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Plato’s The Republic(p22) Dionysus(p41);

The Oedipus Complex(p45); Aeneid(p46); Electra;

Euripides is good at creating the image of women defying patriarchal domination; The author of the Tale of Genji(p92);

Geoffrey Chauce:father of English literature(p113); Bunyan(p153) Rousseau(p193);


1. Aristophanes(p42): The Acharnians; The Knights; The Birds; The Wasps.

2. Achievements of ancient Greek literature:Ancient dramas; Ancient myths; Epics.

3. Characters in lliad :Achilles; Odysseus and Hector.

4. The three major language groups spoken in Europe: Romance language; Germanic

language; Slavic language.

5. Heroic Epics of middle ages: Beowulf; Saga; Song of Roland. 6. Montesquieu(p177): Persian Letter; The spirit of the Laws.

7. 古印度史诗:《摩诃婆罗多》The theme of mahabharate;《罗摩衍那》Ramayana

8. 《荷马史诗》:《伊利亚特》lliad;《奥德赛》odyssey

9. 古希腊悲剧作家:埃斯库罗斯Aeschylus;索福克勒斯Sophocles;欧里庇得斯Euripides

10. 圣经The Bile:旧约Old Tesament;新约New Testment

11. 神曲:《地狱篇》Hell Section;《炼狱篇》Puritance;《天堂篇》Heaven

12. 大学才子派:是文艺复兴时期在莎士比亚之前活跃在英国剧坛的一批受过大学教育的人


13. 莎士比亚四大悲剧:《哈姆莱特》Hamlet;《奥赛罗》Othello;《李尔王》King Lear;《麦


14. 莎士比亚喜剧:《驯悍记》The Taming of the Shrew;《维洛那二绅士》The Tow Gentlemen;

《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night,Dream;《无事生非》Much ado about nothing;《威尼斯商人》The heroine of the merchant of venice;《皆大欢喜》As you like it;《第十二夜》Twelfth night

15. 莫里哀喜剧:《多情的医生》The doctor in love;《可笑的才女》The pretentious ladies;《太

太学堂》School for wives;《伪君子》Tartuffe or The impostor;《唐璜》Don juan;《恨世者》The misanthrope;《吝啬鬼》The miser;《司卡班的诡计》Scapin the Trickster

16. 十八世纪英国作家:丹尼尔.笛福D.Defore《鲁滨逊漂流记》;乔纳森.斯威夫特J.Swift《格

列佛游记》guliver,s travels;斯泰恩Sterne;塞缪尔.理查生S.Richardson;乔治.斯摩莱特G.Smollet;亨利.菲尔丁H.Fielding;简.奥斯丁Jane.Austent;罗伯特.彭斯Robert.Burns;威廉.布莱克William.Blake

17. 卢梭Rousseau的作品:《论人类不平等的根源》On the causes of Human inequality;《新

爱洛伊斯》New Ellois

18. 布莱克诗集:《天真之歌》Songs of innocence;《经验之歌》Songs of experience

19. 弥尔顿作品:《论出版自由》;《为英国人民申辩》Defence of the English people;《再为英

国人民申辩》The second defence;《失乐园》Paradise;《复乐园》Paradise Regained;《力士参孙》Samson or Agonistes;

20. 湖畔派:三位诗人华兹华斯W.Wordsworth、柯勒律治S.T.Coleridge、骚塞R.Southey

21. 雨果作品:剧本《欧那尼》Hernani;《悲惨世界》Miserable World;《巴黎圣母院》Notre

of Paris;《九三年》;《海上劳工》Marine Labour;《笑面人》Laugher

名词解释: 湖畔派:湖畔派诗人是英国早期浪漫主义运动中的一个流派。指居住在英国北部昆布兰湖区的三位诗人华兹华斯、柯勒律治、骚塞结成的诗歌流派。由于他们三人曾一同隐居于英国西北部的昆布兰湖区,寄情于湖畔山水,歌颂大自然,缅怀中世纪,以表示他们对现实社会的不满与憎恶,所以有“湖畔派\之称。

撒旦派:英国文学史上称拜伦、雪莱和济慈为“撒旦派 ,指英国19世纪早期浪漫主义运动中的又一流派,由于次派诗人蔑视传统、敢于斗争,因而被英国绅士斥之为“撒旦”(即魔鬼),所以文学史上称他们为“恶魔派”。



荷马史诗(Homer’s Epics ):the lliad and the odyssey created by Homer are generally named

as Homer’s epics.The former tells of the Trojan war,the ten year siege of the city of Troy by a coalition of Greek states;the latter mainly centers on the Greek hero Odysseus and his journey home after the fall of Tory.

神曲(The Divine Comedy):The Divine Comedy written by Dante is divided into three sections.including inferno ,purgatory and paradise.It describes the long journey of the poet through the former two sections conducted by Virgil and finally approaches the lord accompanied by Beatrice and the other goddess.

文艺复兴(The Renaissance):The Renaissance first rose in Italy in the 14th century .It spread to other European countries, notably France and Spain and England from the 15th to the early 17th centuries .In this great epoch of the Renaissance ,the interest in God and in the life after death was transformed into exaltation of and absorption in earthly life.

古典主义(Classicism):Classicism in the 17th century literature draws inspiration from the classical masterpieces of Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome and implies notions of

order ,clarity,moral purpose and good taste .In theater,a play should follow the unities of place ,time and action.

启蒙运动(The Enlightenment):The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century and in Russia in the 19th century .The en lighters considered the chief means for the betterment of the society was “enlightenment” or “education” for the people .They believed in the power of reason and put forward the slogan of liberty equality and fraternity.

浪漫主义文学(Romanticism):As a literary movement,Romanticism flowered in the early 19 Th century.It appeals to imagination and intuition ,emphasizes feelings and encourage an appreciation of nature.In the long “preface” to “The Lyrical Ballads”,Wordsworth says that all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. 简答题:

一、《罗摩衍那》的思想内容及其艺术价值P27 思想内容: 1、《罗摩衍那》是印度两大史诗之一,作者是跋弥。

2、史诗以罗摩和妻子悉多悲欢离合的故事为线索,表现了古代印度宫廷内和列 国之间的斗争。

3、反映出了正统伦理观念和所遭遇到的挑战。 4、寄予了百姓对国家统一、安居乐业的强烈愿望。 艺术价值:


