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经身材优美。同样地,你的确能增强并扩大你的肌肉;这可以改进你的整体外观, 但它大概不会使你看上去像施瓦辛格那样肌肉发达,除非你一生下来就有他那种 肌肉线条。

通过运动来减少压力又怎么样呢?实际上,研究已经表明,做有氧运动(加快心 率的运动)能促使脑释放内啡肽,这是身体内的一种减轻痛苦、使身体放松的化 学物质。然而,不能保证运动会防止心脏病发作或中风,特别是如果你的家庭成 员中有人患过这些疾病。但如果你运动,饮食得当,不吸烟,有一个从容、积极 的态度,你就会减少患上与紧张有关的疾病的可能性。 Practice 14

1. impossible 2. relaxed 3. avoid 4. stress 5. determined 6.proved 7. limit 8. improved 9. appearance 10. release 11. especially 12. positive Practice 15

1. keep in shape 2. as a matter of fact 3. lose weight 4. what about 5. not really 6. use up 7. take in 8. in fact Practice 16 CDBACD 第五单元 Exercise 5

1. possessed 2. property 3. delicious 4. delight 5. harvest 6.merchant 7. buried 8. requests 9. hunt 10. nodded 11. delay 12. hide Exercise 6

1. send for 2. to be sure 3. time and time again 4. all his life 5.sent away 6. dig up 7. set to 8. day after day 9. pick out 10. in answer to 11. were carried away

Exercise 7

1. but because we do not have time 2. but because his mother asked him to 3. not because he had no experience 4. not because she failed in an examination

5. not because we like the party, but because we want to say think you to him Exercise 8

1. This is the most delicious Chinese food I have yet had. 2. This is the most difficult exercise he has yet done. 3. This is the most beautiful music we have yet heard. 4. This is the most interesting game she has yet played. 5. This is the best way they have yet tried. Exercise 9

1. Seeing that the old man was dying, the neighbors sent for a doctor without any delay

2. A beautiful orchard requires hard work like watering, digging up the weeds, picking out the stones day after day, but the time for harvest always makes one happy.

3. He had been rich all his life, but he never took much delight in the property he possessed.

4. During the hunt, time and time again they thought they had found the treasure buried underground, but in the end, they actually found


5. In answer to the merchant’s request, the restaurant sent away the other guests and set to preparing delicious food just for him.

6. “May I carry away these old newspapers?” the worker asked. “To be sure,” he nodded his head. Exercise 14

1. fortune 2. were amazed 3. had been cheated 4. exchange 5.demanded 6. content 7. seized 8. behavior 9. earned 10. extra 11. spare 12. replace Exercise 15

1. agree to 2. have eaten my fill 3. care for 4. Long, long ago 5. Once more 6. settle down 7. was reminded of 8. straight away Exercise 16 BDABCB Text A 果园里的财宝 佚名

一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。两个 儿子应他的要求来了,老人坐直身子靠在枕头上,指向窗外的果园。 “你们看到果园了吗?”他说。 “是的,父亲,我们看到果园了。”

“多年来,它一直生产最好的水果——金黄的橘子、红艳艳的苹果和比红宝石 还要大还要晶莹鲜亮的樱桃!”



都磨出了老茧。然后又看看儿子们的手,只见他们的指甲都修得光光的,他们的 手指像闲雅女士的手指一样白皙。

“你们一生从没有干过一天活,你们俩!”他说。“我怀疑你们以后会不会干活! 但我已经在果园里藏了一笔金银财宝让你们去找。除非你们把它挖出来,否则你 们永远也不会拥有它。它就放在两棵树的中间,距离树干既不太近,也不太远。 只要花力气去挖它就是你们的——就这些!”

然后他就打发他们走了,之后不久他就死了。于是,果园就成了他两个儿子的财 产。他们毫不迟延,立即开始工作,挖找已经答应给他们的财宝。

他们挖呀,挖呀,一天又一天地挖,一周又一周地挖。沿着果树间长长的小径向 前挖,距离树干既不太近也不太远。他们掘起所有的野草,拣出所有的石块;不 是因为他们喜欢除草和清理石块,而是因为这是寻找埋藏的财宝必须做的事情。 冬去春来,橘子树上、苹果树上和樱桃树上开出了花,花瓣淡雅如珍珠,柔软如 丝绸,像窗帘一般挂在树上,那花从来没有这样盛开过。随后夏天把阳光洒满果 园,有时阴云又使果园沐浴在清凉可口的雨水中。终于,水果收获的季节到了, 但两兄弟还没有找到藏在树根之间的财宝。

后来他们派人从最近的镇上叫来了一个商人来购买这些水果。金黄色的橘子,红 艳艳的苹果和比红宝石还要大、还要晶莹鲜亮的樱桃一大串一大串地挂在果树 上。那商人看着那些水果毫不掩饰地大加赞赏。

“这是我见过的最好的收成,”他说。“我愿意给你们20 袋钱买下它!” 20 袋钱比两兄弟一辈子有过的钱还要多。他们非常高兴地达成协议成交,拿着 钱袋进了屋,而那位商人则安排把水果运走。
