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time over 以……为中心,围绕around centre 模块十 给……施加压力put pressure on 另外,此外 on top of 处于危险状态at risk 毫无疑问without doubt 处在抉择的关键时期at a crossroads 随……而定的;依靠,依赖 be dependent on 负债in debt grand opening 正式开业,盛大开业 炫耀,展示show off 将……付诸实施put into practice 处于危险状态in danger 促成,引发 contribute to 努力争取push for 太阳能solar energy 风力涡轮机,风轮机wind turbine 发电厂power plant 在旅途中,在迁徙中on the move 考虑,思考,研究 look at 占据;是…的原因;对…做出解释account for 亲骨肉,亲人one's flesh and blood law firm 律师事务所 打保龄球 go bowling 人才流失brain drain 页15 共 页12 第

利用 take advantage of 传,口口相传言word of mouth 利用 make use of 在……有共同处have sth in common 服从,听从,听任submit to 徒劳,徒然in vain 衣衫褴褛in rags 算命,占卜 fortune telling 开始从事;喜欢,沉溺于 take to 处于恐惧状态in terror 大量地in large numbers 部分地in part 爱滋病病毒,人类免疫缺陷病毒human immunodificiency virus 杂志等\\报纸(订阅;赞成,同意subscribe to 身心 body and soul 忍住,控制住choke back 个案分析,个案研究case study 在某些情况下in some cases 血糖blood sugar 被监禁,坐牢in prison 死刑death penalty 一开始,首先in the first

place 刑事犯罪criminal offence 与…有关,与…相联系relate to 知识产权intellectual property 破门而入,闯入,侵入break into 银行帐户bank account 不落后,跟上keep up no doubt 无疑的 班长class monitor 养成坏习惯get into a bad habit 应用于,适用于apply to 上)火车等\\轮船(欢迎大乘班机welcome aboard 面临be faced with 面对, 把…告上法庭to court …take 模块十一 合适,适宜be suited to 实际上in reality 相比之下in contrast (天气)放晴清理,清除,clear up 从事,着手做go about 体重增加,增肥gain weight 非常冷静,泰然自若as cool as as cucumber 铸铁cast iron 页

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与……相对应的,与……相符correspond with 时装设计师fashion designer (客机上的)乘务员flight attendant 详细地in detail 不假思索的,信口的off the top of one's head 紧张,忐忑不安have butterflies in one's stomache 怕的发抖quake with fear 定型发蜡styling wax ,直视(某人)注视(某人)look somebody in the eye 点头nod one's head 跟进,补充,采取后续行动follow up 寄去;送去send in 附信covering letter 遗漏,省略leave out 倾盆大雨rain cats and dogs 喜爱的东西;投合脾性的事情one's cup of tea 昂贵的代价an arm and a leg 世界属于某人The world is one's oyster 吃惊地,惊奇地in surprise 善于团队合作的人team player

独立地,独自on one's own 休学实践年gap year 有变化,有关系,有影响,有作用make a difference 普通人,常人,平民百姓man in the street 赋有(能力等)的,享有(幸福等)的be blessed with 大量地,批量地in bulk 被…所淹没,充满,充斥be flooded with 付,处理对cope with 电子工程学electronic engineering 奄奄一息,行将就木on one's last legs 承认,认可in recognition 去世pass away (尤指敌人)死亡人数统计;人数统计body count 把……投进监狱,使……坐牢put into prison 熟能生巧practice makes perfect 供自由拿取for the taking 儿歌,童谣nursery rhyme 腐豆bean curd 浏览,翻阅,审阅look through 选定,确定decide on 土木工程civil engineering prodigal son 回头的孩子,改邪归正的人 信不信由你believe it or not 储存,储藏squirrel away 页15

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黑马dark horse 阿喀琉斯的脚踵heel Achilles' 拉克勒斯的任务(指非常艰巨的任务)赫Herculean task 好心的撒玛利亚人(指乐善好施者good Samaritan 脱离困境,摆脱困难land on one's feet 开始,从事:开始对……产生兴趣take up 游泳池swimming pool 页15 共 页15 第