六年级英语第二学期模拟试题 下载本文

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( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B. C.

( )3. A. B. C.

( )4. A.



( )5. A. B. C.

( )6. A. B. C.

( )7. A. B. C.

( )8. A. B. C.

( )9. A. $70 B.¥ 70 C. £70

( )10. A. B. C.







( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



( )1.A.It’s thirty yuan. B.They’re twenty yuan. C.They were twenty yuan ( )2. A . It’s near to the park. B. It’s next to the cinema. C. Turn right. ( )3. A.. Red B. Black C.Brown

( )4. A. He’s at home. B. He does housework. C. He was at work. ( )5. A. By bus. B. By ship. C. On foot ( )6. A. Because I was tired. B. Because I stayed up late.

C. Because I do my homework.

( )7. A. I’m going to Beijing. B. I’m going next month.

C. I’m going by plane. ( )8. Where is Tom on Sunday.

A. at the park B. at the library C. at home

( )9. Tom eats enough _________, and drinks a lot of ________ every day. A. fruit, water B. vegetables, exercise C. vegetables, water ( )10. Is Tom healthy?

A. No, he isn’t B. Yes, he is. C. He’s bad.

五、下面你听到的是有关Wu Yifan上周末活动的一篇短文,请根据听到的

短文内容把信息补充完整。一共听两遍。(一共6分,每小题1分) 1. Wu Yifan __________ his grandma on Saturday morning.

2. On Sunday morning, he __________ ____________ with his friends.

3. He _________ his clothes and ________ his _________ Sunday afternoon.


六、 认读单词或短语,找出相应的图画,把编号写在括号里。(12分) A. radio B. ride a horse C.star D. sofa E.unhealthy F. cold G. crab H. a bag of rice I. go camping J. present K excited L. scissor

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

七、 选择题。(22分)

( )1. Tomorrow is Friday. The day before yesterday was___________ . A. Saturday B. Thursday C. Wednesday ( )2. ______ is the guitar? It’s 200________.

A. How much, dollar B. How many, dollars C. How much, dollars ( )3. There _____ some meat in the plate. A. is B. are C. am

( )4. I’m thirty. I have to need some _______. A. water B food C. bread ( )5. _____ is before summer.

A. fall B. spring C. winter

( )6. My sister lost her book. She ____ find it.

A. have to B. has to C. has for ( )7. Let’s go and help ______.

A. she B. her C. hers

( )8. We often borrow books from the _______ A. bookstore B. school C. library

( )9. After having the P.E. class. We are very ______. A. tired B. upset C. angry ( )10. I am ______ than Dick.

A. taller B. tallest C . tall ( )11. Which animal is the biggest in the world?

A. An elephant. B. A Whale. C. A lion

( )12. The sun is _____ than the earth.

A. bigger B. smaller C. longer ( )13. Yesterday I helped my mom _____ clothes. A. washed B. to wash C. wash

( )14. _______ you at the fair yesterday? Yes, I was. A. Did B. Were C. Are

( )15. I was looking for a game ________.

A. at the hair salon B. at the park C. at the toy store ( )16. Ben is the _______ boy in his class. A. old B. older C. oldest. ( )17. What’s good for us?__________.

A. Drink too much cola. B. Get plenty of exercise. C. Eat too much spicy food..

( )18. Go straight _______ the bus stop. It’s ______ your right. A. to, on B. at, on C. from, in ( )19. If the light is yellow. We must _________.

A. wait B. go C. stop

( )20.I’m happy because I _____________.

A. got a poor grade B. got a puppy C. went home late ( )21. We didn’t get home at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. So my parents were ______. A. worry B. worried C. scared ( )22. Too much junk food is _________.

A. healthy B. unhealthy C. good.


A、读句子,找出与句意相符的图画,把编号写在括号里。(8分,每小题2分)( )1. It’s hot in summer in Taishan. A. B.

( )2.The boy goes swimming once a month. A. B.

( )3. He is scared because he heard a noise. A B.

( )4. My father is going to Shanghai next Friday. A. B.

( )5. My hobby is making model plane. A . B. ( )6. It’s six o’clock. It’s time for dinner. A. B. ( )7. Vegetables are healthy for us. A. B. ( )8. They took a train to Tianjin yesterday. A B. B、读短文,根据上下文选择正确的选项,把编号写在横线上。(7分,每空1分) My grandparents __________(A. live B. lives) in Hong Kong. Last week, they came to Taishan to ________ ( A. visit B. visited) us. First, they went to Shenzhen _______(A. by B. take) train. Then, they ______ (A. by B. took) the bus to Taishan. We _______( A. are B were) all very happy to see them. We took them to see many places. They took pictures, ate ________( A. good, B. bad) food and bought presents. We _________( A. have B. had) a good time together. C、根据句意在横线上填上恰当的单词,使句子通顺合理。每空一词,有的词第一个字母已给出。(10分,每空1分) 1.Drivers drive on the _______ side(边) of the road in China.

2.He has a toothache. He is going to the____________ ____________.

3. Eating vegetables is _______ _______ you. 3. Yesterday I had a g______day. It was my birthday. In the morning, I ______ fun with friends. In the evening, I had a p________ and g______ some presents from my friends. I ______ very happy.. 九、阅读理解。(20分) A、阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的请写T,否则写F。(5分) It’s not easy to go to the park from my home. First, I have to go to the subway station on foot and go to the No.12 bus stop by subway. Then I take the No.12 bus and get off at the post office. The park is next to the post office.

( )1. My home is near the park.

( )2. I have to walk to the subway station.

( )3. I go to the No.12 bus stop by subway.

( )4. I go to the post office by bus.

( )5. I have to take a bus to the park from the post office.


The Yellow Mountain is in the south of Anhui. It’s very beautiful. It’s really a good place to have fun.

Tom went to the Yellow Mountain__1__ his parents on May 1st and

he__2__back yesterday. The weather was warm and humid( 潮湿的 ). During that time, they ___3__the mountain, and they enjoyed the sea of clouds,

wondrous pines (奇松)and unique rocks(怪石 ). Some rocks looked like cute

monkeys. They were very interesting. They took ___4__ pictures. The people there were friendly and the food was tasty. After climbing the mountains, they

were a little tired. But they ___5__ a good time there. Tom likes the Yellow Mountain very much.

(一)根据上下文的意思选择恰当的词,把编号写在括号里,给短文补充完整。(5分) A. had B. a lot of C. with D.came E. climbed 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) (二)读短文,在文中找出两对反义词,把它们写在横线上。(2分) 1. _________ and __________ 2. ________ and ________ (三)判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打√,不相同的打×。(5分)

( )1. south cloud ( )2. there were ( )3.took food ( ) 4. yesterday very ( )5. place tasty (四)、根据短文内容回答下列问题。(3分)

1.Did Tom go to the Yellow Mountain on June 1st ?

___________, ___________ __________.

2. What was the weather like in Yellow Mountain? ________________________________________________ 3.Does Tom like the Yellow Mountain?

____________, ___________ ___________ 十、小作文。(5分) 以“A Day” 为题写一篇小作文。 要求:1.书写整洁,规范; 2.条理清楚,语言简洁连贯。 3.字数不少于45个单词。