在场,出席

Listening in

Presenter: Has feminism(女权主义,男女平等主义) gone too far in the way men are shown in

advertisements? Do you think there are too many ads now in which men are shown as stupid or weak?

Speaker 1: Definitely, yes. I can think of three ads right now where men are shown as stupid.

The one that annoys me most is the one where this guy is doing this DIY job and he‘s no good at it. And his girlfriend is standing by waiting to do the job herself. Fine, if it was one ad, but it‘s not, it‘s a whole attitude now to men. It‘s not good for us, it‘s not good for women either.

Speaker 2: Um, well, yes, I do feel that feminism has gone too far. I mean, great, women have

made a lot of progress in the last 40 years, but it shouldn‘t mean we treat men as inferior(等级或地位) 低等的,次要的), which is what we see in quite a few ads these days. So no, I don‘t really like the way men are portrayed in advertisements.

Speaker 3: Has feminism gone too far in advertisements? No way! Feminism has only just

begun, there‘s no real equality of pay in this country, and men still have all the top jobs. Women continue to be shown as objects in ads rather than as real people, and until that stops I really don‘t think we can say that feminism has gone too far. I agree that in advertisements these days men aren‘t always shown as super-masculine, but that‘s good and much nearer the truth.

Speaker4:Ads are about selling and I guess selling the idea that men are weak makes people

laugh. And if people laugh at an ad they are more likely to remember it and therefore more likely to buy the product. But on the whole, I‘d disagree; I think men are still shown driving expensive cars and working, you know-looking powerful. Then coming home to their wives who look after children.

Speaker5: Well I find the way men are shown in ads annoying. There‘s that one where this

woman is angry with her partner for his choice of car insurance. The idea is that she‘s smart and he‘s dumb(笨的,愚蠢).

Speaker6: I‘ve never really thought about it, I think it‘s just to make people laugh, isn‘t, to show

the guy as a bit of an idiot and the woman as the boss. It‘s just a joke. I don‘t really know much about feminism. I don‘t think so, no.

Unit 6 Outside view


J-Joe S-Sarah Li-Janet A-Andy

J:I think this is my favourite view in the whole of London.Big Ben is really a important part of the life of the country.

A:It's well worth a visit.

Li:So are you saying that you can go up Big Ben?

A:Sure, I went up when I was a kid.I can highly recommend(极力推荐) it. J;That would be a great idea for the website.Do a report on a visit to the House of Parliament and Big Ben.

Li:So you mean that I can just go to the entrance and ask to go up the tower?

A:Well, I'm not too sure,actually.But I can try and find out.Come to think of it,I'm pretty sure you need to get permission from your Member of Parliament.

J;Ah,you and I don't have one,because we aren't UK residents.So I guess that means we can't go up Big Ben

A; I don't really know,to be honest.But it is also well worth taking a tour around the House of Parliament .

Li:So, what you are saying is that visitorslike myself can go into the most important government building in the country?Well, I'd love to do that.

A; I think they do tours in the summer.But there is a trick question:can you actully see Big Ben from here?

J:I haven't a clue(我没有一点思绪). Li:Well...yes.That's it up there, isn't it?

A:Wrong,in fact, Big Ben is the name of the bell, and not the clock tower J;I had no idea.

A;So if you can do tours round Big Ben and the House of Parliament, why don't we put something about it on the websites?

J:Fine by me,you OK to do the research?

A:No problem.But can we get somone from the House of Parliament to update us?

J;Sure, actually I know someone who works there, I will give her a call now and see if she can meet us at lunch time.

Conversation 2 J:Hi,Sarah S;Hi, guys

J:Thanks for coming

A:So can you tell us what you know about the House of Parliament ? S:Sure

J:So tell us about Big Ben

S:Big Ben is widely believed to be the clock tower, but in fact it is the bell at the top A:And when was the tower built S:In 1859

J:And how old are the House of Parliament? S:They are completed in 1850

J:So none of these building we can see are really old?

S:No,that's not what I'm trying to say. Er, the oldest part of the ancient Palace of Weatminster is Weatminster Hall,which dates back to the 11th century.Er, it would appear that it was used for entertaining and as a court room.

A:So how did the system of Parliament we know now first start

S: It seems that over hundreds of years Parliament we know has developed into two houses-the House of Lords and the House of Commons with elected representatives from all over the country

Li:And they are what you call MPs?

S:Yes,there is little doubt that they were the first MPs although not everyone had the right to bote in these days.

Li:So who is more powerful, the King, the Queen, or the prime minster ?

S:Well, it is widely though that the king or queen has more powerful.But it's the government which is elected by the people and the prime minster is the leader of the government.So he or she is considered to be the most powerful person in the country

Li:That's fascinating!But what's even more amazing is how old is the House of Parliament are? A:Two large houses, one palace, one hall.I wonder if there 's a spare room Li:What do you mean ?

A:Well, I was annoyed to be told that I have to move out of my flat.I was even more furiour to

learn that I have to leave by next month Li:So what will you do

A:Search me!I would do with a royal palace to live in.

