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40篇英语短文搞定高考3500个单词(V) 2016-01-19 13 Sailing Home 划船回家 This novel was about an unbelievable but genuine adventure. Its author was a black businessman who was brought up in America. In 1956,he visited Africa, his birthplace. One day, when he was wanderingon the pavement near the bay enjoying the sea scenes, he lost his money andp assport that he kept in an envelope. So he went to the embassy to seek help, but the ambassador with rude manners didn’t permit his staff to help though he bowed to him. Staring at his impatient face, he understoodthat it was the fault of hisskin colour that accounted for their refection. So he decided to take a chance to sail on a small boat home. He met a large amount of difficulty but was never stopped. On the contrary, difficulty pushed him to go ahead harder. Three months later, he was spotted by a ship by accident. He was in rags indeed. A maid even screamed when bringing him a steak and pineapple dessert. Aboard, he earned his passage by working as a barberand got home finally. As for the name of his novel, he couldn’t think of a better one than the phrase “Go Ahead”. 这部小说写的是一次令人难以置信而又真实的历险。其作者是一位在美国被抚养长大的黑人商人。1956年,他回到他的出生地非洲。有一天,当他在海湾边的人行道上漫步欣赏海景时,他丢失了一个装着钱和护照的信封,于是向当地的大使馆寻求帮助。但是大使态度非常粗鲁,即使向他鞠躬,也不允许他的职员帮忙。盯着他那不耐烦的脸,他知道是他皮肤颜色的错才导致了他们的拒绝。于是,他决定冒险驾驶一只小船回家。 他遇到了许多困难,但是从未停止,相反,困难推动他更努力地前进。三个月后,当他被一艘船偶然发现时,真的是衣衫褴褛。给他端来牛排和菠萝甜品的女仆甚至被吓得尖叫起来。在船上,他当一名理发师来挣取船费,最后终于回到了家。至于这部小说的名字,他再也不能想到一个比“前进”更好的短语了。 14 Explore MKII 探测MKII行星 MKII, a planet billions of kilometers away, is the origin of life in many religions. Physicists have proved the theory that its gentle climate and the pull of its gravity are similar to the earth’s. And astronomers have found that oxygen atoms and carbon dioxide, which are fundamental to life, exist in its atmosphere through satellites. Cheered up by this news, biologists, in their turn, began to do some research toremove people’s puzzles—Now that there are some suitable conditions, does life really existon this globe? Do they multiply by laying eggs or givingbirth to babies? Last month, a spaceship was sent there. It’s a pity that this missionfailed. Unlike the earth,MKII is a much younger planet. Thus,masses of harmful acid clouds float everywhere causing violent chain reactions to break out. These clouds not only blocked out the pilots’ sightbut also damaged the engine system. Luckily, the pilots watched out carefully and prevented thes paceship from crashing in time. MK二号是一颗几十亿公里外的行星,它在许多宗教里都是生命起源的地方。物理学家已经证明了它温和的气候和重力的牵引都和地球相似的理论;天文学家也通过卫星,在它的大气层里发现了氧原子和二氧化碳的存在,这些都是对生命来说,都是基本的。受到这一消息的鼓舞,生物学家们接着开始了研究以解开人们的迷惑——既然有了适合的条件,生命真的存在于这个星球吗?他们是通过下蛋,还是产仔来繁殖后代的呢? 上个月,一艘太空飞船被派到了那儿。可惜的是,这次任务失败了。不像地球,MK二号是一颗年轻得多的行星。因此,大团大团的有害酸云到处漂浮,引起猛烈的连锁反应的爆发。这些云团不仅阻挡了飞行员的视线,而且还损坏了发动机系统。幸运的是,飞行员小心注意,才及时阻止了飞船的坠毁。 15 A Journeyacross Canada 横穿加拿大的旅行 After a quiz last autumn, Kuang crossed the continent eastward to Toronto to visit his schoolmate, the distance measuring approximately 5,000 kilometers. His train started from Vancouver, acity surrounded by mountains.After confirming his baggage was aboard the train, Kuang settled down in his seat. Having a gift for communication,he started chatting withanother passenger within 5 minutes. Their topics included the Canadian traditions, the Prime Minister, the mixture of races, and the terrifying Great Fall. After anice buffet at noon, he was pleased to find that the scenery was impressive. He saw beautiful harbours in the distance, wealthy urban areas and maple forest that coveredthousands of acres. He even managed to catch sight of an eagle flying upward over bushes. Kuang reached Toronto which lies slightly near the border at a misty dawn.There was frost and the broad downtown streets were very quiet. Though it was early, Kuang phoned his schoolmate in a booth nearby at once rather than waiting for him tocome. They had a good time together. 去年秋天的一次考试后,光向东横穿整个大陆,来到多伦多探望他的同学,这次旅行的距离测量起来大约有五千多公里。 他的火车从群山围绕的温哥华启程。在证实了自己的行李都在火车上之后,光就在座位上安坐下来。因为在与人交流方面有天赋,他在5分钟内就和另一个乘客聊起天来。他们的话题包括加拿大的传统、加拿大的总理、种族的混合,还有让人心惊胆战的大瀑布。中午吃了一顿美味的自助餐后,他很高兴发现外面的风景非常让人印象深刻。他看见了远处美丽的海港、富裕的市区,还有延绵几千亩的枫树林,他甚至还设法看见了一只在灌木丛上空翱翔的鹰。 光在一个薄雾笼罩的黎明到达稍稍接近边境的多伦多,地上有霜,宽阔的市区街道很安静。尽管还很早,光却不愿等待,立刻就在附近电话亭给同学打了个电话。他们在一起度过了美好的时光。 微信扫一扫 关注该公众号