内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/11 4:16:08星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Energy Saving Suggestion
Rooms Areas客房区域
1.Regulate the room temperature at a proper degree in the light of need; 25OC in summer while 20OC in winter;
根据使用的需要,将房间的温度调节在合适的温度:夏天25OC,冬天20OC; 2.Take out of the room keycard when it is not occupied, the air-condition can automatically regulate the room temperature at 24OC-25OC with cool fresh wind circulation;
3.Use the natural light when cleaning, and regulate the wind speed of A/C at low gear;
4.Keep the door and window closed in order to maintain the original temperature, no opening the door and window when cleaning, so as to avoid unnecessary energy waste;
5.Just open the light for the area need to be cleaned when at night or without sufficient sunlight, for another area, close the previous light first;
在晚间、或日照不足的时候清洁房间,尽量只开启清洁区域的灯光, 换另一区域时,先关闭已清洁区域,再开待清洁区域。
6.When the water faucet, shower nozzle, or the close stool make water, try to close the water valve, if not tight, inform ENG to fix at once;
若发现水龙头、淋浴头、座厕等有滴水,应立即尝试关闭水阀,如关闭不严时, 立即通知工程部维修;
7.When the room is available, please pull down the window curtain and reduce the heat of sunlight radiation in order to keep the room temperature
8.After cleaning the room which is to be occupied or re-occupied, pull down the curtain in a small open scope, (set a reasonable open range) so as to reduce the influence which comes from the outside temperature;
9.When cleaning the bathroom, avoid opening many water taps at the same time to flush, set down a sound cleaning procedure in order to reduce the water consumption;
10. In terms of the mini-fridge, regulate its temperature at 2-grade is ok, too high will affect the food quality, while too low will make the food frozen and also waste the electric energy;
客房内的迷你冰箱,温度就调节在2档的位置较合适,温度过高会影响食品的储存质量,过低则会令食品容易结冻,而且浪费电能; 11.
Establish a reasonable procedure to clean the inside and outside floor,
(sweep, swab, and swill), at the same time control the water flux. (clean the outside ground after raining, which can save water.)
清洗室内外地面时,要制定合理的清洗程序(扫除、擦洗、冲洗),并控制适当的水流量(可充分利用雨后清洗室外的地面,这样可减少用水); 12.
Use proper water flux to irrigate flower and tree, don’t waste water;
花草、树木的浇水,要控制相对合适的浇水量,够就可以了,避免水的浪费; 13.
When cleaning the business area, public area and office area, only the
light for cleaning place can be open, and the A/C are forbidden to open when cleaning;
各营业场所、公共区域、办公室的卫生清洁,要求只开清洁区域的照明灯光,且禁止开着空调进行清洁; 14.
The water in the swimming pool should be controlled at an proper level,
don’t make the water overflow the gutter and avoid the water to wash away;
泳池的池水,要保持在相对合理的水位,泳池水不能(无人游泳时)直接溢流到隔水槽为好,避免池水不必要的流失; 15.
If the occupancy rate is not high, try to arrange the guests on the same 如客房入住率不高,尽可能的将入住的客人安排在同一楼层; 16.
Try to use the washer and drying machine in fully loaded condition. (not 洗衣房尽可能在满载的情况下(非超载)使用洗衣机或烘干机; 17.
If the water supply system or steam supply system in Laundry have 洗衣房供水、供汽系统中若出现漏水、漏汽的现象,立即报工程部维修; 18.
If the water temperature is too high, inform ENG to handle; 如发现有水温过高的情况,应立即通知工程部维修;
When the Laundry staff off duty at night, inform ENG to close the steam
leakage, inform ENG to fix it immediately;
supply in time;
Kitchen /Dining room/ Meeting room 厨房/餐厅/会议室区域
1.Close the light and air-condition of non business area at any moment; (eg: private room, Macro’s and so on)
2.Open the A/C of dining room and meeting room one hour before the business, close the A/C or central heating at once when finished; (or inform ENG to close)
3.When decorating or cleaning in the dining room, use the minimum lighting or use proprietary lamplight;
4.Try to use the minimum lighting when making arrangements or cleaning in the meeting room;