外研版八年级下册Module1 unit1同步练习试题(有答案) 下载本文

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Module1 Feelings and impressions


一、单词拼写,根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。 1. I will _____(尝试)to finish this work by myself. 2. Linda likes _____(曲奇饼)very much

3. I’d like sweet food. Please give me some apple_____(馅饼) 4. There are three pieces of ______(比萨饼)on the table. 5. It ______(听起来) like a good idea. 6. The boy _____(看起来) shy.

7. The strawberry jam ______(尝起来)sweet.

8. You should go to the dentist(牙科医生) to check your ______(牙齿) 9. The last dish is _______(做完了). 10. The food ______(闻起来) delicious. 11. He put his hands over his_____(耳朵)

12. What is your______(liked more than others of the same kind) subject? 二、用感官动词的正确形式填空 feel , taste , sound , look , smell A: look at those flowers. They_______ really beautiful. B:Yes, and they also _____ sweet. It seems that spring is coming.

A: The weather is getting warmer and warmer. So the flowers come out now. B: and trees turn green too.

A:We also ____ comfortable these days. So we can have a picnic outside.

B: _____ great.

A:I will make some cakes for you.

B: Thank you and I’m sure they will _____ delicious.


I have some pen friends. They come from different countries. Here is some information about them. I like science very much. So one of them is my best friend because we have the same hobby.

Nick from England: When i grow up, I would like to become a teacher. I love little children. I want to get lots of money and live somewhere sunny and in a big house with my wife and my children.

Graziano from Thailand:When I grow up I want to become a scientist. I will work in the scientific field. And I will discover(发现) something very important. I like maths too.It would be interesting.

Dario from Russia: I want to be an engineer because I like building roads and bridges.I also want to be an electrician(电工)because I like the cars and reading magazines about cars.

Victoria from America: In the future I will become a manager in travelling .I like traveling all over the world and making friends. 1. Where is Nick from? ( )

A The UK B The USA C Thailand D Russia 2. Who likes traveling and making friends?( ) A Nick B Graziano C Dario D Victoria

3. What does Graziano want to be in the future?( ) A A teacher B A scientist C An engineer D A manager 4. which is not right according to the passage?( )

A. Nick likes to stay with children. B. Graziano likes maths

C. Dario likes reading magazines about cars D. Victoria likes staying at home

5. Who may be the writer’s best friend?( ) A. Nick B Graziano C Dario D Victoria 四、翻译句子

1. 这件外套摸起来有点柔软

The coat_____ _____ _______ _____ 2. 这些花儿真美

_______ _______ _______ they are! 3. 我恐怕不能和你去动物园了。

______ _______ I can’t go to the zoo with you. 4. 我们确信我们是对的。 We ____ ______ that we ‘re right. 五、完形填空(易)

In China ,most families have one baby. Are you the only child family? Do you want to have a younger sister or brother? Well, 1___a new baby in your family is really special. If everyone in your family takes care of the baby, your mum will be very glad to have 2____ happy family. When you help to look after a new baby, you must try to 3____.Babies don’t need sugar or salt, so don’t give these things to them. In fact, sugar and salt are not good 4___ babies, or you. Always ask your parents before you do anything for the baby, and they will show you how 5___ look after your new little brother or sister. Your mum will be 6 _____if the new baby wakes a lot during the night. You might be able to help your mother by doing something nice for her, like bringing water to drink for mum while she is thirsty.

You may feel 7_____jealous(嫉妒) of the baby sometimes. Don’t think that you are a bad person if you get those feelings. 8____natural for you to have such feelings. The most important thing is that you should try to be a good elder brother or sister, your parents also wish you be friendly to your brother or sister. In the future, he or she will help you in 9 ____ ways, when you go to university, your 10_____ won’t feel lonely(孤独的). 1. A having B have C has

D had

( )

2. A a so

3. A be careful 4. A with

5. A to help 6. A hungry 7. A a few 8. A It’s 9. A many

10.A brother

B so a

C a such D such a B look out of C be carefully D carefully

B at

C for

D to B helping to C help to D help

B tired

C happy

D healthy B a bit of C a kind of D a little

( B That C This is D It

B much C a lot

D every

B sister

C parents D friends

) ) )

) )

( ((( ( )(((