ANSI B92.1-1970(R1993) SAE美国渐开线花键-中文翻译完整版0429 下载本文

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Lead Variations: The lead tolerance for the total spline length applies also to any portion thereof unless otherwise specified.


Out of Roundness: This condition may appear merely as a result of index and profile variations given in Table 4 and requires no further allowance. However, heat treatment and deflection of thin sections may cause out of roundness, which increases index and profile variations. Tolerances for such conditions depend on many variables and are therefore not tabulated. Additional tooth and/or space width tolerance must allow for such conditions.

圆度(偏差):(理论上)仅仅由于表4中规定的齿距偏差和齿形偏差引起。但是,热处理和薄壁零也会产生圆度(偏差),从而增大齿距偏差和齿形偏差。这种公差大小涉及到多种因素,无法一一指明。弧齿槽宽和弧齿厚必须允许这种变化量。 译注D1:工艺编制时,应着重考虑热处理对弧齿槽宽和弧齿厚的影响。

Eccentricity: Eccentricity of major and minor diameters in relation to the effective diameter of side fit splines should not cause contact beyond the form diameters of the mating splines, even under conditions of maximum effective clearance. This standard does not establish specific tolerances.


Eccentricity of major diameters in relation to the effective diameters of major diameter fit splines should be absorbed within the maximum material limits established by the tolerances on major diameter and effective space width or effective tooth thickness.



If the alignment of mating splines is affected by eccentricity of locating surfaces relative to each other and/or the splines, it may be necessary to decrease the effective and actual tooth thickness of the external splines in order to maintain the desired fit condition. This standard does not include allowances for eccentric location.


Effect of Spline Variations.— Spline variations can be classified as index variations, profile variations, or lead variations.


Index Variations: These variations cause the clearance to vary from one set of mating tooth sides to another. Because the fit depends on the areas with minimum clearance, index variations reduce the effective clearance.


译注D3:“Index Variations”在《ISO 4156》中也称为“Pitch Deviation”。

Profile Variations: Positive profile variations affect the fit by reducing effective clearance. Negative profile variations do not affect the fit but reduce the contact area.


Lead Variations: These variations will cause clearance variations and therefore reduce the effective clearance.


Variation Allowance: The effect of individual spline variations on the fit (effective variation) is less than their total, because areas of more than minimum clearance can be altered without changing the fit. The variation allowance is 60 percent of the sum of twice the positive profile variation, the total index variation and the lead variation for the length of engagement. The variation allowances in Table 4 are based on a lead variation for an assumed length of engagement equal to one-half the pitch diameter. Adjustment may be required for a greater length of engagement. 综合公差(允许值):单个花键对配合的影响(作用偏差)小于它们的总和。在不改变配合的情况下,(由于总和的影响)这些大于最小间隙的接触区域也会发生改变。在配合长度上,综合公差等于“齿形偏差、总齿距偏差和齿向偏差之和”两倍的60%。表4中的值,是按花键配合长度为其节圆直径一半的齿向公差来计算的。若长度不同,必要时可调整λ。 译注D4:关于“Variation Allowance”,在《ISO 4156》中,9.2更为合理和容易理解。本标准中定义的公式与美国米制公式《B92.2M》不同。

Effective and Actual Dimensions.— Although each space of an internal spline may have the same width as each tooth of a perfect mating external spline, the two may not fit because of variations of index and profile in the internal spline. To allow the perfect external spline to fit in any position, all spaces of the internal spline must then be widened by the amount of interference. The resulting width of these tooth spaces is the actual space width of the internal spline. The effective space width is the tooth thickness of the perfect mating external spline. The same reasoning applied to an external spline that has variations of index and profile when mated with a perfect internal spline leads to the concept of effective tooth thickness, which exceeds the actual tooth thickness by the amount of the effective variation.


The effective space width of the internal spline minus the effective tooth thickness of the external spline is the effective clearance and defines the fit of the mating parts. (This statement is strictly true only if high points of mating parts come into contact.) Positive effective clearance represents looseness or backlash. Negative effective clearance represents tightness or interference.


Space Width and Tooth Thickness Limits.— The variation of actual space width and actual tooth thickness within the machining tolerance causes corresponding variations of effective dimensions, so that there are four limit dimensions for each component part. These variations are shown diagrammatically in Table 5.

弧齿槽宽和弧齿厚的极限—由制造时产生的实际弧齿槽宽和实际弧齿厚,由于各种偏差就产生了作用偏差尺寸。所以对每个配合零件,共有四种极限尺寸。 各种偏差见表5。


Table 5. Specification Guide for Space Width and Tooth Thickness

ANSI B92.1-1970, R1993


Spine Pitche P/PS 2.5/5 and 3/6 4/8 and 5/10 6/12 and 8/16 10/20 and 12/24 16/32 and 20/40 24/48 thru 48/96 64/128 and 80/160 128/256 λ 0.35N+20 0.23N+18 0.20N+15 0.17N+14 0.12N+13 0.12N+11 0.10N+10 0.08N+9 m 0.18N+14 0.15N+13 0.15N+11 0.10N+11 0.07N+11 0.07N+11 0.06N+9 0.05N+9

The minimum effective space width is always basic. The maximum effective tooth thickness is the same as the minimum effective space width except for the major diameter fit. The major diameter fit maximum effective tooth thickness is less than the minimum effective space width by an amount that allows for eccentricity between the effective spline and the major diameter. The permissible variation of the effective clearance is divided between the internal and external splines to arrive at the maximum effective space width and the minimum effective tooth thickness. Limits for the actual space width and actual tooth thickness are constructed from suitable variation allowances.


