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lights? A.Sidelights and a stern light B...Sidelights only C...Sidelights and a small white light at each end D...A small white light at each end 题目 ID=\序号=\

[1592]A buoy marking a wreck will show a (n) ______.

A.white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheres B.occulting green light and may be lettered C.yellow light and will be numbered D.continuous quick white light and may be numbered KEY:A标记沉船的浮筒将显示白光闪(2)且顶标为两个黑球体 ID=\序号=\

[2432]In which voyage,between two points,is the rhumb line distance NOT approximately the same as the great circle distance?

A.The two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphere B.The two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphere C.The two points are near the equator,but in different hemispheres

D.One point is near the equator,one point is in a high latitude,and both are near the 180th meridian.

KEY:B 在哪一个航线,在两点之间,是恒向线不近似于大圆航线?两点都在高纬度一样的半球


[31]As the tide makes the water_______twice a day a resulting current, or tidal stream, is generated.

A.rising and falling C.the rise and fall

B.Rose and fell D.rise and fall

答案:D当潮汐使海水每天升降两次形成流或者潮流,形成一种结果是流,或者形成潮流, ID=\序号=\

37. The ship’s tanks most effective for trimming are the______ A.deeps B.domestics C.peaks D.settlers KEY:C


答案=\your vessel will list with equal readiness to either side,the list is most likely caused by ______. A.negative GM B...off-center weight C...pocketing of free surface D...excessive freeboard 题目 负的初稳性一般是搁浅 ID=\序号=\

[3249]We usually choose cargo-handling equipment according to ______. A. the ship type

B. the port's organization C. the cargo's nature D. the dockers’ ability KEY: C


[2138]Please tell the stevedores to load the cargo ______ according to the respective figures. A. tightly B. closely


C. securely D. strictly KEY: D

严格的根据各个图标装货 ID=\序号=\

[1858]All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept ______ commencement of loading. A.cleanly / during B.clear / meanwhile C.clean / between D.clean / prior to KEY:D.所有准备装载谷物的货舱必须在开始装货之前被清洁干净 ID=\序号=\

答案=\A.lightweight and lightweight center of gravity location B...position of the center of buoyancy C...position of the metacenter D...maximum load line 题目 横倾实验 lightweight and lightweight ID=\序号=\

=\ Planning to stow ______ in the end lower holds will result in much broken stowage. A.large crates or cases B...small curved items C...drums D...filler cargo ITEM=\题目 ID=\序号=\

=\exact and complete identification of all cargo on board must be found on the ________. A.Cargo Manifest B...Mate's Receipt C...Hatch Report D...Loading List ITEM=\ITEM=\题目 ID=\序号=\

[3422]In most cases,the direction of the apparent wind lies between the bow and ______.

A. the direction of the true wind B. true north

C. the beam on the windward side D. the beam on the lee side KEY: A


=\warm front is usually lifted up from the surface by ______. A.the cold front B...heavy wind C...high pressure D...hurricane 题目 暖锋被冷锋抬起来


49.When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, the ______ A variable B changing C backing D veering A


=\A.domestics B...settlers C...deeps D...peaks 题目 ID=\序号=\

[604]A wooden float placed between a ship and a dock to prevent damage to both is called a ______. A. camel

B. dolphin---靠船墩,系船浮筒,系船桩


C. rat guard---防鼠挡

D. wedge---尖劈楔,楔形物,高压楔

KEY: A一个木制的漂浮物放在船和码头之间以防止两者的损坏,叫做浮护木。 ID=\序号=\

[943]In towing,chocks are used to ______.


A. protect the towline from chafing

B. secure the end of the towline on the tug C. stop off the towline while retrieving it D. absorb shock loading on the towline

KEY: A拖带中,拖缆导缆器用于保护拖缆免受磨擦致损。 ID=\序号=\

[823]The material used extensively as electrolytic protection around bronze propellers is ______. A. Brass B. Copper C. Lead D. Zinc

KEY: D被广泛运用作为电解保护青铜螺旋桨的材料是锌。 ID=“217462\=\

[21]As for racon,which one is incorrect. in the following? A.Racon is a radar transponder.

