ANSI B92.1-1970(R1993) SAE美国渐开线花键-中文翻译完整版 下载本文

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splineshave considerably less capacity than straight splines of the same size if both are operating with precise alignment. However, when large misalignments exist, the crowned spline has greater capacity.

大偏心鼓形齿花键。-正如第 2173页中提到的,鼓形齿花键能够允许最大5度的偏心。如果在运转时,同尺寸的鼓形齿花键和直齿花键都精确对中,那么鼓形齿花键的性能要比直齿花键要小,当偏心较大,那么性能就大。

American Standard tooth forms may be used for crowned external members so that they may be mated with straight internal members of Standard form. 美国标准花键齿形状可以用于鼓形齿的外花键,这样它们就可以与美国标准的直齿的内花键相配合。

The accompanying diagram of a crowned spline shows the radius of the crown r1; the radius of curvature of the crowned tooth, r2; the pitch diameter of the spline, D; the face width, F; and the relief or crown height A at the ends of the teeth. The crown height A should always be made somewhat greater than one-half the face width multiplied by the tangent of the misalignment angle. For a crown height A, the approximate radius of curvature r2 is F2 ÷ 8A, and r1 = r2 tan Φ, where Φ is the pressure angle of the spline.

附图说明了美国标鼓形半径 r1,曲率半径 r2,节圆直径D,齿向宽F,齿端的鼓形量A。鼓形量A制造时应总是大于“齿向宽的一半乘以偏心角的正切”。曲率半径r2的近似值为F2 ÷ 8A,并且r1 = r2 tan Φ,Φ表示压力角。

For a torque T, the compressive stress on the teeth is: 对于一个给定的扭矩 T,花键齿的压缩应力为: Sc?22902T?DNhr2

and should be less than the value in Table 11. 并且,该值不能超过表11中的值。

Fretting Damage to Splines and Other Machine Elements.— Fretting is wear that occurs when cyclic loading, such as vibration, causes two surfaces in intimate contact to undergo small oscillatory motions with respect to each other. During fretting, high points or asperities of the mating surfaces adhere to each other and small particles are pulled out, leaving minute, shallow pits and a powdery debris. In steel parts exposed to air, the metallic debris oxidizes rapidly and forms a red, rustlike powder or sludge; hence, the coined designation “fretting corrosion.”

周期负载形成了磨损,如振动,在小幅振动下,造成了(内齿和外齿)两面的直接紧密的接触。在摩擦中,(表面的最高的)极限点或粗糙部,相互作用,就形成了微小颗粒,一段时间后,就会有小的坑或粉状碎片存在。金属部件暴露在空气中,金属碎片就会很快氧化成一个个红色的、铁锈色的粉末或泥状物。由此,产生叫“fretting corrosion”(磨损腐蚀)的名词。

Fretting is mechanical in origin and has been observed in most materials, including those that do not oxidize, such as gold, platinum, and nonmetallics; hence, the corrosion accompanying fretting of steel parts is a secondary factor. 磨损的机械中固有的,大多数材料都会发生,包括那些不会被氧化的物质,如:金、铂和非金属类;所以金属件的腐蚀是第二位的特性。

Fretting can occur in the operation of machinery subject to motion or vibration or both. It can destroy close fits; the debris may clog moving parts; and fatigue failure may be accelerated because stress levels to initiate fatigue in fretted parts are much lower than for undamaged material. Sites for fretting damage include interference fits; splined, bolted, keyed, pinned, and riveted joints; between wires in wire rope; flexible shafts and tubes; between leaves in leaf springs; friction clamps; small amplitude-of-oscillation bearings; and electrical contacts.

