最新广州新版牛津英语八年级下册unit8life-in-the-future-重点单词词组以及知识点 下载本文

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Internet__________ apology__________ post__________ past__________present__________ wide__________ shape__________ cafe__________recently__________

foever__________ certainly__________ satisfy__________

mix__________ electronic__________ relax__________ while__________ technology__________software__________prepare__________ 二、短语

In the present__________ in the shape of__________ recommend sth to sb __________At the front __________ 在互联网上_________________ mix...with....__________ 准备去做某事_________________ prepare for __________ 与。。。保持联系____________________ in a second__________ 三单词讲解 1.Internet

on the Internet 在电脑上 surf the Internet 网上冲浪 2.post (发在网上的)帖子

I can’t understand what he talked about in his post today我不明白他今天所发的帖子想要说什么。

3.apology n. apologize v. 道歉

a letter of apology 道歉信 accept one’s apology 接受道歉 apologize to sb. 向某人道歉 =make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉 apologize for sth. 因某事道歉 apologize to sb.for sth.因某事向某人道歉

You should make an apology to him.你应该向他道歉

We apologize for the late departure of this fight.本航班起飞延误,谨致歉意。

4.excuse n.借口 辩解 v.为….做辩解 请原谅 without excuse 无故 in excuse of 为…..辩解 excuse for sth./doing sth. (做)某事借口、理由 excuse sb.for (doing ) sth. 原谅某人(所作某事)

There’s no excuse for such a mistake. 犯这种错误说不过去。 Excuse me. 5.past

in the past在过去 in the future在将来

I used to go to my uncle’s in the past.我过去常常去我叔叔家。 6.present

in the present 现在

You’d better forget the past and start living in the present.你最好忘记过去,开始活在当下。

in the past and present 过去和现在

He told me something about the town in the past and present.他告诉我这个小镇的过去和现在的情况。



7.wide宽的 反义词narrow How wide is it? 它有多宽? 名词:width 宽度

动词:widen 拓宽,放宽 The city is widening this street. 该城正在拓宽这条街。

8.shape 形状 v. 使….成形 塑造 take shape 成形

The swimming pool is in the shape of a heart.这个游泳池呈心形。 9.cafe 咖啡馆,小餐馆

I had some coffee in this cafe.我在这个咖啡馆喝咖啡。 10.recently adv. 不久前,最经

I'm very busy recently.最近我很忙.。

recent adj. 近来的,最近的 recently adv

Many changes have take place in our city in recent years.近几年来,我们的城市发生很多改变。 11. forever adj

I will love you forever. 我将永远爱你。 12.certainly adv. 无疑,肯定

It is certainly better than that.这当然是比那更好。 ---Can you help me? ---Certainly. 13. recommend建议

recommend to do sth. 推荐 建议做某事

recommend doing sth. 推荐做某事 劝解做某事(没有指定人去做) recommend sb./sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某人某物 recommend sb.for/ as … 推荐某人担当….

Can you recommend a good place to us? 你可以推荐一个好地方给我吗? He recommends reading the book before seeing the movie. 他建议我先看书再看电影。

He recommend that she should read the book.他建议她看那本书。 14.satisfy v.满意 satisfied adj.满意的 be satisfied with sb/sth 对某人某事满意 be satisfied to do sth. 对做某事很满意

15.This play will satisfy everyone. 这个计划能让所有人满意。 satisfaction n.

15. mix v. 混合 掺合 融合 mixture n. 混合物 mix…with/and…把…与….混合

Mix the eggs and sugar together. 把蛋和糖掺在一起。

He mixed this oil with the the paint.他把这种油和油漆掺在一起。 16. electronic adj.电子的 an electronic map

This dictionary is available in electronic form.本词典有电子版。 17.relax v. 放松 relaxation n. 休息 娱乐 消遣 relaxed adj. relaxing adj. 放松的 令人放松的 Don’t worry. Just relax and enjoy the film.



18.while 在...期间,当...时候

She started her own business while she she still at university.他大学时就开始创业。

They were singing while we were dancing. 19. technology 科技

With the development of modern science and technology, our country is developing very quickly.随着现代科技的进步,我们的国家正在迅速发展。 20. prepare v. prepared=ready

prepare for sth.=be ready for =be prepared for

I have to prepare for the lesson before I have class. 短语

1. in the present在现在 在现在 at present 目前 现在=now 2. at the front It has a window at the front. in the front of 在…(内部的)前面 in front of 在…前面

at the front of在(某个物体本身或范围之内)的前部,但仅指一个点而 3. both...and...谓语用复数

Both English and physics are my favourite subjects. 4. a new type of...一种新型的

We can find a new type of method to improve it. 5. mix...with... 相混合 6. in the shape of.....

7. virus-cleaning software 杀毒软件 8. break down 抛锚 过去形式 broke down 9. have trouble (in) doing 做某事有困难 10. keep in touch with...与...保持联系 11. prepare for

12. in a second 片刻,瞬间 I will be back in a second.

UNIT8 一.填入适当单词,完成句子。

1. She __________ the flour with the milk to make a paste just now 2. How is judy__________? I haven’t seen her for ages.

3. We should deal with__________ carefully. It is a dangerous gas which is easy to burn and explode.

4. “I hat him. I hope that I will not see him__________,” Angela said angrily.

5. It is difficult to __________ every customer in a restaurant.

6. I think you’d better use a(n) __________ calculator to help you. You will complete the exercise much faster. 7. I hope i will have a chance to__________ in a seaside town in New Zealand one day.
