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Why don't we complain

unctuously: insincerely 油腻地, 油腔滑调地

Mortification: shame and embarrassment 耻辱,屈辱

Discreet: careful and prudent 言谈举止谨慎的; 言行审慎的; 不显眼的 rectify: correct

Ostentatiously: showily

Bellicose: fond of fighting and quarreling Deferentially: respectfully

Reproof:censure, rebuke斥责,责备 Virile: full of masculine strength Apathy: lack of interest, indifference

Plenipotentiary: fully empowered有全权的 Impervious: not affected and influenced Unobtrusive: not too noticeable Doleful: sad, sorrowful Fortified: strengthen

Telltale: revealing泄露内情的 raring: very eager

Whisked: cause to move very quickly Notorious: infamous

Resignation: passive acceptance, patient submission Primed: brief, prepare

Moan: make a low sound of pain or grief nonchalantly: indifferently, unconcernedly Visualize: from a mental picture, imagine head-on: firm and direct

showdown: final fight to settle a dispute Presumption: supposition假设 Irksome: troublesome, annoying

Intimated: hint, make known indirectly

Compliance: willingness to yield, agreement


Carry away: lose control, not influenced or guided by conscience, unreasonable Prevail upon sb. to do sth: 获胜,劝说,说服 Summon up鼓起(勇气),奋起;唤起 Set in:to begin 开始(并将延续下去) Run out of Tie up 没空

On sb.'s part站在某人的一边,支持某人;从某人的角度来说,对某人来说

Asset itself/oneself: behave in a determined way so that people do not make he/she does not want to坚持自己的权利(或意见),显示自己的权威 Get on to: get used to; 掌握

Stash away: 被搁在一边;存放, 藏起来

Settle for: to be content with, often less than one wanted

It is now or never立刻, 马上行动起来, 机不可失, 机会难得

College pressures

Scribbled: write very fast or carelessly Authentic: true, reliable

Unswervingly: unchangingly, firmly Savored: relish, enjoy Venerated: respect deeply Induce: lead, cause

intangible: that cannot be easily defined, vague Dimension: aspect, side

Visualize: form a clear picture in the mind, imagine Sampled: get to know by experience

Exhilarated: make cheerful and excited, thrill Accrue: accumulate

Exhorted: urge or advise strongly

Tenacity: doggedness, perseverance坚持;固执

pay-off: reward

Synthesize: bring separate parts into a whole, fuse 综合, 合成 Vacillate:be uncertain of what action to take Furtively: stealthily, secretly

Symptomatic: indicative, being a sign

Perceive: view, interpret things in a certain way

Contagious: tending to spread easily from person to person Reverse: change around completely Juggled: rearrange尽力应付 Nurture: train, educate, develop Circuitious: long and indirect Potent:very effective and powerful Positively: definitely, indeed, really

Intertwined: intermingle, interweave, be twisted so as to become joined Steer: direct the course of Drab: uninteresting, dull


Privy to: sharing in the knowledge of facts that are secret 私下知情的 In perspective 正确,恰当

Hang on to保留(某物);紧紧抓住, 坚持下去,依靠, 留住 Thin out变稀薄;变淡

Up the creek: to be in a difficult situation Make much of重视, 充分利用 Pile up堆积, 积累

Cut back削减, 急忙返回

Conceive of构想出, 设想,想象,考虑 Catch up with赶上, 对…产生预期的坏影响

Unit 4 Portrait of an Actress

Congenial: agreeable Seasoned: experienced

Grated: make a harsh unpleasant sound Growled: say in a low, rough, angry voice Phantoms: illusion

Insubstantial: imaginary, not real Scribble: write quickly and roughly

Buffet: push roughly from side to side把某人[某物]打来打去或推来推去 Stumbled: walk unsteadily

Sham: fraud, something not real

Incongruous: out of pace不调和的,不相称的

Domesticity: the state of living at home with your family Forsake: abandon, desert遗弃,抛弃;舍弃,放弃 Solitude: the state of being alone Surging: arise suddenly and intensely

Outrageous: very unusual and slightly shocking

Contradicted: say something that conflicts with something said by another Minute: very detailed, accurate极详细的; 准确的; 精确的

Rambling: walk for pleasure with no special destination杂乱无章的, 闲逛的 Defy: be so difficult as to make impossible使成为不可能 Stock: commonly used常用的


Throw light on使人了解,阐明

At a venture冒险地(碰运气地, 胡乱地, 随便地) At any rate无论如何,至少

Fob off with: to give someone something that is not very good instead of the thing they really want打发,搪塞

Above the head of sb: sth which is too difficult/professional for sb to understand On the rack: suffering great physical and mental pain在极度痛苦、紧张、艰难中 Come upon: affect, happen to

Out of proportion to: 和 ... 不成比例(和 ... 不相称, 与 ... 不相称)

Unit 5 A Wagner Matinee

Legacy: something left behind

Scourged: cause great pain and suffering Fumbled: finger or handle awkwardly