五年级上册英语试题--期中过关检测题(三)译林版(三起) 含答案 下载本文

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1.What he doing?

A. is B. are C. am 2.We should keep our rooms clean ____ tidy. A. or B. and C. so 3.You should a T-shirt.

A. wears B. wear C. to wear 4.—Where is your teacher's office? —It's the first floor. A. at B. on C. in 5.There are two ________ in my house.

A. study B. studies C. studys D. living room 6.This film is very .

A. interesting B. interested C. bored 7.— How many _______do you have this term(学期)? —We have five.

A. subject B. a subject C. subjects D. an subject 8.— is Class Five? —It's on the floor. A. What; two B. Where; two C. Where; second 9.—I'm thirsty.

—Here's a glass of juice _______ you.

A. With B. of C. for 10.你想知道别人身体怎么样?你应该这样说:

A. How are you? B. Good morning. C. Hi !


11.正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号 ________

⑴twelfth ⑵September ⑶a pair of trousers ⑷is still working

⑸on his bed ⑹an orange party ⑺that sounds interesting ⑻I can't wait 12.I'm hungry. Let's go to a r________and have lunch. 13.g, i, l, r ________

14.When it's winter in Beijing, it's s________ in Sydney. 15.________(怎样)are you?


16.Do you brush your ________ (tooth) every day? 17.—Hello, Ms White. — ________, Janet.

18.There________(be)some oranges on the table an hour ago, but now there________(be) only one left. 19.She is angry ________ him, because he hasn't finished his homework. (填介词) 20.—I want ________ (eat) some snacks. —Oh, don't eat too much.


21.—What can your father do? —________


22.I go for a bike ride.(用yesterday改写句子) I ________ for a bike ________ yesterday. 23.She has a little doll. (对画线部分提问) ________does she________?

24.Did you have a good time? (作肯定回答) 25.He lives in New York .(用last year改写)

26.Alice and Kitty like to read books in the library. (对划线部分提问)


27.多么可惜! ________a pity !

28.它不丑,它很漂亮。 29.今天星期几? 30.不用担心,我会好的。

31.I have a Chinese class in the afternoon. (翻译成汉语) ________



Sue: Hello, I want to buy some ping-pong balls. Can you help me? Clerk: Sure. Do you like these balls or those balls? Sue: I like these balls. How much are they? Clerk: They're 2 dollars each. Sue: I need three ping-pong balls. Clerk: OK. Here they are. Sue: Thank you. Clerk: You're welcome.

(1)What does Sue want to buy? ________

(2)Are these balls 3 dollars each? ________

pong balls? (3)How much are the three ping-________



The season I like