计算机网络原理习题讲解 下载本文

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Chapter I

1. What is the difference between a host and an end system? List the types of end systems. Is a

Web server an end system?

2. What is a client program? What is a server program? Does a server program request and

receive services from a client program?

3. List six access technologies. Classify each one as residential access, company access, or

mobile access.

4. Dial-up modems, HFC, and DSL are all used for residential access. For each of these access

technologies, provide a range of transmission rates and comment on whether the transmission rate is shared or dedicated.

5. Describe the most popular wireless Internet access technologies today. Compare and

contrast them.

6. What advantage does a circuit-switched network have over a packet-switched network?

What advantages does TDM have over FDM in a circuit-switched network?

7. Consider sending a packet from a source host to a destination host over a fixed route. List the

delay components in the end-to-end delay. Which of these delays are constant and which are variable?

8. How long does it take a packet of length 2,000 bytes to propagate over a link of distance

2,000 km, propagation speed 2?10 m/s, and transmission rate 2 Mbps? More generally, how long does it take a packet of length L to propagate over a link of distance d, propagation speed s, and transmission rate R bps? Does this delay depend on packet length? Does this delay depend on transmission rate?

9. What are the five layers in the Internet protocol stack? What are the principal responsibilities

of each of these layers?

10. Which layers in the Internet protocol stack does a router process? Which layers does a

link-layer switch process? Which layers does a host process?

11. What is an application-layer message? A transport-layer segment? A network-layer datagram?

A link-layer frame?

12. This elementary problem begins to explore propagation delay and transmission delay, two

central concepts in data networking. Consider two hosts, A and B, connected by a single link of rate R bps. Suppose that the two hosts are separated by m meters, and suppose the propagation speed along the link is s meters/sec. Host A is to send a packet of size L bits to Host B. a. Express the propagation delay, dprop, in terms of m and s.

b. Determine the transmission time of the packet,dtrans, in terms of L and R.

c. Ignoring processing and queuing delays, obtain an expression for the end-to-end delay. d. Suppose Host A begins to transmit the packet at time t = 0. At time t?dtrans,where is the last bit of the packet?

8e. Suppose dprop is greater than dtrans. At time t = dtrans,where is the first bit of the packet?

f. Suppose dprop is less than dtrans. At time t = dtrans, where is the first bit of the packet? g. Suppose s?2.5?10, L = 100bits, and R = 28 kbps. Find the distance m so that dprop equals dtrans.

13. In modern packet-switched networks, the source host segments long, application-layer

messages (for example, an image or a music file) into smaller packets and sends the packets into the network. The receiver then reassembles the packets back into the original message. We refer to this process as message segmentation. Figure 1.24 illustrates the end-to-end transport of a message with and without message segmentation. Consider a message that is

88?106 bits long that is to be sent from source to destination in Figure 1.24. Suppose each

link in the figure is 2 Mbps. Ignore propagation, queuing, and processing delays.

a. Consider sending the message from source to destination without message segmentation. How long does it take to move the message from the source host to the first packet switch? Keeping in mind that each switch uses store-and-forward packet switching, what is the total time to move the message from source host to destination host?

b. Now suppose that the message is segmented into 4,000 packets, with each packet being 2,000 bits long. How long does it take to move the first packet from source host to the first switch? When the first packet is being sent from the first switch to the second switch, the second packet is being sent from the source host to the first switch. At what time will the second packet be fully received at the first switch?

c. How long does it take to move the file from source host to destination host when message segmentation is used? Compare this result with your answer in part (a) and comment. d. Discuss the drawbacks of message segmentation. 14. 下列说法中,正确的是( )。




D.局域网是基于广播技术发展起来的网络,广域网是基于交换技术发展起来的向络 解答:D。

通常而言,局域网的覆盖范围较小,而广域网的覆盖范围较大,但这并不绝对。有时候在一个不大的范围内采用广域网,这取决于应用的需要和是否采用单一网络等多种因素。特别是局域网技术的进步,使得其覆盖范围越来越大,达到几十千米的范围。 城域网是利用广域网技术、满足一定区域需求的一种网络,事实上,城域网的范围弹性非常大。

最初的局域网采用广播技术,这种技术一直被沿用,而广域网最初使用的是交换技术,也一直被沿用。 ?

