小学四年级英语阅读理解41篇 下载本文

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1.Class One,Grade Four

It is Tuesday today.Boys and girls are all at schoo。l They usually come to school by bus.

Their teacher is at school.too.The teacher young.She usually comes to school on foot.

Look at the classroom of Class One,Grade Four.In this room,you can see a boy and a girl.The boy is eleven.His name is Jack.The girl is Emma.She is twelve.John is Jack

’s friend.He is an American boy.

A.Too B.Three C.Two ( )3.Jame likes _____. A.basketball B.football

C.table tennis

’ s name is G(u Y)a4n.J.Samheessi is in bed because _____.

A.he is tired B.he is ill C.he is sleepy ( )5.James must stay in bed for _____. A.a day B.a week C.two weeks

3.The Lion ’s Dinner

Lion:Good afternoon,Mrs Rabbit.Let me eat you.


( )1.Boys and girls are all at home today. younger

( )2.The boys and girls go to school by bus. ( )3.Miss Gu is not old.

( )4.Miss Gu usually goes to school by bike.

2.James Is Ill

James is a primary school小( 学) student.He

’ s i年n 级Gra) dTeh(re e


’ t eat me,Mr Lion.I

’ m old.That mouse is

Lion:Miss Mouse,Miss Mouse,let me eat you. Mouse:Oh,no.Many birds are standing over there. Lion:Birds,I will eat you.You are my dinner. Birds:You are bad.We can fly,can you? Lion:No,I can

’ t.But where is my dinner?

now.He has a round face and wears glasses.He likes playing football and swimming.But today he doesn

’t go to school.He

’s ill.He


’s in bed.He(had)1a.The lion is ______.


B.hungry C.scared(受惊吓的) D.happy

bad cold.He must stay in bed for a week.


( )2.The lion doesn

( )1.James is a _____ student.

A.primary school B.middle school C.senior school ( )2.Jame is in Grade _____.


’ t eat the rabbit,because there is a ______ ove

A.deer B.bird C.goat D.mouse ( )3.Can the birds fly ?______

1 / 16

A.No,they can. B.Yes,they can. C.No, they can ( 间 ) ( )4.The lion can't fly. He ______ at last.

’ t. D.Yes,they can ’ t. 5.Do and Don’t

’t do in our free闲tim暇e时

Jack √ × × × √

don’t= ×

Cindy × × × √ √

Things we do and don


A.eat dinner B.eat the rabbit C.doesn ( )5.The lion doesn there.

read books

A.birds B.rabbits C.goats D.deers

watch TV

4.The first Day of School

It’s the first day of school.Lily wants to go back to school.She wants to see her friends,She wants to meet her new teachers.


Lily gets up early in the morning.She washes the face and eats the

sleep a lot


√ √ ×

’ t have dinner D.eat the mouse

play basketball

’ t eat the mouse,because there are ______ over

play TV games

× √

( )1.Peter palys basketball, but Cindy does’n t play basketball.

breakfast.Then she rides her bike to school.She seesher friends on the

( )2.Jack doesn’t play TV games. Cindy doesn’t play Tv games,

playground.She plays hide-and-seek捉( 迷藏) with them.In the

classroom,Lily meets her new maths teacher.Her name is Mrs Green.Lily likes Mrs Green.She can speak English very well.Lily thinks she is a nice


( )3.Cindy watches TV. Peter watches TV, too. ( )4.Jack doesn’t watch TV. Peter doesn’t watch TV, either.


( )5.Peter doesn’t sleep a lot . Jack doesn't sleep a lot , either.