2019年高中英语Module3InterpersonalRelationships—Friendship单元小结教案外研版选修6 下载本文

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Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship


As a child, I was blessed with a close friend, Tom, who was very considerate, and I had absolute trust in him. Whenever I was confronted with difficulties, he would offer help. At one point, I lost interest in studies and skipped class from time to time. Having been scolded by my father, I was moody. What's worse, I even quarreled with Tom for no reason. However, he forgave me, not to mention the fact that he helped me out of the trouble. I regretted having done that, made up with him from the bottom of my heart and we were on good terms again. On the other hand, many of our hobbies were alike, such as digging worms for fishing in summer, going sliding on the ice in winter and so on. Now we still keep in touch, looking forward to the time to reunite., 小时候,我有幸有一位亲密的朋友汤姆,他很体贴,我对他绝对信任。无论什么时候我遇到困难,他都会提供帮助。曾经,我对学习失去了兴趣,不时地逃课。被父亲责骂后,我闷闷不乐。更糟糕的是,我甚至无缘无故地和汤姆吵架。但是,他原谅了我,更不用说帮我摆脱困境了。我后悔那么做,真心实意地和他和解,我们的关系又好了。另一方面,我们的业余爱好很相似,比如夏天挖虫钓鱼,冬天滑冰等等。现在我们依然保持联系,期盼着重聚的时刻。

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I was a dog living with my master, Jack. Whenever he came home, I would run and jump around his feet to __1__ him, hoping that I could get some food from him and get patted (轻拍). The __2__ of being a dog was obvious that neither need I __3__ food by myself nor should I have the ability to hunt.

There was only one matter that I had to __4__ at home. That was my master's __5__ temper (脾气). Sometimes he didn't treat me well and __6__ beat me when he got drunk. __7__, I didn't think it was a big deal, for I __8__ that I was the happiest dog in the world, the dog who had delicious meat and bones.

One day, I watched TV sitting by Jack's side. An animal called wolf that looked like me __9__ my eye. The wolves live in the __10__ with trees and flowers, mountains and rivers, which is __11__ my world. Then I saw some other animals, such as deer, goats and so on. All of them run outside rather than __12__ for food every day. They didn't have a master who gave them both food and __13__. The way they lived had greatly

__14__ me.

Though I didn't know whether they __15__ their life or not, their life was wonderful in my eyes. For me, it was __16__ to just sleep and eat over and again. It was not until I saw the wolves and other animals that I knew what real __17__ should be like. It should be like that — tough and __18__, but also filled with hope and energy. Even if I couldn't __19__ my situation, it occurred to me that I could also do something __20__. I could at least help get the newspaper and protect the house.

语篇解读:本文是一只狗的自白。对生活盲目满足的一只狗某天在电视上看到自由生活的动物才明白了生活的真谛。 1.A.find C.welcome

B.thank D.answer

解析:选C 根据语境可知,每当主人回到家,“我”会在他的脚边奔跑跳跃来欢迎(welcome)他。

2.A.list C.weakness

B.benefit D.fault

解析:选B 联系下文的“nor should I have the ability to hunt”可知,这里说的是作为一只狗的好处(benefit)。

3.A.eat C.hide

B.make D.search

解析:选D 作为一只狗的好处显而易见:“我”既不用自己找(search)食物,也不需要具备捕猎的本领。

4.A.bear C.decide

B.save D.reach

解析:选A 联系下文提到的主人有时对“我”不好可知,在家里“我”只有一件事需要忍耐(bear)。

5.A.good C.real

B.bad D.wrong

解析:选B 根据语境可知,“我”唯一需要忍受的就是主人的坏(bad)脾气。 6.A.even C.yet

B.still D.just

解析:选A 根据“Sometimes he didn't treat me well”可知,主人对“我”不好,喝醉时甚至(even)会打“我”。

7.A.As a result


C.However D.What's worse

解析:选C 根据“I didn't think it was a big deal”可知此处为转折语气,故选“However”。

8.A.doubted C.wondered

B.suggested D.believed

解析:选D 联系后面的“the dog who had delicious meat and bones”可知,“我”相信(believed)自己是世界上最幸福的狗。

9.A.caught C.cheated

B.pulled D.attacked

解析:选A 那天“我”坐在主人身边看电视,一种叫狼的动物吸引了(caught)“我”的眼球。

10.A.house C.village

B.wild D.family

解析:选B 根据“trees and flowers, mountains and rivers”的描述可知,狼生活在野外(wild)。

11.A.harmful to C.different from

B.used to D.free from

解析:选C 它们的生活环境与“我”的完全不同,故选“different from”。 be different from是固定搭配。

12.A.leaving C.waiting

B.paying D.looking

解析:选C 这些动物每天在外奔跑觅食而不是等待(waiting)别人给予它们食物。 13.A.hurt C.toys

B.love D.partners

解析:选A 联系文章前两段可知,这些动物们都没有会给予它们食物和伤害(hurt)的主人。

14.A.attracted C.protected

B.awarded D.frightened

解析:选A 根据下文的“their life was wonderful in my eyes”可知,它们的生活方式深深吸引了(attracted)“我”。

15.A.continued C.knew

B.enjoyed D.stopped

解析:选B 虽然“我”不知道它们是否享受(enjoyed)自己的生活,但“我”觉得它们的生活很美妙。