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themselves, hugging the other customers. One of the French families called for champagne — made the round, kissing each of us on both cheeks. The owner of the restaurant started \
德国人请在场的每个人喝酒。人们自斟自饮,相互拥抱。其中的一家法国人要来了香槟——到每张桌上给人敬酒,亲吻每个人的双颊。饭馆老板带头唱起\耶稣降生\,我们大家都跟着唱,其中有半数人是含泪唱的。close22RT People crowded in from the street until many customers were standing. The walls shook as hands and feet kept time to the Christmas carols.
人们络绎不绝地从街上向餐馆涌来,后来连位子都不够了,一些顾客只好站着。人们和着圣诞歌的节奏手舞足蹈,声音震动了餐厅的四壁。close23RT The miserable evening in a dull restaurant ended up being the very best Christmas Eve we had ever experienced just because of a young sailor who had Christmas spirit in his soul. He released the love and joy that had been smothered within us by anger and disappointment. He gave us Christmas.
原本是在一家简陋的小餐馆里的一个凄凉的夜晚,结果竟变成我们一生中最最美好的圣诞前夜。这全亏那位灵魂中闪烁着圣诞精神的年轻海员。是他释放了我们心中那被愤懑和失望压抑的爱心和快乐。他赐给了我们圣诞的欢乐。Close 2
T Our \
Linda Snelson This text is adapted from Chicken Soup at http://www.chickensoup.com.
close1RT My daughter Gina was in Mrs. Melton's fourth-grade class. After only a month in school, she began to come home on a regular basis asking for pencils, crayons, paper, etc. At first I provided whatever she needed.
我的女儿吉娜在梅尔顿太太的班上读四年级,才上了一个月的学,就开始定期向家里要铅笔、蜡笔、纸张等学习用品。一开始我对她有求必应。close2RT After ongoing requests for items that should have easily lasted a mere six weeks of fourth grade, I became concerned and asked her, \supplies?\
理的解释。 close3RT One day, after supplying the same thing only a week earlier, I became irritated (激怒,使烦躁) with her pleading (请求) for more and sternly (严厉地) asked her once more, \What is going on with your school supplies?\Knowing her excuses would no longer work, she bent her head and began to cry. I lifted her tiny chin (下巴) and looked into those big brown eyes, filled now with tears. \Had she been bullied (欺辱,威逼) by another child? Was she giving her supplies to him or her to keep from being hurt? I couldn't imagine what was going on, but I knew it was something serious for her to cry. I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her to answer.
有一天,她又说要买学习用品了,而我一星期前才给她买过。我很不高兴,便厉声问她,\吉娜,你的学习用品用来干什么了?\这下她知道瞒不过去了,低下头哭起来。我抬起她的小下巴,盯着她那对棕色的大眼睛,那眼里已经满是泪水。\怎么了?到底怎么了?\我的脑海里满是疑问。她是不是被别的孩子欺负了?她是不是为了免受伤害而被迫把自己的学习用具给了出去?我不清楚究竟出了什么事,但她哭了说明事情一定很严重。我等着她的回答,似乎等了一万年。 close4RT \supplies he needs to do his work. The other kids make fun of him because his papers are messy and he only has two crayons to color with. I have been putting the new supplies you bought me in his desk before the others come in, so he doesn't know it's me. Please don't get mad at me, Mom. I didn't mean to tell you a lie, but I didn't want anyone to know it was me.\
\妈妈,\她开口了,\我班上有个男孩,他没有文具做功课。其他的孩子们都取笑他,因为他的作业本很脏,他只有两种蜡笔涂色。我趁别人还没进教室前把你给我买的新文具放在他的书桌里,这样他就不会发现是我给的。你别生气,妈妈,我不是故意要撒谎的,我只是不想让任何人发现是我做的。\My heart sank as I stood there in disbelief. She had taken on the role of an adult and tried to hide it like a child. I knelt down, hugged her, and then said, \mad at you for wanting to help someone.\
我心一沉,呆立着,简直无法相信这一切。她扮演了一个大人的角色,又像孩子般地藏藏掖掖。我蹲下身去,拥抱了她,然后说:\吉娜,妈妈绝不会因为你想帮助别人而生你的气。\Gina had said. She knew John's situation all too well. There were four boys in the family, John being the oldest. The parents had just moved here, and when the school presented them with the school supply list for all four grades they were overwhelmed. So, when the boys came to school the next week, they barely had the necessities.
