内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/13 13:55:21星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
5. The story of Cliff Young is extraordinary and inspirational, from which I have learned a great
deal. I have learned that we should pursue our dreams regardless of what other people have to say. An ordinary person can become a hero, and wonderful things do happen when we are determined and committed. Most important of all, we should believe in ourselves!
Language focus Words in use 3
1. annual 2. contract 3. distinction 4. substantial 5. furnished 6. amateur 7. assemble 8. react 9. apparent 10. magnificent
word building 4
Words learned -ing
boring fascinating amuse -ion
Explode Assume Evolve Compensate Contribution -ary
Element Revolution 5
1. assumption 2. fascinated 3. explosion 4. elementary 5. compensation 6. evolution
new words formed bore fascinate amusing explosion assumption evolution compensation contribute elementary revolutionary 第 29 页 共 33页
7. amusing 8. bore
9. contribute 10. revolutionary
banked cloze 6
1K 2D 3C 4B 5H 6O 7F 8M 9A 10G
Expressions in use 7
1. passed away 2. left behind 3. give away
4. had no intention of 5. Up to
6. regardless of
7. might (just) as well 8. fall ill
9. in attendance 10. to this day
structured writing 9
In 1564, William Shakespeare, the great poet and playwright, was born in England. As a boy he attended a local grammar school in his hometown. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, and they had three children. Between 1585 and 1592, he developed a successful career in London. By 1592 several of his plays were on the London stage and he had become well-known by acting and writing plays. He appeared to have retired from the theater and returned to his hometown around 1613. In 1616, at the age of 52, he passed away.
Translation 10
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Tai Chi is a kind of martial arts, and a fitness exercise as well. It has a long history in China. With slow and gentle movements, Tai Chi is suitable for people of any age, sex, or body type to practice. It can be used to provide self-defense as well as build the body. Therefore, it has become very popular among Chinese people. During its development, Tai Chi borrowed and absorbed desirable elements from traditional Chinese philosophy, medicine, and martial arts, and it has developed into a sport with unique features. As a unique sport in China, Tai Chi is also gaining increasing popularity among many foreign friends.
Section B Reading skills 1
1. The text is mainly about the benefits sports can bring to young people.
2. Sports can keep young people healthy, give them a sense of self-worth and accomplishment,
teach them to deal with both failure and success, and help them learn to cooperate with other.
3. Yes, participation in competitive team sports can do harm to young people sometimes.
Reading comprehension Understanding the text 2
1. It means that the qualities of the future leaders are formed through the activities that they
participate in now.
2. Team sports can bring about attributes such as inspiration and physical stimulation.
3. By mentioning lemons and honey, the author wants to illustrate that in order to get to know
the real meaning of something, you have to experience it.
4. The quotation implies that it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose in a game. What
matters is whether you try your best or play fair or work as a team.
5. By taking part in team sports, talented people have the chance to develop leadership skills
and earn the respect of their team members.
6. Through sports, those who lack talent will learn the value f individual hard work, the vale of
cooperation and teamwork, and the fundamental importance of planning and preparation for the positive outcome of their ambitions.
7. When too much emphasis is put on winning, children may suffer psychological harm, and
may miss the learning opportunities sports can offer.
8. It means winning is not everything, but we must win as there is no other option for us. In
saying this, the football coach means that although people often say winning is not everything, it turns out to be the most important thing on the playground. What he wants to convey is that players should do all their best to win.
Critical thinking 3
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1. There are many benefits we can get from playing sports.
. It can improve our health, fitness, and overall well-being. . It is fun and makes us enjoy our college life more.
. It helps us develop self-discipline. We can learn to set goals and work hard to achieve the goals.
. It provides us with a positive physical appearance and higher self-esteem.
. It helps us learn how to act with grace in the face of failure, and come to know that we can’t always win and winning is not everything.
2. Yes, I have played in competitive sports. I was on the class volleyball team in high school.
Every year we competed at the school sports meeting. I usually felt stressed out a few days before the game. I would clam myself down by closing my eyes and taking deep breaths, or by practicing meditation or yoga. Besides, I would keep telling myself that my team had practiced a lot, we cooperated well, and we were ready.
3. . No, I don’t have any trouble in cooperating with others in team sports. I play team sports
such as basketball and football. I can always get along well with my teammates and my opponents as well, for I’m understanding and considerate, and I can handle defeat with god grace.
. I seldom play any team sports. I love sports, but I only play sports alone, such as jogging, swimming, Tai Chi, and yoga. But I don’t think I will have trouble playing in team sports, for I always believe that you win as a team, and you lose as a team.
4. Take up a sport, practice it, and you’ll love it. Playing sports benefits you both or the time
being and in the long run. By playing sports, you will enjoy good health, better self-image, and therefore greater confidence; and you will meet more people, learn to deal with stress or depression. So, let sports become part of your life, for the benefits will not only add up to a better quality of life, but will also last a lifetime.
5. We should be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. If you win, be humble. Don’t boast
about your talents or skills. Don’t play down your opponents. But if you lose, be gracious. Don’t complain that the judge wasn’t fair, or your teammates didn’t play well, or your opponents were just lucky. Say “Congratulations!” to your opponents, and shake hands with them. Also thank your teammates for their efforts.
Language focus Words in use 4
1. critical 2. humble 3. underline 4. mutual 5. accomplish 6. adapt
7. emphasized 8. overcome 9. demanding 10. considerable
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