三年级下模拟期末考试试卷 下载本文

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2016~2017学年第二学期 三 年级英语期末模拟测试题

题目 分数 听力 笔试 合计 密 : 名封 姓 : 级 班线

说明:请把选择题的答案编号写在题前的括号内。 听力部分(60分) 一、请选出老师所读的内容。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A .ABD489 B. XRH159 C. RHG465 ( ) 2. A .4885646 B. 4895265 C. 4785468 ( ) 3. A a strong man B. a lovely girl C. a short boy ( ) 4. A. yellow bananas B. green grapes C. orange oranges ( ) 5. A . behide the desk B.under the desk C. beside the desk ( ) 6. A . three dogs B. ten crayons C. five balls ( ) 7. A . phone number B. ID number C.card number ( ) 8. A .of course B. no way C. over there ( ) 9. A .those B. these C. there ( ) 10. A . what pet B. what fruit C. what colour 二、听句子,请在听到的单词下面画横线。(5分) 1. How _____(old, heavy)are you? 2. How _______(many, much) people are there in your family? 3. What _________(colour, fruit) do you like? 4. There are some _________(monkeys, chickens) 5. Whose rabbits are ______(these, those)? 三、听录音,把下面的车牌补充完整。(填写大写字母和阿拉伯字母)(10分) 1 __ G56___ 2 __D4__2 3 T__36__ 4 __A__95 5 S__5___3 6 Y__5__8 1


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

五、听录音,请√出小朋友们物品的动物。(共8分) Xiaoling Jiamin Lily Ben fish chicken horse monkey 六、听录音,请√出Janet要购买的水果。( 共8分)

a banana ( ) six pears ( ) some cherries ( ) some lychees ( ) some oranges ( ) a watermelon ( ) three mangos ( ) some apples ( )


(any, apples, fruit, table, But ) Ms White: Are there ________ fruit in your box? Jiamin: Yes, there are.

Ms White: How many ________ are there in your box? Jiamin: There are five.

Ms White: What ________ do you like? Jiamin: I like bananas.

Ms White: Where are your bananas? Jiamin: They are on the _______. Ms White: Do you have any grapes?

Jiamin: No. I don’t. _________ I have some oranges.


笔试部分:40分 一、按照英语字母表顺序,默写大小写字母Aa—Zz的大小写格式。(5分)


( ) 1. A.apple B.fruit C. banana D.pear ( ) 2.A.schoolbag B. pencil C. book D. robot

( ) 3.A.heavy B.lovely C. fine D.short ( ) 4.A.monkey B. pet C.fish D.bord

( ) 5.A.cousin B.grandfather C.mother D.sister ( ) 6.A.whose B.those C.these D.this

三、选择一个最佳的答案完成下面的小对话。(10分) ( )1.A.Are there _____ cats in your shop?

B. Yes, there are. A. some B.any ( )2.A.Is there a desk in your room?

B. Yes, _____ is. A. there B.it ( )3.A.________ are you?

B. I’m ten years old. A. How B.How old ( )4.A.How many people ______ there in your family?

B. There are seven people. A. are B.is ( )5.A.My grandfather is old. _____ he is strong. A. And B.But

( )6.A._______ rabbits are they?

B. They are my cousin’s. A. Whose B.Who ( )7.A. I have a new plane.

B.A new plane? What colour ______? A. it is B.is it ( )8.A. The _____ are under the box. A. mouses B.mice

( )9.A.Who is the strong man in the photo?

B. ________ my uncle. A. He’s B.He ( )10.A.May I have ____ orange, mum?

B. OK, here you are. A. a B.an