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摘 要
针对我国建筑业强劲发展,建筑工程安全事故频频发生的现状,着重分析了建筑工程安全事故发生的主要因素以及成因,指出加强施工安全管理,注意安全隐患,加强预防的重要性,指出并强调了加强安全预防可避免绝大多数安全事故的发生.并通过对典型案例的分析研究进一步指出了人为因素是建筑工程安全的最为主要因素要因素.这对于提高建筑企业的安全管理和意识无疑具有现实意义 土方工程是建筑工程中主的分部分项工程之一,包括土的挖掘、运输、填筑和压实等主过程,以及所需的排水、降水和土壁支撑的设计、施工准备的辅助过程。由于设计、施工、组织等原因,在土方施工安全事故发生时,在建筑施工安全事故发生的事故中,近年来呈上升趋势,并成为继高处坠落、触电、物体打击和机器伤害“四大伤害”后的第五大伤害事故。“五大伤害事故”占建筑安全事故总数的86.6%,而土方工程中塌方伤害事故占坍塌事故总数的65%,可见土方坍塌给施工安全带来了严重的危害。针对土方施工安全采取了相应的防范措施,避免了安全隐患的工作。
In view of China's construction industry development, current situation of construction engineering safety accident occurred frequently, analyzes the main factors of safety accidents in construction engineering and the causes, and points out that strengthening the construction safety management, Caution! Risks, strengthen the importance of prevention, strengthening the safety precautions and that can avoid most of the accidents and through. Analysis of the typical case of further pointed out that the human factor is the safety of construction engineering are the main factors for this factor. It is significant to improve the construction enterprise security management and awareness
Earthwork engineering is one of the main parts of the project construction, including soil mining, transportation, filling and compaction etc. the main process, and the required drainage, precipitation and soil wall support design and construction for the auxiliary process. Due to the design, construction, organization and other reasons, in the event of earthwork construction safety accidents, safety accidents in construction accidents, the upward trend in recent years, and become the fifth big falls, electric shock, injury and machine damage against objects \injuries\after the injury accident. \major injury accidents\accounted for 86.6% of the total number of building safety accidents, while landslides in earthworks accounted for 65% of the total number of collapse accidents. It is obvious that the collapse of earthwork has brought serious harm to the safety of construction. In view of the earthwork construction safety, corresponding preventive measures have been taken to avoid the hidden dangers.
Keywords:Analysis of earthwork;prevention of safety accidents; prevention of safety accidents