保密协议中英文版 下载本文

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Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement


Both Parties will commit to develop, construct, and operate the solar-thermal power station with the use of the technology from Solar Reserve, on the basis of the joint venture in China. This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into

between [ ] (together with its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries) and [ ] (together with its parents, affiliates and subsidiaries), in connection with the abovementioned project (the “Transaction”). [ ] and [ ] are individually referred to herein as a “Party” and collectively referred to herein as the “Parties”. It is anticipated that in connection with the Transaction, the Parties will disclose or cause to be disclosed to the other Party certain confidential or proprietary information and the Parties are entering into this Agreement to assure the strict confidentiality of such information. Accordingly, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

双方将在中国通过建立合资控股公司致力于开发、建造和运行使用Solar Reserve公司技术的太阳能光热电站等相关合作事项。基于==前述项目(简称为“该交易”),双方,[ ](连同其母公司,分公司和子公司)和[ ](连同其母公司,分公司和子公司)制定并签署了本保密和非披露协议(简称为“协

议”)。本协议中[ ]和[ ]被单独称为“一方”,统称为“双方”。据估计本交易中,双方将向另一方披露或被要求披露其一定的机密或私有信息,因此双方订立本协议以确保该类信息的机密性。现双方规定如下:

1. In connection with the Transaction, a Party (collectively with any of its directors, officers, employees, professional advisors or agents, the “Disclosing Party”) may furnish to the other Party (collectively with any of its directors, officers, employees, professional advisors or agents, the “Recipient”) Confidential Information (defined below). All information pertaining to the Disclosing Party, including, without limitation, technical, commercial, financial, accounting, legal and administrative information, which has been or will be furnished to Recipient, in any format, in writing or orally, by the Disclosing Party or on the Disclosing Party’s behalf in connection with the Transaction, together with all analyses, compilations, forecasts, studies or other documents prepared by the Recipient which contain or reflect any of such information shall be deemed “Confidential Information.”

1. 与交易相关的,一方(统指其任何的董事、职员、雇员、专业顾问或代理人。即“披露方”)


2. The term “Confidential Information” shall not include information which: (a) is now or hereafter comes into the public domain other than as a result of a breach of this Agreement by Recipient; (b) is rightfully and lawfully in the possession of Recipient free of restrictions on use and disclosure, as evidenced by written records, prior to the receipt of any information from the Disclosing Party in connection with the Transaction; (c) is disclosed to Recipient by a third party on a non-confidential basis and without any restrictions, as evidenced by written records; or (d) is the subject of a written permission to disclose provided by the Disclosing Party.

2. 术语“机密信息”不包括以下内容:(a) 现阶段或以后将进入公有领域的信息,不应被视作接受

方违反被协议;(b)接受方无使用和披露限制,属于接受方的合情合法的信息,且在接受披露方提供的与本交易相关的任何信息之前,已有书面形式证明;(c) 经书面形式证明的,由第三方以非机密形式,无任何限制地披露给接受方的信息;或(d)有披露方书面披露许可的信息主题。

3. Recipient shall maintain all Confidential Information in strict trust and confidence and

shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any third person, except as may be required by law or regulation or legal or judicial process. Recipient may use Confidential Information only to the extent required to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and for no unauthorized purpose. In particular and without prejudice to the foregoing, Recipient shall not use any Confidential

Information in furtherance, or for the purposes of, its business or the business of any other person.

3. 接受方对所有机密信息严格保密,不得向任何第三方披露任何机密信息,在法律或法规要求或


4. Confidential Information shall not be reproduced in any form except as required to

accomplish the intent of this Agreement. All Confidential Information (including all copies thereof) shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party. The term “person” as used in this Agreement shall be broadly interpreted to include, without limitation, the media and any corporation, company, group, partnership, individual or other entity.

4. 不得以任何形式加工机密信息,为完成本协议要求重新加工的除外。所有机密信息(包括所有


5. Without the Disclosing Party’s prior written consent, except as required by law or

regulation or by legal or judicial process (as confirmed in writing by Recipient’s independent legal counsel), Recipient will not disclose to any third person the fact that the Transaction is occurring or has occurred, that Confidential Information is being or has been made available or that discussions or negotiations are occurring or have occurred concerning the Transaction, or any of the terms, conditions or other facts with respect to any transactions contemplated by the Transaction, including the status thereof or the parties thereto.

5. 无披露方的事先书面同意,除非是法律或法规或法律或司法过程中要求的(包括接受方独立法


6. Recipient shall advise each of its officers, directors, employees, professional advisors,

agents and other persons who have been provided with any Confidential Information in accordance with the terms of this Agreement of the confidential nature thereof and Recipient agrees that it shall be responsible for any breach by such person of the provisions of this Agreement. Recipient shall indemnify the Disclosing Party on demand against each direct and indirect loss, liability and cost incurred by the Disclosing Party as a result of any breach by Recipient of the provisions of this Agreement (including, without limitation, each loss, liability and cost incurred as a result of

defending or settling a claim alleging such a liability). Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as prohibiting the Disclosing Party from pursuing any other remedies available to it.