第二天,我去见了梅尔顿太太,把吉娜的事告诉了她。梅尔顿太太对约翰一家的情况了如指掌。约翰是家中四个儿子中的长子,父母刚搬来不久。当学校把四个孩子所需的学习用品清单给约翰父母时,他们简直不知所措。第二个星期孩子们上学时,带的用品只勉强够用。close7RT I asked Mrs. Melton for the list from all
four grades and told her I would take care of it the next day. She smiled and gave me the lists.
我向梅尔顿太太拿了四个年级需要的学习用品清单,告诉她第二天我会帮忙处理。她微笑着把单子给了我。close8RT The next day, we brought the supplies in and gave them to the office with instructions to give them to the boys.
第二天,我们买齐了学习用品,交给办公室,嘱咐他们转交给约翰四兄弟。 close9RT As Christmas neared, the thought of John, his brothers and family weighed heavily on my mind. What would they do? Surely they would not have money for gifts.
圣诞节快到了,我非常惦记约翰、他的弟弟以及他们全家。他们会做什么呢?他们一定没钱买礼物的。close10RT I asked Mrs. Melton if she could get me their address. At first she refused, reminding me that there was a policy that protected the privacy (隐私) of the students, but because she knew me from my work at the school and involvement on the PTA board, she slipped a piece of paper into my hand and whispered, \
我问梅尔顿太太要约翰家的地址。一开始她不肯,说学校有规定要保护学生的隐私。但因为我参与一些学校和教师家长协会上的工作,她了解我,最后她还是将一张纸条塞给了我,悄悄地说:\别说是我给的。\to set the stage for our traditional Christmas Eve, which was usually held at my house, I simply told them all that my husband, the kids and I did not want gifts, but instead we would prefer to have groceries and gifts for our \And we shopped throughout the holiday season for the four boys too. Gina was especially interested in things for John.
我的亲戚家人通常在我家庆祝圣诞前夜,当大家开始为这传统节日做准备时,我只告诉他们,我丈夫、孩子们和我不要礼物,而只要给我们\一家子\日用品和礼品。整个假日期间我们也在留意购买适合约翰四兄弟的物品。吉娜特别注意给约翰的礼物。close12RT Christmas Eve came and my family began to arrive. Each of them had bags of food and gifts wrapped for the children. My living room was full and the excitement was contagious (传染的;有感染力的).
圣诞前夜,亲戚们开始陆续来到。每个人都带来了左一包右一包的食物和给孩子们的礼物,把起居室都堆满了。我们激动的心情感染了大家。close13RT Finally at 9:00 we decided it was time to take our treasures to them. My brothers, dad, uncles and nephews loaded up their trucks and set out for the address that Mrs. Melton gave us.
终于到了九点,送礼的时候到了。我的兄弟、父亲、叔父和侄子们将东西装满了他们的货车,开始向梅尔顿太太提供的地址出发。close14RT They knocked on the door and a little boy appeared. They asked for his mother or dad and he ran away. The
guys waited until a young man came to the door. He looked at the men standing there, with arms full of gifts and bags full of groceries, and couldn't say a word. The men pushed past him and went straight to the kitchen counter to set the bags down.
