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独家业务合作协议 Exclusive Business Cooperation
Agreement 本独家
Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement
本独家业务合作协议(下称“本协议”)由以下双方于 200[?]年[?]月[?]日在[?] 签署。
This Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement (this \made and
entered into by and between the following parties on [?], 200[?] in [?].
甲方:[?] Party A: [?] 地址:[?] Address: [?] 乙方:[?] Party B: [?] 地址:[?] Address: [?] 鉴于: Whereas,
1. 甲方是一家在中华人民共和国(下称“中国”)注册的外商独资企业,拥 有提供技术和咨询服务的必要资源;
Party A is a wholly-foreign-owned enterprise established in the People's Republic
of China (\technical and
consulting services;
2. 乙方是一家在中国注册的内资公司,经中国有关政府部门依法批准可以从 事[?]服务业务;
Party B is a company with exclusively domestic capital registered in China and
may engage in [?] service business as approved by the relevant governmental
authorities in China;
3. 甲方同意利用其人力、技术和信息优势,在本协议期间向乙方提供[?]服务 业务的独家全面业务支持(技术、咨询等)服务,乙方同意接受甲方或其 指定方按本协议条款的规定提供咨询和服务。
Party A is willing to provide Party B with exclusive technical, consulting and
related services in [?] service business during the term of this Agreement
utilizing its own advantages in human resources, technology and information, and
Party B is willing to accept such services provided by Party A or Party A's
designee, each on the terms set forth herein.
Now, therefore, through mutual discussion, the parties have reached the following
agreements: 服务提供 1. 1
秘密文件 Strictly Confidential Services Provided by Party A
1.1 按照本协议条款和条件,乙方在此委任甲方在本协议期间作为乙 方的独家服务提供者向乙方提供全面的业务支持服务和咨询,具 体内容包括所有在乙方营业范围内由甲方不时决定的服务,包括 但不限于以下内容:技术服务、业务咨询、知识产权许可、资产 设备租赁、市场咨询、系统集成、产品研发和系统维护。 Party B hereby appoints Party A as Party B's exclusive services
provider to provide Party B with complete business support services and consulting services during the term of this Agreement, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The services may include all services within the business scope of Party B
as may be determined from time to time by Party A, such as but not limited to technical services, business consultations, intellectual property licenses, equipment or property leasing, marketing consultancy, system integration, product research and development, system maintenance.
1.2 乙方接受甲方的咨询和服务。乙方进一步同意,除非经甲方事先 书面同意,在本协议期间,就本协议约定事宜,乙方不得接受任 何第三方提供的任何服务和/或支持,不得与任何第三方建立任何 合作。双方同意,甲方可以指定其他方(该被指定方可以与乙方 签署本协议第 1.3 条描述的某些协议)为乙方提供本协议约定的 服务和/或支持。
Party B agrees to accept all the consultations and services provided by
Party A. Party B further agrees that unless Party A consents in writing
in advance, during the term of this Agreement, Party B shall not accept
any consultations and/or services provided by any third party and shall
not cooperate with any third party regarding the matters contemplated
by this Agreement. Party A may appoint other parties, who may enter into certain of the agreements described in Section 1.3 with Party B, to
provide Party B with the consultations and services under this Agreement.
1.3 服务的提供方式
Manner of Providing Services
1.3.1 甲、乙双方同意在本协议有效期内可以直接或通过其关联 方进一步签订技术服务协议和咨询服务协议,对各项技术
服务、咨询服务的具体内容、方式、人员、收费等进行约 定。
Party A and Party B agree that during the term of this Agreement, both parties, directly or through their respective affiliates, may enter into further technical service agreements or consulting service agreements, which shall provide the specific contents, manner, personnel, and fees for the specific technical service and consulting service. 2
秘密文件 Strictly Confidential
1.3.2 为更好地履行本协议,甲乙双方同意在本协议有效期内将 直接或通过其关联方根据业务进展需要随时签署知识产权
(包括但不限于:软件、商标、专利、技术秘密)的许可 协议,由甲方将其有关的知识产权许可给乙方使用。
To fulfill this Agreement, Party A and Party B agree that during the term of this Agreement, both parties, directly or through
their respective affiliates, may enter into intellectual property (including but not limited to software, trademark, patent and know-how) license agreements, which shall permit Party B to use Party A's relevant intellectual property rights, at any time
and from time to time based on the needs of the business of Party B. 1.3.3 为更好地履行本协议,甲乙双方同意在本协议有效期内将 直接或通过其关联方根据业务进展需要随时签署设备、资
产的租用协议,由甲方将有关的设备、资产提供给乙方使 用。