磨损可发生在机械设备的运作时的转动或振动或者两者兼之。它可以破坏紧配合,碎片可以阻碍零件运动;由于发生磨损的零件比没损坏的零件的疲劳承受能力要低很多,所以磨损会加速疲劳失效。发生磨损破坏的地方有接触面,花键、螺栓、键、 销和铆钉连接;线丝和线圈;柔性轴和管;触片和片簧;磨擦钳;小的摆动轴承和电接触零件。

Vibration or cyclic loadings are the main causes of fretting. If these factors cannot be eliminated, greater clamping force may reduce movement but, if not effective, may actually worsen the damage. Lubrication may delay the onset of damage; hard plating or surface hardening methods may be effective, not by reducing fretting, but by increasing the fatigue strength of the material. Plating soft materials having inherent lubricity onto contacting surfaces is effective until the plating wears through. 振动和周期负荷是磨损的主要产生原因。如果这样因素不能消除,使用更大的夹紧力可以减小位移,但如果它不起作用,反而会使损坏情况更严重。润滑可以减缓损坏的过程;硬平板或表面硬化方法可以起作用,这些方法不能减小磨损,只是增加了材料的疲劳延伸强度。具有内在自润滑功能的平板软材料在磨穿前能够起到(减少磨损)作用。

Involute Spline Inspection Methods.— Spline gages are used for routine inspection of production parts.


Analytical inspection, which is the measurement of individual dimensions and variations, may be required:


a) To supplement inspection by gages, for example, where NOT GO composite gages are used in place of NOT GO sector gages and variations must be controlled. 作为规的附加检测,例如,使用组合通止规代替单个止规,并且误差必须控制的情况。

b) To evaluate parts rejected by gages。评价用规检测拒收的零件。 c) For prototype parts or short runs where spline gages are not used. 试样或短期加工不能使用规的情况。

d) To supplement inspection by gages where each individual variation must be restrained from assuming too great a portion of the tolerance between the minimum material actual and the maximum material effective dimensions.


Inspection with Gages.— A variety of gages is used in the inspection of involute splines.


Types of Gages: A composite spline gage has a full complement of teeth. A sector spline gage has two diametrically opposite groups of teeth. A sector plug gage with only two teeth per sector is also known as a “paddle gage.” A sector ring gage with only two teeth per sector is also known as a “snap ring gage.” A progressive gage is a gage consisting of two or more adjacent sections with different inspection functions. Progressive GO gages are physical combinations of GO gage members that check consecutively first one feature or one group of features, then their relationship to other features. GO and NOT GO gages may also be combined physically to form a progressive gage.


Fig. 5. Space width and tooth-thickness inspection.

GO and NOT GO Gages: GO gages are used to inspect maximum material conditions (maximum external, minimum internal dimensions). They may be used to inspect an individual dimension or the relationship between two or more functional dimensions. They control the minimum looseness or maximum interference.

通规和止规:通规是用于检测最大实体状态(最大外径,最小内部尺寸)。它们可以用于检测一个单个尺寸,或者两个及两个以上功能性尺寸。它们控制最小间隙或最大干涉的 程度。

NOT GO gages are used to inspect minimum material conditions (minimum external, maximum internal dimensions), thereby controlling the maximum looseness or minimum interference. Unless otherwise agreed upon, a product is acceptable only if the NOT GO gage does not enter or go on the part. A NOT GO gage can be used to inspect only one dimension. An attempt at simultaneous NOT GO inspection of more

than one dimension could result in failure of such a gage to enter or go on (acceptance of part), even though all but one of the dimensions were outside product limits. In the event all dimensions are out- side the limits, their relationship could be such as to allow acceptance.


译注G1:例如一个零件是2个尺寸,那么通止规是:1通2止。在国标《GB/T 3478.1》中,基本方法是综合通端量规+非全齿止端量规,而不是“全齿止规”。只有在加入其它方法后,才可以使用综合止规。例如方法A和方法B。 .

