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精品资料How can we become good learners?

第一课时Section A(la-2d)

导学目标掌控 ⑧知识目标


textbook,conversation,aloud,pronunciation,sentence,patient B.重点词组:

1 .make word cards 2. listen to tapes

3. practice conversations with 4. at first

5 .word by word C.重点句式:

1 .How do you study for a test? 2. I study by working with a group.

3 .It’s too hard to understand the voices. 4. The more you read,the faster you’11 be. ⑧能力目标 运用句式用英语谈论学习方法。 ⑧情感目标

正确的学习方法有助于我们提高学习效率,从而提高我们的学习成绩。 自学效果掌控

预习教材,回答下列问题: 1 .What does Jack have to do?

He has to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.

2. How does Annie ask Jack to understand a word’s mean- ing?

Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences before and after it.‘ 导学环节设计

Step 1 Revision and Leading-in

对话导人:师生间开展对话,谈论英语学习。对话内容可以包括下列问题: 1 .Do you like learning English? How about your English study? 2. What do you think is the best way to learn English well? 3. Do you have any other good ideas? Step 2 SB Page l完成教材上la-lc的任务 操作案例:

Read the new words by the Ss first.

Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly. If there is a mistake,correct.

Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes.

Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard.

la. Do this part by the Ss first. According to each student,check the ways of studying English. Then add

other ways they sometimes study.

lb. Ask the students to listen to the tape. Question:How do these students study for a test?Then ask the

students to write letters from la above. After that,check the answers. lc. Make conversations about how to study for a test. Step 3 SB Page 2完成教材上2a-2d的任务

1 .2a. Listen and check the questions the students hear.

2 .2b. Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.

环节说明:要求学生听第一遍录音,并完成课本上2a的听力任务;要求学生听第二遍录音,完成课本上2b的听力任务;要求学生听第三遍录音,逐句进行跟读并检查核对答案。 3 .2c. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. 操作案例:

A:Have you ever studied with a group? B:Yes,I have. I have learned a lot that way. 4. 2d. Role-play the conversation.

环节说明:学生两人一组,仿照2c中的操作案例,进行简短的小对话;在进行2d的时候,可以先播放录音,让学生先听,然后分角色表演(朗读)对话。 导学效果掌控

请学生熟读教材和学生用书中本课时的《教材详解》并完成同步练习。 导学反思

How can we become good learners?

第二课时Section A(3a-4c)

导学目标掌控 .知识目标


expression,discover,secret,grammar,repeat,note,physics,chemistry B.重点词组:

1 .fall in love with 2. as well

3. it’s a piece of cake 4. look up 5. take notes C.重点句式:

1 .I also realized I could get the meaning by listening for just the key words.

2. I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning.

3. How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to tapes. 0能力目标

学习和借鉴他人的好的英语学习方法。 .情感目标

英语学习是有方法的。同学们应该努力去寻找适合自己的学习方法。 自学效果测控


1 .What does the writer think of the movie Toy Story? It was exciting and funny.

2. Why does the writer want to learn new words and more grammar? Because the writer can have a better understanding of English movies. 导学环节设计

Step 1 Revision and Leading-in

Free talk and then practice reading the dialogues. Step 2 SB Page 3完成教材上3a-3b的任务

1 .3a.(1)Ask the students to read the passage by themselves,then answer the three questions;

(2)Explain the key words and difficult points in the passage. Ask the students to underline the sentences with “do sth. by doing"sentence pattern.

(3)Play the tape. Then the students read the passage after the teacher.

2. 3b. Complete the sentences with what Wei Fen learned from watching movies. Use words and phrases from the passage.(参考答案:1.body language;expressions 2. key words 3. conversations 4. useful 5. dictionary)


Step 3 SB Page 4完成教材上Grammar Focus-4c的任务 1. Grammar Focus:归纳Section A的语法:运用by+doing sth.来表达做某事的方法手段。