他们敲了门,一个小男孩出现了,听说要找他的父母,小孩便跑回去了。等了片刻,一个年轻人出来了。他看到抱着大包礼品与日用品的来人,不知说什么好。送礼的人们从他身边经过,直接将东西放在了厨房的灶台上。close15RT There was no furniture. It was an empty one-bedroom apartment with a few blankets on the floor and a small TV where they obviously spent their time. A Christmas tree was the result of the kids bringing in a bush they had found in the field behind their apartment. A few paper decorations made in their classrooms made it look like a real Christmas tree. Nothing was underneath.
这个一居室的家空空如也,连家具都没有。地板上扔着几张毯子,还有一台小小的电视,显然他们大部分的时间都在电视机前度过。\圣诞树\是孩子们从屋后的田里挖来的一丛灌木,挂着在教室里做的几样纸饰品,看上去还有一点圣诞节的味道。可树下什么也没有。close16RT The boys and their parents stood without speaking as the men sat down bag after bag. They finally asked who had sent them, how they knew them and so on. But the men just left them with shouts of \Christmas!\
孩子们和他们的父母站在一旁,一言不发,看着大家把一袋袋的物品搬进来。最后他们终于开口问东西是谁让送来的,怎么认识他们的,等等。但来人只高喊了几声\圣诞节快乐\就离开了。close17RT When the guys got back to my house they didn't say a word. They couldn't.
送礼的人回到我家时,什么话也没说。什么话也说不出来。close18RT To break the silence, my aunt stood up and began to sing \
为打破沉默,我的婶婶站起身,带头唱起\平安夜\这首歌,大家都跟着唱了起来。close19RT When school resumed, Gina came home daily telling of John's new clothes and how the other children now played with him and treated him like the rest of the children.
开学以后,吉娜每天都带回关于约翰的消息,他有新衣服穿了,其他孩子肯和他玩了,也平等对待他了。close20RT She never told a soul at school about what we did, but every Christmas since that one she will say to me, \I wonder what happened to John and his family?\think that John and his family were somehow helped by my daughter's gift.
Unit 7
How Well Can We Listen?
Kathleen T. McWhorter This text is taken from Efficient & Flexible Reading (3rd edition) by Kathleen T. McWhorter. Harper Collins Publishers. 1992.
close1RT It is not uncommon to hear people complaining that no one listens to them and no one understands them. Such complaints come not only from kids but also from adults. How often is this a vital cause in the failure of personal relationships? How often does it contribute to broken homes? How often do we hear of a married couple who fail to have communication, or of children who feel deserted? It seems something must have gone wrong.
我们时常听到人们抱怨说没有人聆听他们,没有人能理解他们。这样的抱怨不仅出自孩童之口,也出自成人之口。人际关系不和谐,这不往往是个重要原因吗?家庭破裂,不也往往拜其所赐吗?我们不也还常常听说夫妻之间无法交流,孩子感觉被遗弃吗?看来这其中一定出了什么问题。close2RT Experts tend to resort to the term \this term be applied to the cases mentioned above? Though there might be room for hesitation in the adoption of it when \wrong to borrow the rest in making an analysis. There are bound to be differences, or gaps, in the opinions of two people that give rise to conflicts, and ways to reduce them are by no means easy to be sought, but it is equally true to say that there is bound to be a solution to every problem. Part of the solution to human conflicts is to avoid misunderstanding.
每当父母和孩子之间发生冲突的时候,专家们往往会用\代沟\这一术语来解释。那么这个术语能否用于上面提到的情况呢?当然,如果细究\代\的本义,那么这算不上特别贴切,但是大可借用该术语的其他涵义来分析问题。两个人的观点之所以会引起纷争,肯定因为存在分歧,而要设法减少分歧又谈何容易!但是我们也同样可以说,每个问题肯定都会有办法解决。人际冲突的部分解决办法是避免误解。close3RT Misunderstanding often arises from a lack of communication. Curiously enough, in a modern society where not a few advanced technological means of communication such as the mobile phone and pager have been developed, people are still confronted with this problem. Investigations show that technological inventions do help facilitate human communication. They also show that while there are more opportunities for personal contact, especially through verbal communication,