冷冲压模具装配工艺规范 下载本文

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is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\y, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is 冷冲压模具装配工艺规范

操作者必须受过冲压模具装配的专业培训,并通过专业考核合格取得上岗证后,才有资格进行冲压模具装配,在模具装配的过程中,必须遵守以下规程: 一、 技术要求:






6.导柱和导套之间的相对滑动平稳而均匀,无歪斜和阻滞现象; 7.钻孔、铰孔、攻丝的技术要求: 1)


钻削加工留镗削余量(单边) 孔直径(mm) 余量(mm) <Φ20 1~1.5 Φ20~Φ35 1.5~2 Φ35~Φ50 2~3 >Φ50 <4 2)作固定销孔时,应按如下的要求执行:

① 程序:先钻预孔(留1~2mm余量),然后扩孔(留0.2~0.3mm余量);最后铰削至所需的孔径要求(包括精度和粗糙度)。

② 原则:

a. 对于定位要求较高的模具(如两器端板冲孔切角模),其固定销孔钻,扩后应采用手工铰出,以保证精度要求;对于其它模具,可采用机铰方式铰出,但应选择合适的加工参数;

b. 对于淬硬件的固定孔,应在淬硬前在相应的位置上个铰预配镶件(材料45钢)装上,然后再在镶件上制出销孔(要保证对中)。

8.各零件外形棱边(工作棱边除外)及销孔,螺钉沉孔必须倒角; 9.冲裁模具,其凸凹模具在装配前必须先用油石进行修磨; 10.各种附件应按图纸要求装配齐备;

11.模具在压力机上的安装尺寸需符合选用设备的要求,起吊零件安全可靠; 12.模具应在生产的条件下试模,试模所得制件应符合工序图要求,并能稳定地冲出合格的制件。

is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\y, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, i二、 装配程序:


2.装配前须认真按图检查模具零件的加工质量,合格的投入装配,不合格返工或重制。 3.装配过程中,不能用手锤直接敲打模具零件,而用紫铜棒进行。 4.装配步骤:


2)① 压入式——导向件装配;

② 螺钉紧固式——导柱、导套的装配:导柱、导套与下模座、上模座均采用基孔制H7/m6过盈配合装配;装配时用手锤垫着铜棒分别将导柱、导套打入下、上模座上;装配也后检查其垂直度,若不符合要求则应重新配制。







9)对一些加工时难于倒角的异形边或装模后方能倒角的拼件,由钳工装配后进行倒角。 三、 试模:





is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \brary, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, ccording to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management20, according to the company'business activities, monthly projects involved in the business ctivities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost controlcash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting nd risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, 模具制造工艺规范


并根据试冲出的制件的相关尺寸情况及毛刺情况精调模具(模具试冲时的缺陷,产生原因和调整方法见附表),直至将合格的制件冲出为止。 四、 其它:

1.试模合格后,拆下,配钻、铰各销孔,安装定位圆柱销; 2.对试模时修磨过的定位钉车圆,并进行热处理再装上;

3.对模具进行防锈漆处理,要求对凡与空气直接接触的部位涂防锈油; 4.外露侧面涂上防锈漆,打钢印(打模具编号及名称),装铭牌; 5.装上合模垫块,复模交检出厂;

6.在装配过程中的各个环节都应进行自检,并按要求填写《装配自检卡》,自检合格后上交检验员确认,待检验员确认《装配自检卡》后方能进行模具的专检验收。 五、 自检内容及自检要求:











8.完善性:检查各零件是否装配完善、齐全,各外形棱边是否倒角。 9.动合:检查上、下模和导向件的配合动作上是否协调合理。

10.制件:检查制件尺寸是否符合工序图的相关要求,检查毛刺是否超差。 11.定位:检查定位块、定位销是否安装合理,并方便定位。



附表1 攻螺纹前底孔径(mm)

螺纹公称直径 3 4 5 底 孔 孔 径 螺距 0.5 0.7 0.8 Ⅰ 2.45 3.2 4.1 Ⅱ 2.5 3.3 4.2 螺距 0.35 0.5 0.5 Ⅰ 2.6 3.45 4.45 Ⅱ 2.65 3.5 4.5 螺距 Ⅰ Ⅱ 第 3 页 共 5 页