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My roommate Rob made a pact with me that he’d give me his girlfriend Polly in exchange for my jacket. And I agreed.
Polly had the right background to be the girlfriend of a dogged, brilliant lawyer like myself. She was pretty, well-off, and radiant. Still, I want to dispense her enough pearls of wisdom to make her “well-spoken”.
So I tried my best to teach her such logical fallacies as Dicto Simpliciter, Hasty Generalization, Ad Misericordiam, and False Analogy. After five nights of diligent work, I actually made a logician out of Polly. She was an analytical thinker at last.
When I asked her to develop our relationship into a romantic one, however, she refuted my arguments as those logical fallacies I had taught her! And she refused my proposition by making full proposition: She liked Rob in leather, therefore, she had told him to make the pact with me so that Rob could have my jacket. 2. Language Focus: 1) in exchange for… 作为对……的交换 为了给后代换来一个和平的环境,我们的革命先烈们抛头颅、洒热血。
In exchange for a peaceful environment for the future generations, our revolutionary predecessors shed their blood and even sacrificed their precious lives.
2) set a date for 为……定日期
In order to achieve success, one had better start immediately rather than set dates for his/her efforts.
3) appeal to 唤起;吸引
This university boasts many world-famous experts, professors, and the world’s best research library, therefore, it appeals to students and researchers from all over the world.
4) make/draw an analogy between 在……之间作类比 我们经常把学习和登山进行类比:两者在你达到巅峰之前都需要付出巨大的努力。 We often make an analogy between studying and climbing a mountain: both of them require great efforts before you can reach the top.
5) make sth. out of sb./sth. 使……变成……
这所军校的目标是经过四年的学习与训练将这些年轻的军校生变成合格的军官。 The aim of the military academy is to make qualified officers out of the young cadets after four years’ study and training.
6) give sb. the axe 抛弃(恋人);解雇
If you continue playing your precious college years away, success will give you the
axe upon graduation.
7) be dripping with … 满是……
Though the beautiful lady is dripping with jewels, her words and actions are dripping with vulgarity and rudeness.
3. Language Application: 1) Sentence writing
a) If sb. could do …, sb. just might do … 用于表达 “假设”。
If you could make the best of what you have instead of dreaming of what you don’t have, you just might have already achieved great success.
b) Sb. never/seldom do .... Instead, sb. do … 用于表达“强调”。
Some of our public servants never serve the people, instead they take advantage of their privileges and authorities to seek personal interests to the maximum extent.
c) Look at …, look at …. Can you do …? 用于表达“对比”。
Look at us, living in tall buildings, wearing Nike and Adidas, eating McDonalds and KFCs, drinking Pepsis and Colas. Look at the refugees in the war stricken areas, sheltering in poor straw sheds, having almost nothing to wear, to eat and to drink. How can we complain about our lives?
2) Text writing
·Write a narrative essay
Narrative writing can be broadly defined as story writing. It is a piece of writing characterized by a main character who encounters a problem or engages in an interesting, significant or entertaining activity/experience in a particular setting. What happens to this main character is called the “plot”. The plot follows a “beginning, middle, end” sequence. The middle of the story is the largest and most significant part, which we call “the main event”. The main event is what the story is all about and involves either a problem to be solved or a significant life experience for the main character. Example:
Part III Reflection
1. Critical Thinking: 1) What logical fallacy is included in the story itself? Why do you think so? The story itself includes the fallacy “Dicto Simpliciter”. The narrator assumes that all girls would be happy to date a boy whose future is somewhat guaranteed. Therefore, Polly, a beautiful and wealthy young girl, would certainly fall in love with him – “an ingenious student” and “a man with an assured future”, rather than Rob – “a muscular idiot”. However, to the narrator’s surprise and disappointment, Polly chooses Rob in the end because Rob is fashionable and cool.
2) What does the story tell us about love? And what does it tell us about smart people? ? Love is blind. It is ridiculous to use logic to deal with love; ? Smart people sometimes can make wrong judgments;
? Smart people are sometimes too arrogant and overconfident; ? Smart people may fall victims to their own smartness.
3) Can you think of a logical fallacy you have committed? Why is it a fallacy and what caused it?
Yes, certainly. Actually, logical fallacies are very common in our everyday life. I myself commit logical fallacies very often, too. For example, when I first met my roommate in college, I felt very surprised when he told me he didn’t like noodles. I asked, “People in the north of China like eating noodles. You are from the north, why don’t you like noodles?” Here I committed the logical fallacy “Dicto Simpliciter”. I falsely asserted that all people in the north should like noodles, and there should be no exception to this premise.
4) What do you know about the difference between Chinese and western patterns of thinking?
·Western analytical pattern of thinking: man and nature are separate;
·Man against nature, separation between subjective world and objective world; ·Viewing the objective world with objective and sober scientific attitudes; ·Exploring nature by means of logic and reason;
·Grasping the nature of a thing through its phenomena; ·Use of logical concepts.
·Western pattern of thinking tends to be more logical than the Chinese one;
·Chinese integral pattern of thinking: man and nature are regarded as an integral whole;
·Nature-man Oneness, the unity of Heaven and Earth, Nature and Man, Male and Female, Yin and Yang;
·Instead of using logical argumentation of conception-judgment-reasoning, Chinese are used to forming a picture in the mind by imagination and use of intuitive experiences;
2. Review: 1 作为对……的交换 in exchange for … 2 为……定日期 set a date for… 3 唤起;吸引 appeal to 4 在……之间作类比 make an analogy between … 5 使……变成…… make sth. out of sb./sth. 6 抛弃(恋人);解雇 give sb. the axe 7 满是…… Be dripping with 8 签订协定 make a pact 9 化妆 wear makeup 10 坚韧而睿智的律师 a dogged, brilliant lawyer 11 施予某人智慧之珠 dispense sb. pearls of wisdom 12 使心情放轻松 lighten the mood 13 刹车踏板 brake pedal 14 扭曲事实 distort the truth 15 忍住泪水 16 超越某人的期望 17 一下跳了起来 18 怒火中烧 19 不同凡响的学者 20 四肢发达的蠢材 21 用于表达“假设” keep back one’s tears surpass one’s expectations leap to one’s feet (temper) flare up A tremendous intellectual a muscular idiot If sb. could do …, sb. just might do … Sb. never/seldom do .... Instead, sb. do … Look at …, look at …. Can you do …? 22 用于表达“强调” 23 用于表达“对比”
Part IV Assignment
1. Words & Phrases: Review all the words and practice translation and make at least 2 sentences with useful expressions.
2. Reading and Writing Practice: Abbreviate the whole text following the Introduction – Body – Conclusion pattern.