论公共管理中的公民参与毕业论文 下载本文

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毕 业 论 文


专 业: 行 政 管 理 层 次: 本科 年 级: 14秋行管本科 学 校: 汉中分校

完成时间: 2017年9月25日




目 录

开题报告............................................................ 1 摘 要.............................................................. 3 Abstract............................................................ 4 1、相关理论......................................................... 5

1.1公民参与基本概念............................................. 5 1.2公民参与在公共管理中的作用................................... 5

1.2.1减轻政府改革压力、提高政府支持率 ....................... 5 1.2.2降低矛盾冲突,遏制灰色利益 ............................. 5 1.2.2规范政治制度,导引政治文化 ............................. 6

2、我国公民参与公共管理过程中出现的问题............................. 6

2.1公民参与意识不强............................................. 6 2.2公民参与的途径不通畅......................................... 7 2.3公民利益表达后得不到重视..................................... 7 3、公共管理中的公民参与问题解决措施................................. 8

3.1培养公民的参与意识........................................... 8

3.1.1培养公民的“当家做主”的意识 ........................... 8 3.1.2培养公民主动参与的意识 ................................. 8 3.1.3确立公民民主观念的意识 ................................. 8 3.1.4培养公民社会责任的意识 ................................. 9 3.2加强公民参与的外部渠道建设................................... 9 3.3完善政府政务公开制度......................................... 9

3.3.1政务公开制度要积极推行 ................................ 10 3.3.2例行新闻发布要尽快健全 ................................ 10 3.3.3政务公开评议制度尽快健全 .............................. 10 3.3.4政务公开责任制度尽快健全 .............................. 10

四、总结........................................................... 11 致 谢.............................................................. 12 参考文献........................................................... 13




(中央广播电视大学 陕西 汉中 723000)

摘 要



关键词:公共管理 公民 参与


On citizen participation in public administration


(The Open University of China Shaanxi Hanzhoung 723000)


With the rise of the Internet, the tide of globalization has swept, which is accompanied by a public management movement into the government and citizen's vision. And the public management mode must be objective, and in practice continue to accumulate. In the time of public management, also put forward a series of requirements, improve the efficiency of, ensure the quality, to expand benefits. Which is, citizens to participate in the public management. Further, this is an important content of democratic politics development, it can improve the efficiency of public management, but also makes the public sector can, on their own responsibility, and have a more good governance Means to awesome. Therefore, citizen participation in public administration is going forward will by way.

In this paper, the angle of citizen participation, based on the related theory of support, focusing on the analysis of China's current status of citizen participation in public management, further refined from the current public management problems of citizen participation in our country, thus further improving measures are put forward and improved. Countermeasures and suggestions of public management orderly participate in the improvement of our citizens.

Key Words:public management; citizen participation;