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minimum looseness or maximum interference.
通规和止规:通规是用于检测最大实体状态(最大外径,最小部尺寸)。它们可以用于检测一个单个尺寸,或者两个及两个以上功能性尺寸。它们控制最小间隙或最大干涉的 程度。
NOT GO gages are used to inspect minimum material conditions (minimum external, maximum internal dimensions), thereby controlling the maximum looseness or minimum interference. Unless otherwise agreed upon, a product is acceptable only if the NOT GO gage does not enter or go on the part. A NOT GO gage can be used to inspect only one dimension. An attempt at simultaneous NOT GO inspection of more than one dimension could result in failure of such a gage to enter or go on (acceptance of part), even though all but one of the dimensions were outside product limits. In the event all dimensions are out- side the limits, their relationship could be such as to allow acceptance.
译注G1:例如一个零件是2个尺寸,那么通止规是:1通2止。在国标《GB/T 3478.1》中,基本方法是综合通端量规+非全齿止端量规,而不是“全齿止规”。只有在加入其它方法后,才可以使用综合止规。例如方法A和方法B。 .
Effective and Actual Dimensions: The effective space width and tooth thickness are inspected by means of an accurate mating member in the form of a composite spline gage. The actual space width and tooth thickness are inspected with sector plug and ring gages, or by measurements with pins.
Measurements with Pins.— The actual space width of internal splines, and the actual tooth thickness of external splines, may be measured with pins. These measurements do not determine the fit between mating parts, but may be used as part of the analytic inspection of splines to evaluate the effective space width or effective tooth thickness by approximation.
Formulas for 2-Pin Measurement Between Pins: For measurement between pins of internal splines using the symbols given on page 2161:
两个量棒检测的棒间距公式:对于花键的棒间距使用的符号在 2161页中给出:
1) Find involute of pressure angle at pin center: 算出量棒中心的压力角: disinv?i??inv?d?
2) Find the value of Φi in degrees, in the involute function tables beginning on page 110. Find secΦi= 1/cos ineΦi in the trig tables, pages 106 through 108, using interpolation to obtain higher accuracy.
在第110页开始的渐开线函数表中查出Φi的角度值。在106到108页的三角函数表上找出secΦi= 1/ cos ineΦi 的值,可用插值法得到更高的精度,。
3) Compute measurement, Mi, between pins: 计算棒间距Mi For even numbers of teeth对于偶数齿: Mi = Db sec Φi ? di
For odd numbers of teeth对于奇数齿: Mi = (Db cos 90°/N) sec Φi ? di
where: di = 1.7280/P for 30° and 37.5° standard pressure angle (ΦD) splines. 30和 37.5度
di = 1.9200/P for 45° pressure angle splines. 45°压力角
Example: Find the measurement between pins for maximum actual space width of an internal spline of 30° pressure angle, tolerance class 4, 3/6 diametral pitch, and 20 teeth.
The maximum actual space width to be substituted for s in Step 1 above is obtained as follows: In Table 5, page 2167, the maximum actual space width is the sum of the minimum effective space width (second column) and λ + m (third column). The minimum effective space width sv from Table 2, page 2162, is π/2P = π/(2 × 3). The values of λ and m from Table 4, page 2164, are, for a class 4 fit, 3?6 diametral pitch, 20-tooth spline: λ =0.0027 × 0.71 = 0.00192; and m = 0.00176 × 0.71 = 0.00125, so that s = 0.52360 + 0.00192+ 0.00125 = 0.52677.
按第1步,表5,第2167页,最大实际弧齿槽宽=最小作用弧齿槽宽+(λ + m),(2列,3列),最小作用弧齿槽宽Sv从表2,地2162页,=π/2P = π/(2 × 3)。λ 和m的值从表4,第2164页等级4,径节为3/6,20齿中查询:λ =0.0027 × 0.71 = 0.00192,m = 0.00176 × 0.71 = 0.00125,可得:s = 0.52360 + 0.00192+ 0.00125 = 0.52677
Other values required for Step 1 are:步骤1所需的其它值 D= N ÷ P = 20 ÷ 3 = 6.66666
inv ΦD = inv 30° = 0.053751 from a calculator计算器计算 di = 1.7280 ?3 = 0.57600
Db =D cos ΦD = 6.66666 × 0.86603 = 5.77353 The computation is made as follows:计算值如下
1) inv Φi = 0.52677 ?6.66666 + 0.053751 ? 0.57600 ?5.77353 = 0.03300 2) From a calculator, Φi = 25°46.18 ′ and sec Φi = 1.11044 3) Mi = 5.77353 × 1.11044 ? 0.57600 = 5.8352 inches
Formulas for 2-Pin Measurement Over Pins: For measurement over pins of external splines: 对于外花键的棒间距的测量:
1)Find involute of pressure angle at pin center: 计算量棒中心的渐开线压力角: de?tinv?e??inv?D??
