opencv HS光流源代码 下载本文

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#include \

#define CONV( A, B, C) ( (float)( A + (B<<1) + C ) )

typedef struct {

float xx; float xy; float yy; float xt; float yt;

float alpha; /* alpha = 1 / ( 1/lambda + xx + yy ) */ }



// Name: icvCalcOpticalFlowHS_8u32fR (Horn & Schunck method )

// Purpose: calculate Optical flow for 2 images using Horn & Schunck algorithm

// Context: // Parameters:

// imgA - pointer to first frame ROI // imgB - pointer to second frame ROI

// imgStep - width of single row of source images in bytes

// imgSize - size of the source image ROI // usePrevious - use previous (input) velocity field. // velocityX - pointer to horizontal and

// velocityY - vertical components of optical flow ROI

// velStep - width of single row of velocity frames in bytes

// lambda - Lagrangian multiplier //拉格朗日乘数 // criteria - criteria of termination processmaximum number of iterations//迭代终止条件


// Returns: CV_OK - all ok

// CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR - insufficient memory for function work

// CV_NULLPTR_ERR - if one of input pointers is NULL // CV_BADSIZE_ERR - wrong input sizes interrelation //

// Notes: 1.Optical flow to be computed for every pixel in ROI

// 2.For calculating spatial derivatives we use 3x3 Sobel operator.

// 3.We use the following border mode.

// The last row or column is replicated for the border // ( IPL_BORDER_REPLICATE in IPL ). // // //F*/

static CvStatus CV_STDCALL

icvCalcOpticalFlowHS_8u32fR( uchar* imgA, uchar* imgB, int imgStep, CvSize imgSize, int usePrevious, float* velocityX, float* velocityY, int velStep, float lambda,

CvTermCriteria criteria ) {

/* Loops indexes */ int i, j, k, address;

/* Buffers for Sobel calculations ,算子模块大小,Conv表示卷积*/ float *MemX[2]; float *MemY[2];

float ConvX, ConvY;

float GradX, GradY, GradT;

int imageWidth = imgSize.width; int imageHeight = imgSize.height;

int ConvLine; int LastLine;

int BufferSize;

float Ilambda = 1 / lambda; int iter = 0; int Stop;

/* buffers derivatives(派生) product */ icvDerProductEx *II;

float *VelBufX[2]; float *VelBufY[2];

/* variables for storing number of first pixel of image line */ int Line1; int Line2; int Line3;

int pixNumber;

/* auxiliary */ int NoMem = 0;

/* Checking bad arguments */ if( imgA == NULL )

return CV_NULLPTR_ERR; //CV_NULLPTR_ERR=--1 if( imgB == NULL )


if( imgSize.width <= 0 )

return CV_BADSIZE_ERR; if( imgSize.height <= 0 )

return CV_BADSIZE_ERR; if( imgSize.width > imgStep ) return CV_BADSIZE_ERR;

if( (velStep & 3) != 0 )


velStep /= 4;

/****************************************************************************************/ /* Allocating memory for all buffers */

/****************************************************************************************/ for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {

MemX[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( (imgSize.height) * sizeof( float ));

if( MemX[k] == NULL ) NoMem = 1;

MemY[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( (imgSize.width) * sizeof( float ));

if( MemY[k] == NULL ) NoMem = 1;

VelBufX[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

if( VelBufX[k] == NULL ) NoMem = 1;

VelBufY[k] = (float *) cvAlloc( imageWidth * sizeof( float ));

if( VelBufY[k] == NULL ) NoMem = 1; }

BufferSize = imageHeight * imageWidth;

II = (icvDerProductEx *) cvAlloc( BufferSize sizeof( icvDerProductEx )); if( (II == NULL) ) NoMem = 1;

if( NoMem ) {

for( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) {

if( MemX[k] )

cvFree( &MemX[k] );

if( MemY[k] )

cvFree( &MemY[k] );

if( VelBufX[k] )

cvFree( &VelBufX[k] );

if( VelBufY[k] )

cvFree( &VelBufY[k] ); } if( II )

cvFree( &II );




* Calculate first line of memX and memY *


MemY[0][0] = MemY[1][0] = CONV( imgA[0], imgA[0], imgA[1] ); MemX[0][0] = MemX[1][0] = CONV( imgA[0], imgA[0], imgA[imgStep] );

for( j = 1; j < imageWidth - 1; j++ ) {

MemY[0][j] = MemY[1][j] = CONV( imgA[j - 1], imgA[j], imgA[j + 1] ); }

pixNumber = imgStep;

for( i = 1; i < imageHeight - 1; i++ ) {

MemX[0][i] = MemX[1][i] = CONV( imgA[pixNumber - imgStep], imgA[pixNumber], imgA[pixNumber + imgStep] ); pixNumber += imgStep; }

MemY[0][imageWidth - 1] =

MemY[1][imageWidth - 1] = CONV( imgA[imageWidth - 2],

imgA[imageWidth - 1], imgA[imageWidth - 1] );

MemX[0][imageHeight - 1] =

MemX[1][imageHeight - 1] = CONV( imgA[pixNumber - imgStep], imgA[pixNumber], imgA[pixNumber] );

/****************************************************************************************\\ * begin scan image, calc derivatives *


ConvLine = 0;