B.Racon is often installed on major waypoints.

C.When activated by a radar signal, the Racon sends it back with an identifier D.Racon can be used to take place of radar

答案:D关于雷达信标,下列哪项是不正确的?雷达信标能用来取代雷达 ID=\序号=\

案=\,ice and other floating objects may not be ______ by radar at an adequate range. A.reflect B...shown C...detected D...defected 题目


[3805]______ the repeater compass with the master compass,please. A. Similize B. Clock

C. Synchronize 相同 D. Position KEY: C


[17]What may affect the accuracy of sounding with echo sounder? A.Sea bottom

B.Ship's speed

C.Speed of current D.Water temperature and density 答案:D什么会影响回声探测仪精度?水温和密度 ID=\序号=\

[40]The GPS satellite orbits the earth in approximately_______.




A.3 hours

B.6 hours

C.12 hours

D.24 hours

答案:C全球定位通讯卫星围绕地球轨道运行大约12小时 ID=\序号=\

答案=\does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS radio operator fails to insert updated information when initiating a DSC distress alert?

A.It will abort the transmission and set off an audible alarm that must be manually reset. B...It will initiate the DSC distress alert but,as no information will be transmitted,rescue personnel will not be able to identify the vessel,its position or its situation. C...It will initiate the DSC distress alert and default information will automatically be transmitted.

D...It will initiate the DSC distress alert,but any station receiving it will have to establish contact with the distressed vessel to determine its identity,position and situation. 题目 ID=\序号=\

[37]Which one of the followings is not a right way to call an unknown vessel of VHF? A.According to her characteristics B.According to her cargo C.According to her movements D.According to her crewmembers

答案:D下列那个不是VHF呼叫未知船的正确方法?根据他的船员 ID=\序号=\

[4311]The radiotelephone safety signal is ______. A. securite repeated 3 times B. safety repeated 3 times C. pan pan repeated 3 times

D. securite securite repeated 3 times KEY: A


[4194]There is a drifting mine ______ in position 21 degrees 31 minutes North 124 degrees 20 minutes East. A. report B. reports C. reported D. reporting KEY: C


[858]Tugs sometimes shackle a length of chain in the towline in order to______. A. take the wear should the towline drag bottom

B. assure that if the towline is overstressed it will part close to the bridle C. prevent the towline from whipping should it part D. put spring in the towline

KEY:D拖轮有时使用锚链当拖缆时为了保持拖索有弹性 ID=\序号=\

[1240]How is the size of chain determined? ______. A.Length of link in inches


B.Diameter of metal in link in inches or centimeters C.Links per fathom

D.Weight of stud cable in pounds

KEY:B如何测定锚链的大小?用英寸或厘米表示金属链环的直径 ID=\序号=\75. The head block is located_____. A.at the base of the boom C.at the head of the mast KEY:B


ID=\序号=\[1275]A stay is ______.

A. standing rigging B. a downhaul C. a halyard D. a jib KEY:A 用于停止的是静止索 ID=\序号=\

[2597]During the towing of a survival craft,a lookout should be on station to ______. A.release the towline in an emergency B.help the helmsman steer C.look for food and water D.check the water level in the bilge KEY:A在拖带救生筏期间,瞭望人员应该站在能在紧急情况下释放拖索的地方

[5814]Each crewmember has an assigned firefighting station. This assignment is shown on the ______. A. fire fighting plan B. shipping articles C. Certificate of Inspection D. muster list KEY: D


=\ The extinguishing agent most likely to allow reignition of a fire is ______. A.carbon dioxide B...foam C...water fog D...water stream 题目 二氧化碳复燃


[4379]Puncture leaks in the lower tubes or bottom of an inflatable liferaft should FIRST be stopped by using ______. A. sealing clamps B. repair tape C. a tube patch

D. sail twine and vulcanizing kit KEY: A


[1694]When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible?

同原题库3021 A. Master only B. Owners only

C. Licensed officer on watch

B.at the head of the boom

D.on top of the jack staff