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Unit 7 Memory

姓名:__________ 班别:_________ 日期:___________


1.能听、说、读、写本节课学习的单词和短语。 2.能认准各个单词的词性。

Step1【课前小测】 英汉互译。

1.memory___________ 2.corner___________ 3.lose___________ 4.改进___________ 5.mention___________ 6.拼写___________ 7.大脑___________ 8.可笑的___________ 9.值得___________


知识点一:名词(n.):memory, corner, method, spelling, mind, mile, letter, trouble, list, step, cycle, note, wallet, basket, manager, 知识点二:动词(v.)lose, improve, mention, spell, 知识点三:形容词(adj.)silly, worth 知识点四:短语:take out, pour out


第一关:词汇,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(每小题1分,共10分) 1. Pay attention to the _________ (spell) when you write a composition. 2. My father works as a _________ (manage) in a large company.

3. Can you give me some advice on how to make my _________ (memorize) better? 4. I don't know how _________ (open) the door.

5. Only Jimmy knows what his father plans _________ (do).

6. These two girls look _________ (similarly), but they are not twins. 7. There are several _________ (step) for you to make a cake.

8. The little boy has a lot of work _________ (do) tonight, so he may go to bed late. 9. You'd better stay_________ (relax) before the exam. Step4【课后家庭作业】


1.His work is _______________(改进提高) slowly.

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2.He has a good _______________(记忆力). 3.A square has four______________(角).

4.“B”is the second___________(字母) ofthe alphabet.

5.I paid only $3000 for this used car but it’s __________(有价值)a lotn more. 6.Whenever I ___________(提到)playing football, he says he’s too busy. 7.Can you _____________(拼写)your name. 8.——Can you help me check my English exercise?

——I’d love to. The ______________(spell) of “receive” is wrong.

9.If you make the picture big, strange or silly, you will remember it ________(well).


1.This is a secret between you and_________(I). 2.The film is worth___________(see).

3.A good way to remenber English words is ______________(inmagine) a picture in your mind. 4.He is the last______________(leave) the classroom every day. 5.This makes it _________________(long) word in the world.

6.I remember_____________(put) the book on the desk, but I can’t find it there. 7.-------Shall we walk to the park tomorrow?

--------_______________(not be) silly. It’s too far from here. Let’s take a bus. 8.If you don’t understand something______________(good), you will forget it very _________(quick)

9.I have trouble _______________(learn) English. Who can help me? 10.It’s ____________(fast) to travel by train than by car.

Step5【课后预习】 1.预习课本99页的内容

得分等级(score):_____________ 家长签名:____________

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