Effective and Actual Dimensions: The effective space width and tooth thickness are inspected by means of an accurate mating member in the form of a composite spline gage. The actual space width and tooth thickness are inspected with sector plug and ring gages, or by measurements with pins. 作用和实际尺寸:作用弧齿槽宽和弧齿厚是通过一个在构成圆上精确的配对的复合量规来检验。实际弧齿槽宽和弧齿厚是通单独的通规或环规来检验,或者通过量棒来测量。

Measurements with Pins.— The actual space width of internal splines, and the actual tooth thickness of external splines, may be measured with pins. These measurements do not determine the fit between mating parts, but may be used as part of the analytic inspection of splines to evaluate the effective space width or effective tooth thickness by approximation.


Formulas for 2-Pin Measurement Between Pins: For measurement between pins of internal splines using the symbols given on page 2161:

两个量棒检测的棒间距公式:对于内花键的棒间距使用的符号在 2161页中给出:

1) Find involute of pressure angle at pin center: 算出量棒中心的压力角: disinv?i??inv?d?


2) Find the value of Φi in degrees, in the involute function tables beginning on page 110. Find secΦi= 1/cos ineΦi in the trig tables, pages 106 through 108, using interpolation to obtain higher accuracy.

在第110页开始的渐开线函数表中查出Φi的角度值。在106到108页的三角函数表上找出secΦi= 1/ cos ineΦi 的值,可用插值法得到更高的精度,。


3) Compute measurement, Mi, between pins: 计算棒间距Mi For even numbers of teeth对于偶数齿: Mi = Db sec Φi ? di

For odd numbers of teeth对于奇数齿: Mi = (Db cos 90°/N) sec Φi ? di

where: di = 1.7280/P for 30° and 37.5° standard pressure angle (ΦD) splines. 30和 37.5度

di = 1.9200/P for 45° pressure angle splines. 45°压力角

Example: Find the measurement between pins for maximum actual space width of an internal spline of 30° pressure angle, tolerance class 4, 3/6 diametral pitch, and 20 teeth.


The maximum actual space width to be substituted for s in Step 1 above is obtained as follows: In Table 5, page 2167, the maximum actual space width is the sum of the minimum effective space width (second column) and λ + m (third column). The minimum effective space width sv from Table 2, page 2162, is π/2P = π/(2 × 3). The values of λ and m from Table 4, page 2164, are, for a class 4 fit, 3?6 diametral pitch, 20-tooth spline: λ =0.0027 × 0.71 = 0.00192; and m = 0.00176 × 0.71 = 0.00125, so that s = 0.52360 + 0.00192+ 0.00125 = 0.52677.

按第1步,表5,第2167页,最大实际弧齿槽宽=最小作用弧齿槽宽+(λ + m),(2列,3列),最小作用弧齿槽宽Sv从表2,地2162页,=π/2P = π/(2 × 3)。λ 和m的值从表4,第2164页等级4,径节为3/6,20齿中查询:λ =0.0027 × 0.71 = 0.00192,m = 0.00176 × 0.71 = 0.00125,可得:s = 0.52360 + 0.00192+ 0.00125 = 0.52677

Other values required for Step 1 are:步骤1所需的其它值 D= N ÷ P = 20 ÷ 3 = 6.66666

inv ΦD = inv 30° = 0.053751 from a calculator计算器计算 di = 1.7280 ?3 = 0.57600

Db =D cos ΦD = 6.66666 × 0.86603 = 5.77353 The computation is made as follows:计算值如下

1) inv Φi = 0.52677 ?6.66666 + 0.053751 ? 0.57600 ?5.77353 = 0.03300 2) From a calculator, Φi = 25°46.18 ′ and sec Φi = 1.11044 3) Mi = 5.77353 × 1.11044 ? 0.57600 = 5.8352 inches

Formulas for 2-Pin Measurement Over Pins: For measurement over pins of external splines:


1)Find involute of pressure angle at pin center: 计算量棒中心的渐开线压力角: de?tinv???inv??? eDDDbN

2)Find the value of Φe and sec Φe from the involute function tables beginning on page 110.

从第110页开始的渐开线函数表中找出Φe和 secΦe 的值。