6. 根据本协议的条款规定,接受方应告知其每个知悉机密信息的职员、董事、雇员、专业顾问、


7. Recipient acknowledges that, in the event of its breach of this Agreement, the Disclosing

Party will suffer an irreparable injury, such that no remedy at law will afford it adequate protection against, or appropriate compensation for, such injury. Accordingly, Recipient hereby agrees that the Disclosing Party shall be entitled to specific performance of the obligations under this Agreement and injunctive relief and such further remedies as may be granted by a court of competent jurisdiction.

7. 接受方应知悉,若发生违反本协议的行为,披露方将遭受无可挽回的损失,无任何的法律补救


8. At any time upon written request by or on behalf of the Disclosing Party, Recipient shall

return all written Confidential Information that was furnished to Recipient by the Disclosing Party or on the Disclosing Party’s behalf and, unless otherwise required by law or regulation (but only to the extent so required), Recipient shall destroy all analyses, compilations, forecasts, studies or other documents prepared by Recipient which contain or reflect any of such information and certify in writing as to such destruction.

8. 任何时候,收到披露方或以披露方的名义发布的书面请求后,接受方都应归还由披露方或以披


9. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if Recipient is compelled to

disclose any Confidential Information pursuant to a valid order of a court or other governmental body or is otherwise required by law or regulation or legal or judicial process to disclose

Confidential Information, Recipient may disclose such portion of the Confidential Information as Recipient is legally required to disclose in the opinion of counsel and only to the extent required, provided, so long as it is lawful to do so, Recipient shall first give notice to the Disclosing Party in order to allow the Disclosing Party to obtain a protective order and shall use its best efforts to cooperate with the Disclosing Party in connection therewith.

9. 尽管有本协议的其他规定,若接受方因法庭或其他政府机构的合法命令,或法律法规的要求或


10. Recipient acknowledges and understands that the Disclosing Party does not owe any

duty of care or have any liability towards Recipient in respect of the Confidential Information or takes any responsibility for, or makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any information, statements, forecasts or projections contained in the Confidential Information or otherwise, or that any such information, statement, forecast or projection remains unchanged after the date thereof.

10. 接受方应知悉并理解,就机密信息而言,披露方对接受方无任何的保管义务和任何的义务、或负任何责任、或做出表示或保证、表达或暗指机密信息中包含的任何信息、陈述、预测或设计的准确性或完整性,或本协议日期之后的此类信息、陈述、预测或设计是否变化。

11. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall expire and cease to have

any force or effect on the earlier of: (x) the fifth (5th) anniversary of the date hereof or (y) the date

definitive agreements are reached between the Parties in connection with the Transaction (and such definitive agreements contain substantially similar confidentiality provisions as contained herein).

11. 如遭遇以下任何的外力与影响,本协议以及本协议规定的所有的权利和义务应提前终止:(x) 本协议的第五个周年日 或 (y) 双方就该交易达成最终协议的日期(此类的最终协议包含与本协议本质上类似的机密规定)。

12. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed in all

respects by the laws of China. For any dispute arising under this Agreement, the Parties agree to the jurisdiction of the courts in [ ].

12. 本协议应由中国法律解释与管辖。就本协议产生的任何争议,双方同意按[ ]管辖法院的规定执行。

13. This Agreement contains the final, complete and exclusive agreement of the Parties

relative to the subject matters hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings and agreements relating to its subject matter. This Agreement may not be changed, modified, amended or supplemented except by a written instrument signed by both Parties.

13. 关于本协议的主题事项,本协议包含了双方最终的、完整的和总结性的协议,且取代之前和当时的所有关于本主题事项的理解和协议。本协议不可被改变、修改、修订或补充,双方以签订书面文件的形式除外。

14. This Agreement shall benefit and be binding upon the Parties hereto and their

respective successors and assigns.

14. 本协议中的双方以及其各自的继承人和受让人为本协议的受益人,且对各方产生约束力。

15. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a proper authority to be unenforceable,

that provision shall be severed and the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect.

15. 若主管部门发现本协议的任何规定不可执行,该规定应从本协议中分离出来,本协议的其余部分仍将有效。

16. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an

original and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument.

16. 本协议应对应执行,其中的每一部分构成一个原始部分,合并后构成一个整体,一个相同的文件。

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the

date hereof.


[ ]

By 签名:____________________________ Name姓名: Title职务: [ ]

By签名:____________________________ Name姓名: Title职务: