媒介融合趋势下的新闻写作变革-毕业论文(定稿) 下载本文

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The Revolution of News Writing in Media Convergence

姓 名: 汪 蕾

学 号: 100102156

系 别: 新闻传播学院

专 业: 广播电视新闻学

年 级: 2010级广电(1)班

指导教师: 马 海 霞

2014 年 3 月 31 日


摘 要





At the age of media convergence, when various communication approaches, such as text, audio & video, internet and other approaches are used to spread news, the audiences want to know the content comprehensively, and the traditional way in which we used text only to write news won’t meet people’s needs anymore.

Nowadays, while the media convergence is becoming the tendency, the news writing has to adjust itself to the developing media environment, including new news communication concept, communicator & communication object, communication approaches and needs. As we can see, the objects, thinking, content, literary form, and the quality of journalists are all changing subtly, which leads to the accomplishments of the integration of the way of thinking on news writing, refinement of character using and layout, diversification of edit behavior, pluralism of Interdisciplinary fusion, etc. As a result, the news writing, only with the times and boldly discarded, can upgrade successfully and be popular among people. Key words : media convergence; news;writing


目 录

中英文摘要 …………………………………………………………… (I) 前言 …………………………………………………………………… (1) 一、媒介融合对新闻传播的影响 …………………………………… (1) (一)对传播观念的影响 ………………………………………… (二)对传播者和传播对象的影响 ……………………………… 二、新闻写作研究对象和内容的变化 ……………………………… (一)新闻写作研究对象的变化 ………………………………… (二)新闻写作思维和内容的变化 ……………………………… (三)新闻写作文体的多元化变化 ……………………………… (四)新闻工作者素质的变化 …………………………………… 三、媒介融合趋势下的新闻写作发展方向 ………………………… (一)新闻写作思维方式的融合化 ……………………………… (二)新闻写作结构编排和语言使用的精巧化 ………………… (三)新闻写作表现方式的多样化 ……………………………… (四)新闻写作跨学科融合的多元化 …………………………… 结语 …………………………………………………………………… 参考文献 ……………………………………………………………… 致谢 ……………………………………………………………………

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