【高中教育】浙江省2019届中考英语总复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题五介词和介词短语试题 新外研版.doc 下载本文

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语法专题(五) 介词和介词短语



1.Mary is flying to France (in/on) the morning of July 2 and will arrive (at/in) Paris at 10 a.m.

2.I have been in China (since/for) 2007.

3.How I miss my parents! I intend to return home (in/after) a month. 4.Look out! It's dangerous to walk (across/through) the road. 5.The River Danube runs (through/past) ten European countries. 6.It is important (of/for) us to make full use of time.

7.It's a good idea to offer the old books (for/to) the children who need them.

8.Taiwan is (in/on/to) the southeast of China.

9.Last Sunday, a group of pupils talked happily (with/in) a loud voice as they went to the countryside (on/by) their bikes.

10.At school, we learn some other subjects (except/but/besides) English.


1. a sports fan, my brother is looking forward the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan.



2.Tim is going to give his father a surprise Father's Day. 3.You can improve your English reading more.

4.I like flowers, and I hope to study at a school many flowers and trees in it.

5.My cousin usually gets up half past six.

6.The “teacher-free exam” means that students take their exams teachers. Students must be honest.

7.Teenagers sixteen are not allowed to drive. 8.John is standing Lucy and Lily. 9.—What did you get your birthday, Tony? —An Apple watch my aunt.

10.Welcome our store. We have all types skirts all colours.

Ⅲ.根据汉语意思完成句子 1.我们应该严于律己,宽以待人。

We should ourselves and friendly others. 2.尽管老教授反对我的观点,但是他没有想出自己的观点。

Although the old professor was my opinion, he didn't his own.


Sweets have too much sugar and our teeth.




Kobe's children him. 5.我朋友怎么了?好久没收到她的来信了。

What happened my friend? I haven't her for long. 6.无锡因水著名,也曾因水而困。

Wuxi its water but it once had trouble because of water.


The bookstore our school is always students. 8.在老师的帮助下,我对英语感兴趣了。

my teacher, I became



In some ways, I am quite my sister. 10.现在的孩子过于依赖父母。

Children these days their parents too much. Ⅳ.语法填空

In ancient China, people didn't respect dogs. One reason is that most people were farmers at that time. Experts believe dogs were less important 1. horses and cows in helping people 2. their daily work.

Compared with other animals, dogs depend more 3. human beings and often