15. 相对于o⒏的7层参考模型的低4层,TCP/IP协议集内对应的层次有( )。 A.传输层、互联网层、网络接口层和物理层 B.传输层、互联网层、网络接口层 C.传输层、互联网层、ATM层和物理层 D.传输层、网络层、数据链路蜃和物理层 解答:B。

根据TCP/P分层模型可知,其对应OSI低4层的分别是传输层、互联网层、网络接口层。 16. 在C/S模式的网络中,最恰当的是( )。

A.客户机提出请求,服务器响应请求、进行处理并返回结果 B.服务器有时可以同时为多个客户机服务

C.客户机可以将服务器的资源各份在本地,以避免向服务器请求服务 D.服务器永远是网络的瓶颈 解答:A。

根据C/S模式的定义,选项A描述了C/S模式的基本工作流程。服务器必须总能而不是有 时可以同时为多个客户机服务,否则网络就没有了存在的价值。 由于服务器的资源太庞大,而且很多资源因为知识产权、保密、管理复杂等一系列的原因, 使客户机不可能都把服务器的资源备份到本地。

从表面上看,服务器可能是网络的瓶颈, 但事实上:在多数情况下网络的主要瓶颈不在服务器,而在通信线路。

17. 比较分组交换与报文交换,说明分组交换优越的原因。


两者的不同之处是:分组交换所生成的PDU的长度较短,而且是固定的;而报文交换的PDU的长度不是固定的。正是这一差别,使得分组交换具有独特的优点:缓冲区易于管理;分组的平均延迟更小,网络中占用的平均缓冲区更少;更易标准化;更适合应用。所以现在的主流网络基本上都可以看成是分组交换网络。 18. 单顶选择题


A.ARPAnet B.X.25 C.以太网 D.Internet

【2】在大多数网络中,数据链路层都是用请求重发已损坏了帧的办法来解决发送出错问题。如果一个帧被损坏的概率是p,而且确认信息不会丢失,则发送一帧的平均发送次数是( d )

A.1+p B. I-p C.1/(1+p) D. 1/(1-p)

【3】物理层的电气特性规定的特性包括( b )

A.接插件的形式 B.信号的电压值 C.电缆的长度 D.各引脚的功能 【4】网卡是完成( b )的功能。

A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.物理层和数据链路层 D.数据链路层和网络层 【5】通信子网不包括( d )。

A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.网络层 D.传输层

【6】当数据由端系统A传至端系统B时,不参与数据封装工作的是( a )。 A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.应用层 D.表示层 【7】RFC是()。(重庆大学2007年试题)

A.因特网标准的形式 B.一种网络协议 C.一种网络文件格式 D.一种网络技术

解析:所有的因特网标准都是以RFC的形式在因特网上发表。RFC(reguest for comments)的意思就是“请求评论”。所有的RFC文档都可以从因特网上免费下载。但应注意,并非所有的RFC文档都是因特网标准,只有一小部分RFC文档最后才能变成因特网标准。RFC接收到时间的先后从小到大编上序号(即RFCxxxx,这里xxxx是阿拉伯数字)。一个RFC文档更新后就使用一个新的编号,并在文档中指出原来老编号的RFC文档已成为陈旧的。简言之,RFC是因特网标准的形式。所以选项A为正确答案。 答案:A

【8】在OSI的七层模型中,工作在第三层以上的网间连接设备是( )。(华中科技大学2003年试题)

A.集线器 B.网关 C.网桥 D.中继器





由此可知,网关工作于OSI/RM的传输层、会话层、表示层和应用层。所以选项B为正确答案。 答案:B

【9】在OSI七层结构模型中,处于数据链路层于传输层之间的是( )(华中科技大学2003年试题)

A. 物理层 B. 网络层 C. 会话层 D. 表示层

解析:OSI/RM网络结构模型将计算机网络体系结构的通信协议规定为物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表示层、应用层,共七层。因此,网络层处于数据链路层与传输层之间。所以选项B为正确答案。 答案:B

【10】完成路径选择功能是在OSI参考模型的( )。(华中科技大学2003年试题) A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.网络层 D.传输层

解析:物理层:主要是利用物理传输介质为数据链路层提供物理连接,以便透明地传递比特流。 数据链路层:分为MAC和LLC,传送以帧为单位的数据,采用差错控制,流量控制方法。 网络层:实现路由选择、拥塞控制和网络互连功能,使用TCP和UDP协议。 传输层:是向用户提供可靠的端到端服务,透明地传送报文,使用TCP协议。 由此可知,网络层具有路径选择的功能。所以选项C为正确答案。 答案:C

【11】在TCP/IP协议簇的层次中,解决计算机之间通信问题是在( )。(华中科技大学2003年试题)

A.网络接口层 B.网际层 C.传输层 D.应用层 解析:TCP/IP协议族把整个协议分成四个层次:

(1)网络接口层:负责接收P数据报,并把该数据报发送到相应的网络上。从理论上讲,该层不是TCP/IP协议的组成部分,但它是TCP/IP协议的基础,是各种网络与TCP/IP协议的接口。 .



(4)应用层:是TCP/IP协议的最高层,与0sI参考模型的上三层的功能类似。因特网在该层的协议主要有文件传输协议FTP、远程终端访问协议Telnet、简单邮件传输协议sMTP和域名服务协议DNS等。由此可知,网际层解决了计算机到计算机通信的问题。所以选项B为正确答案。 答案:B

【12】TCP/IP参考模型的网际层用于实现地址转换的协议有( )。 A.ARP B.ICMP C. UDP D.TCP





19. 简述面向连接服务于面向非连接服务的特点。


