491.初中英语-七年级下册-《Unit 6 I'm watching TV period 5》教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc 下载本文

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Period 5 Section B (3a – Self check)


1. 语言知识目标:1) 复习巩固掌握本课出现的生词及表达方式。

2) 进一步练习运用现在进行时态的句子来描述他人在做的事情。 3) 通过不同形式的练习,提高学生们综合运用所学知识的能力。

2. 情感态度价值观目标:

培养同学间的友好相处,规范自己的行为,同时能提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。了解中西方文化的不同,具有世界观念,了解其他的国家的文化。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点:

1) 能根据相关提示词来描述他人正在做的事情。 2)能运用自己所学的知识来描述一些正在发生的事情。 3)通过做不同形式的练习来熟练运用本单元所学的知识。 2. 教学难点:运用自己所学的相关知识来描述正在发生的事情。


Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision

1. Have a dictation of the new sentences.

2. Check the homework let some Ss retell the article in the 2b. Ⅱ. Presentation

1. Show a photo of the teacher's family. T: Look! This is a photo of my family. What are my family doing?

2. Ask some Ss ask and answer about the photo.

S1: What's our teacher doing? S2: She's reading a book.

S1: What's his daughter doing? S2: She's playing with her friends. S1: What's Mrs. Li doing? S2: She's using the computer. Ⅲ. Practice

1. T: OK. Yesterday, I asked you to take a photo of your family to school? Have you got it?

(Ss take out their photos.)

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2. Now work with your partners. Ask and answer about the pictures. 3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the pictures as S1 and S2 did. 4. Let some pairs ask and answer their photos. (对话展示,加分) Ⅳ. Writing

1. Let's look at Jim's family photo and read his letter to Bob. Try to fill in the blanks.


2. Let some students to read their letters out. Give them a comment. Ⅴ. Self Check 1

1. 让学生们看表格,讲一讲每一列所代表的意思。

2. 学生明白本表是讲动词的现在分词的构成方式后,让学生们自己从课本找学过的单词写在表格里。

3. 收集更多的单词,让学生们做参考。 Ⅵ. Self Check 2

1. Tell Ss A and B are talking about what they are doing now. Read the conversation and write questions with the help of the words in the bracket.

2. Ss read the conversation and try to make questions with the help of the words in the bracket.

3. Check the answers with the class.

4. Have Ss role-play the conversation. (小组加分) Homework

总结动词现在分词的变化规则,并整理在笔记,做强化记忆。 板书设计: 课后记:

Section B 3a-Self Check read-reading; draw-drawing; live-living, have-having, save-saving; sit-sitting, shop-shopping, put-putting What are you doing? Let's play soccer. What is Tony doing? Is Steve studying, too?