Outside view

In England no town is more than 170 kilometres from the sea.So there is no surprise that Britain has a very important history ships and the seas.The British Navy was the biggest navy in the world at one time.Now it's smaller, but many other ships are still used for importing and exporting goods and for taking people on business or holiday.In Liverpool there is a great museum of maritime(航海的) history.It's got several ships in the docks outside.Inside it shows what it was like to be on some of the ships.Ships like this one——the Cutty Sark at Greenwich in London—brought tea from India to Britain.It was a very profitable trade and made may people very rich.The ships used only sails and achieved very high speeds.Young men had to climb the rigging(帆具,索具) to put up the sails.It was very dangerous.Between 1830 and 1930, more than nine million people from all over Europe left from the port of Liverpolol to start a new life in America or Australia.In the early of 20th century, there were large numbers of very elegant passengers.They crossed the Atlantic from Liverpool or Southampton to New York in five or six days.The most famous ship was probably the Titanic.It sank in 1912 and over 1500 people drowned.It was the worst disaster in maritime history.You probably know about it from one of the most expensive films ever made—Titanic!One of the most famous shipping companies is Cunard.It's got the world's biggest cruise ship, the Queen Marry2 which crosses the Atlantic from Southampton to New York.It still takes five or six days but some people prefer that to five or six hours in an aeroplane.The majority of people do travel around the world by plane, but ships are still very important for moving goods.These metal boxes, or containers, are packed with clothes,television sets,computers,furniture and toys. Here at the Southampton Container Terminal, they unload more than one and a half million containers each year.So the sea still play a very important part in life in Britain.

Listening in


Just as Chinese children learn about the emperors of China, English children learn about England's history through its kings and queens.There have been many more kings than queens but one of the greatest and most loved rulers of England was a woman.Queen Elizabeth I.During her reign(统治) in the second half of the 16th century Elizabeth made Englang rich from international trade and also defeated one of the most frightening invasions England ever faced. Elizabeth's father,King Henry VII, had six wives—he divorced two of them and executed(处死) two. Elizabth's mother,Queen Anne Boleyn, was Henry's second wife and one of those whom he executed,when Elizabeth was three years old.

Elizabeth,who was born in 1553,was very intelligent, talented ,and, usually for a woman, received an excellent education. However,for much of her early life she was afraid that she would be executed like her mother.But after the death of her half-brother and half-sister, she became

Queen in 1558 at the age of 25.All the rulers of Europe wanted to marry her and Elizabeth advisors also wanted her to marry and have a son.But Elizabeth never did,because she was afraid a husband would try to control her.

One of Elizabeth 's greatest problems was her cousin, Marry ,Queen of Scots.Marry believed she should have been ruler of England.Believing that her cousin was a danger to her as long as she remained alive.Elizabeth imprisoned(关押,监禁) Marry in 1568 and finally executed her in 1587.

The King of Spain, Philip II, had once wanted to marry Elizabeth but the two countries then became enemies.Marry, Queen of Scots shared the same religion as Philip, and her death gave the King an excuse to go to war with England.At the same time Spain was the most powerful country in Europe and in 1558 Philip assembled a huge navy called the Spainish Armada. It sailed for England with the intention of invading it.Queen Elizabeth made a famous speech to her soldiers, in which she said:\a weak and feeble(虚弱的,无力的) woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king,and of a King of England too.\Armada was defeated.

By the time she died in 1603.Elizabeth was ruler of one of the most powerful and richest countries in the world.

Passage 2

P=Presenter R=Rebecca

P :Natural disasters happen everywhere in the world and one of the most famous natural disaster is the volcano eruption that destroyed Pompeii, a town in the south of Italy,almost 2000years ago.I'm here now,on the streets of Pompeii and with me is Rebecca Young, a guide to the town.She's going to tell me more about what happened on that terrible day.So,what did happen,Rebecca? Rebecca:Well—turn around—what do you see?

P: A mountain, a smoking mountain, it must be the volcano, Vesuvius.So is it still active?

R:Yes, it could erupted again.And almost 2000years ago on August 24th in AD 79, that volcano suddenly erupted.People weren't expecting it,they were just doing what they normally do, walking through the streets,buying food at the market.And suddenly, there was this terrible noise and huge rocks and hot ash started raining down on the town.Lava(熔岩) was pouring down the mountain and—people where the stood.Look over there.What do you see?

P:A man and woman,lying with their arms around each other.And what's this man doing with his hands?Is he praying or something? R:Yes, he was praying.

P:They look so real!How long did the eruption last?

R:Two days.And by the time it had finished,the city had completely disappeared,buried by ten metres of ash.And everyone forgot about it P:So when was it discovered again?

R:Not until 1748.People started excavating(发掘,挖掘古物) and they found Pompeii again.The ash have preserved it and everything was exactly as it was on that day in AD79.There was a forum, four public baths,26 public fountains... P:Twenty-six public fountains? R:Yes!Two theatres a hotel... P:A hotel?