2)Find the value of Φe and sec Φe from the involute function tables beginning on page 110. 从第110页开始的渐开线函数表中找出Φe和 secΦe 的值。
3) Compute measurement, Me, over pins: 计算跨棒距,Me For even numbers of teeth: 对于偶数齿: Me = Db sec Φe + de
For odd numbers of teeth: 对于奇数齿: Me = (Db cos 90°/N) sec Φe + de where de = 1.9200/P for all external splines 所有外花键De=1.9200/P
(以下为美国标准ANSI B92.2M-1980 渐开线花键,米制部分,一并摘录做参考。)
American National Standard Metric Module Splines.— ANSI B92.2M-1980 (R1989) is the American National Standards Institute version of the International Standards Organization involute spline standard. It is not a “soft metric” conversion of any previous, inch- based, standard,* and splines made to this hard metric version are not intended for use with components made to the B92.1 or other, previous standards. The ISO 4156 Standard from which this one is derived is the result of a cooperative effort between the ANSI B92 committee and other members of the ISO/TC 14-2 involute spline committee.
* A “soft” conversion is one in which dimensions in inches, when multiplied by 25.4 will, after being appropriately rounded off, provide equivalent dimensions in millimeters. In a “hard” system the tools of production, such as hobs, do not bear a usable relation to the tools in another system; i.e., a 10 diametral pitch hob calculates to be equal to a 2.54 module hob in the metric module system, a hob that does not exist in the metric standard.
Many of the features of the previous standard, ANSI B92.1-1970 (R1993), have been retained such as: 30-, 37.5-, and 45-degree pressure angles; flat root and fillet root side fits; the four tolerance classes 4, 5, 6, and 7; tables for a single class of fit; and the effective fit concept.
Among the major differences are: use of modules of from 0.25 through 10 mm in place of diametral pitch; dimensions in millimeters instead of inches; the “basic rack”; removal of the major diameter fit; and use of ISO symbols in place of those used previously. Also, pro- vision is made for calculating three defined clearance fits.
The Standard recognizes that proper assembly between mating splines is dependent only on the spline being within effective specifications from the tip of the tooth to the form diameter. Therefore, the internal spline major diameter is shown as a maximum dimension and the external spline minor diameter is shown as a minimum dimension. The minimum internal major diameter and the maximum external minor diameter must clear the specified form diameter and thus require no additional control. All dimensions are for the finished part; any compensation that must be made for operations that take place during processing, such as heat treatment, must be considered when selecting the tolerance level for manufacturing.
The Standard provides the same internal minimum effective space width and external maximum effective tooth thickness for all tolerance classes. This basic concept makes possible interchangeable assembly between mating splines regardless of the tolerance class of the individual members, and permits a tolerance class “mix” of mating members. This arrangement is often an advantage when one member is considerably less difficult to pro- duce than its mate, and the “average” tolerance applied to the two units is such that it satisfies the design need. For example, by specifying Class 5 tolerance for one member and Class 7 for its mate, an assembly tolerance in the Class 6 range is provided.
If a fit given in this Standard does not satisfy a particular design need, and a specific clearance or press fit is desired, the change shall be made only to the external spline by a reduction of, or an increase in, the effective tooth thickness and a like change in the actual tooth thickness. The minimum effective space width is always basic and this basic width should always be retained when special designs are derived from the concept of this Standard.
Spline Terms and Definitions: The spline terms and definitions given for American National Standard ANSI B92.1-1970 (R1993) described in the preceding section, may be used in regard to ANSI B92.2M-1980 (R1989). The 1980 Standard utilizes ISO symbols in place of those used in the 1970 Standard; these differences are shown in Table 12.
Dimensions and Tolerances: Dimensions and tolerances of splines made to the 1980
Standard may be calculated using the formulas given in Table 13. These formulas are for metric module splines in the range of from 0.25 to 10 mm metric module of side-fit design and having pressure angles of 30-, 37.5-, and 45-degrees. The standard modules in the system are: 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1; 1.25; 1.5; 1.75; 2; 2.5; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; and 10. The range of from 0.5 to 10
module applies to all splines except 45-degree fillet root splines; for these, the range of from 0.25 to 2.5 module applies.
Fit Classes: Four classes of side fit splines are provided: spline fit class H/h having a minimum effective clearance, cv = es = 0; classes H/f, H/e, and H/d having tooth thickness modifications, es, of f, e, and d, respectively, to provide progressively greater effective clearance cv, The tooth thickness modifications h, f, e, and d in Table 14 are fundamental deviations selected from ISO R286, “ISO System of Limits and Fits.” They are applied to the external spline by shifting the tooth thickness total tolerance below the basic tooth thickness by the amount of the tooth thickness modification to provide a prescribed mini- mum effective clearance cv.
