皖南文化旅游示范区新型城镇化空间分异与类型划分 下载本文

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摘 要:以皖南文化旅游示范区为例,构建新型城镇化测度指标体系,运用PCA模型对2000-2013年研究区新型城镇化水平进行综合评价,基于GIS空间分析和系统聚类法对新型城镇化的空间差异与类型划分进行了初步定量探讨。结果表明:2000-2013年皖南文化旅游示范区新型城镇化总体上呈现“东高西低”的空间格局;局部上新型城镇化以“芜-马-铜”为核心圈层,呈现向外围减弱分布态势;2000-2013年新型城镇化4个维度指标在空间上也表现出一定空间分异特征,其中人口城镇化、经济城镇化、社会城镇化的高值主要分布在芜湖、马鞍山的县(市),而生态城镇化高值主要分布在黄山、池州的县(市);皖南文化旅游示范区新型城镇化发展整体上划分为4种基本类型:Ⅰ高值区、Ⅱ较高区、Ⅲ中值区、Ⅳ低值区,并针对4种类型区提出现阶段以及未来发展总体思路及其策略。


Abstract:Taking the culture tourism demonstration area in southern Anhui as the research object, the paper established index system of new urbanization system, used PCA model to

measure the value of new urbanization; based on GIS spatial analysis and clustering analysis model, the paper preliminarily revealed spatial difference and classification of new

urbanization from 2000 to 2013. The results showed that: new urbanization of cultural tourism demonstration area in southern Anhui generally presented the spatial pattern which east west high low; on the local, the core circle of new urbanization was located in Wuhu-Maanshan-Tongling, the trend has weakened to peripheral distribution; new urbanization of four dimensions indicators also showed spatial differentiation characteristics; population urbanization, economic urbanization and social urbanization high value were mainly distributed in Wuhu and Maanshan, but ecological urbanization high value was mainly distributed in Huangshan and Chizhou; new urbanization of cultural tourism demonstration area in southern Anhui could divide into four basic types, based on four type put forward the future development idea and optimization strategy.

Key words:new urbanization;spatial differentiation;classification;tourism driving;culture tourism demonstration area in southern Anhui

中图分类号:F291 文献标识码:A