Use of Effective and Actual Dimensions.— Each of the four dimensions for space width and tooth thickness shown in Table 5 has a definite function.


Minimum Effective Space Width and Maximum Effective Tooth Thickness: These dimensions control the minimum effective clearance, and must always be specified.


Minimum Actual Space Width and Maximum Actual Tooth Thickness: These dimensions cannot be used for acceptance or rejection of parts. If the actual space width is less than the minimum without causing the effective space width to be undersized, or if the actual tooth thickness is more than the maximum without causing the effective tooth thickness to be oversized, the effective variation is less than anticipated; such parts are desirable and not defective. The specification of these dimensions as processing reference dimensions is optional. They are also used to analyze undersize effective space width or oversize effective tooth thickness conditions to determine whether or not these conditions are caused by excessive effective variation.


Maximum Actual Space Width and Minimum Actual Tooth Thickness: These dimensions control machining tolerance and limit the effective variation. The spread between these dimensions, reduced by the effective variation of the internal and external spline, is the maximum effective clearance. Where the effective variation obtained in machining is appreciably less than the variation allowance, these dimensions must be adjusted in order to maintain the desired fit.


Maximum Effective Space Width and Minimum Effective Tooth Thickness: These dimensions define the maximum effective clearance but they do not limit the effective variation. They may be used, in addition to the maximum actual space width and minimum actual tooth thickness, to prevent the increase of maximum effective clearance due to reduction of effective variations. The notation “inspection optional” may be added where maximum effective clearance is an assembly requirement, but does not need absolute control. It will indicate, without necessarily adding inspection time and equipment, that the actual space width of the internal spline must be held below the maximum, or the actual tooth thickness of the external spline above the minimum, if machining methods result in less than the allowable variations. Where effective variation needs no control or is controlled by laboratory inspection, these limits may be substituted for maximum actual space width and minimum actual tooth thickness.

最大作用弧齿槽宽和最小作用弧齿厚:这些尺寸定义了最大的作用侧隙,但它们不能限定作用偏差。它们可用作为“最大实际弧齿槽宽”和“最小实际弧齿厚”的附加(检验或控制方式),以防止由于减少作用偏差而引起的“最大作用侧隙”变大(超过最大值)。“非强制的检测”一词可以作为装配要求附加在那些“最大作用侧隙”上, 但不要求完全控制的情况。它的意思是:如果加工方法(产生的偏差)小于综合公差,不增加这些“非强制的检验”,那么“花键实际弧齿槽宽”必须控制在最大以,或者“外花键实际弧齿厚”必须控制在最小值以上。如果不要求控制作用偏差或者这个靠实验室检测控制,那么这些限制可以代替“最大实际弧齿槽宽”和“最小作用弧齿厚”。

译注E3:此项检验方法,请参照《GB3478.1-2008》中图6的 检验图解。意思是:花键,用止规检验“最大实际弧齿宽”,能止住,就表示“最大作用弧齿槽宽”是公差围的;外花键,用止规检验最小实际弧齿槽宽,能止住,就表示“最小作用弧齿宽”是公差围的。这个前提是加工公差要很小。这个代替检验的原因是实际的弧齿槽宽和弧齿厚难以检验。

Combinations of Involute Spline Types.— Flat root side fit internal splines may be used with fillet root external splines where the larger radius is desired on the external spline for

control of stress concentrations. This combination of fits may also be permitted as a design option by specifying for the minimum root diameter of the external, the value of the minimum root diameter of the fillet root external spline and noting this as “optional root.”


A design option may also be permitted to provide either flat root internal or fillet root internal by specifying for the maximum major diameter, the value of the maximum major diameter of the fillet root internal spline and noting this as “optional root.”


Interchangeability.— Splines made to this standard may interchange with splines made to older standards. Exceptions are listed below.


External Splines: These external splines will mate with older internal splines as follows: 外花键:这些外花键与老旧标准花键相配情况如下:

Year年代 1946 1950b 1950C 1957 SAE 1960 Major Dia.Fit Flat Root Side Fit Fillet Root Side Fit 外径配合 平齿根齿侧配合 圆齿根齿侧配合 可以 不可以(A)a 不可以(A) 可以(B) 可以(B) 可以(C) 可以(B) 不可以(A) 可以(C) 可以 不可以(A) 可以(C) 可以 不可以(A) 可以(C) a For exceptions A, B, C, see the paragraph on Exceptions that follows. 对于ABC例外情况见后面解释。

b Full dedendum. 全齿根 c Short dedendum. 短齿根

Internal Splines: These will mate with older external splines as follows: 花键:这些花键按如下情况与旧标准外花键相配情况如下:

Major Dia.Fit Flat Root Side Fit Fillet Root Side Fit Year年代 外径配合 平齿根齿侧配合 圆齿根齿侧配合 1946 不可以(D)a 不可以(E) 不可以(D) 1950 可以(F) 可以 可以(C) 1957 SAE 可以(G) 可以 可以 1960 可以(G) 可以 可以 a For exceptions C, D, E, F, G, see the paragraph on Exceptions that follows. 对于 C、D、E、F、G,见下后面解释。

Table6.Spline Terms, Symbols, and Drawing Data, 30-Degree Pressure Angle, Flat