Table 12. Comparison of Symbols Used in ANSI B92.2M-1980 (R1989) and Those in ANSI B92.1-1970, R1993 (B92.1和B92.2符号区别) Symbol B92.2M B92.1 c … theoretical clearance cv cv effective clearance cF cF form clearance D D pitch diameter DB Db base diameter pin contact diameter, dce Dce external spline pin contact diameter, dci Dci internal spline DEE DEI DFE DFI DIE DII DRE DRI hs λ INV a KE KI g gw gγ T MRE MRI Z Do Dri DFe DFi Dre Di de di … λ … Ke Ki L … … m Me Mi N major diam., ext. spline major diam., int. spline form diam., ext. spline form diam., int. spline minor diam., ext. spline minor diam., int. spline pin diam., ext. spline pin diam., int. spline see Figs. 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d effective variation involute α=tan α? arc α change factor, ext. spline change factor, int. spline spline length active spline length length of engagement machining tolerance meas. over 2 pins, ext. spline Symbol B92.2M B92.1 m … … P … Ps Pb … p p π rfe rfi Ebsc Emax Emin Ev Sbsc Smax smin SV α αD αci αce αi αe αFe αFi es π rf rf Svmin s s Sv tvmax t t tv Φ ΦD Φci Φce Φi Φe ΦF ΦF … module diametral pitch stub pitch = 2P base pitch circular pitch 3.141592654 fillet rad.,ext.spline fillet rad., int. spline basic circular space width max. actual circular space width min. actual circular space width effective circular space width basic circular tooth thickness max. actual circular tooth thick min. actual circular tooth thick effective circular tooth thick. pressure angle standard pressure angle press. angle at pin contact diameter, internal spline press. angle at pin contact diameter, external spline press. angle at pin center, internal spline press. angle at pin center, external spline press. angle at form diameter, external spline press. angle at form diameter, internal spline ext. spline cir. tooth thick.modifi- cation for required fit class=cvmin (Table 14) tooth thick, size modifiers (called fundamental deviation in ISO R286), Table 14 space width size modifier (called fundamental deviation in ISO R286), Table 14 meas. bet. 2 pins, int. spline h,f,e,or d … number of teeth H …
Table 13. Formulas for Dimensions and Tolerances for All Fit Classes—
Metric Module Involute Splines
Formula Term Symbol 30-Degree Flat Root 0.5 to 10 module Pitch Diameter Base Diameter Circular Pitch Base Pitch Tooth Thick Mod Min Maj. Diam. Int Max Maj Diam. Int. Form Diam, Int. Min Minor Diam, Int Max Minor Diam,Int Cir Space Width, Basic Min Effective Max Actual Min Actual Max Effective Max Major Diam,Extd Min Major Diam.Ext Form Diam, External Max Minor Diam,Extd Min Minor Diam,Ext Cir Tooth Thick, Basic Max Effective Min Actual Max Actual Min Effective Total Tolerance on Circular Space Width or Tooth Thickness Machining Toler- ance on Circular Space Width or Tooth Thickness Effective Variation Allowed on Circu- lar Space Width or Tooth Thickness Form Clearance Rack Dimension D DB p pb es DEI min DEI max DFI DII min DII max Ebsc EV min E max E min EV max DEEmax DEEmin DFE DIE max DIE min Sbsc SV max S min S max SV min (T + λ) mZ mZ cos αD πm πm cos αD According to selected fit class, H/h, H/f, H/e, or H/d (see Table 14) m(Z + 1.5) m(Z + 1) + 2cF m(Z + 1.8) m(Z + 1)+2cF m(Z + 1.4) m(Z+0.9)+2cF m(Z + 1.2) m(Z+0.8)+2cF DEI min + (T + λ)/tan αD (see Footnote a) DFE + 2cF (see Footnote b) DII min + (0.2m0.667 ? 0.01m?0.5) (see Footnote c) 0.5πm 0.5πm EV min + (T + λ) for classes 4, 5, 6, and 7 (see Table 15 for T + λ) EV min + λ (see text on page 2181 for λ) E max ?λ (see text on page 2181 for λ) m(Z+1)-es/tanαD m(Z+1)-es/tanαD m(Z+0.9)-es/tanαD m(Z+0.8)-es/tanαD DEE max ? (0.2m0.667 ? 0.01m?0.5)c 30-Degree Fillet Root 0.5 to 10 module 37.5-Degree Fillet Root 0.5 to 10 module 45-Degree Fillet Root 0.25 to 2.5 module 2?(0.5Db)2?[0.5Dsin?D?m(Z ?1.8)?es/tanαD hs?((0.5es)/tan?D)2]sin?Dm(Z ?1.2)?es/tanαD m(Z ?1.5)-es/tanαD 0.5πm Sbsc ? es m(Z ?1.4)?es/tanαD DIE max ? (T + λ)/tan αD (see Footnote a) SV max ? (T + λ) for classes 4, 5, 6, and 7 (see Table 15 for T + λ) SV max ?λ (see text on page 2181 for λ) S min + λ (see text on page 2181 for λ) See formulas in Table 15 T T = (T + λ) from Table 15 ?λ from text on page 2181. λ cF hs See text on page 2181. 0.1m 0.6m(see Fig. 6a) 0.6m(see Fig. 6b) 0.55m(see Fig. 6c) 0.5m(see Fig. 6d) a Use (T + λ) for class 7 from Table 15
b For all types of fit, always use the DFE value corresponding to the H/h fit.
c Values of (0.2m0.667 ? 0.01m?0.5) are as follows: for 10 module, 0.93; for 8 module, 0.80; for 6 mod-