人教版八年级下册 Unit 1 What's the matter 复习学案设计 (无答案) 下载本文

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Unit 1 What’s the matter

一、重点单词,短语默写 1. – What’s the matter?

– I have _____________ (感冒) 2. – What’s the matter?

– I have _____________ (胃痛) 3. – What’s the matter?

– I have _____________ (背痛) 1a

手臂 _____________ 后背_____________ 耳朵 _____________ 眼睛 _____________ 手 _____________ 头 _____________ 腿 _____________ 嘴 _____________ 脚 _____________ 脖子 _____________ 鼻子_____________ 胃 _____________ 牙齿 _____________

二、 第二节 语法填空

阅读下面的材料,在空白处填上适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(1个或几个单词),使句子通顺正确。 1c

A: What’s the matter ___________ Judy?

B: She ________ (talk) too much yesterday and ________ (not) drink enough water. She ________ (have) a very sore throat now. 考点:

① What’ s the matter? 怎么了? 询问对方遇到了什么困难,或者询问病情的表达方式。 What’s wrong? What’s the trouble What’s up? 2b.

重点单词,短语默写 发烧 _____________ 胃疼 _____________ 感冒并且喉咙疼 _____________ 牙痛 _____________ 切到自己 _____________ 看牙医照X光 _____________ 躺下休息_____________ 喝一些蜂蜜水 _____________ 量体温 _____________ 在伤口上敷药 _____________

A: What’s the matter?

B: My head _________(feel) very hot.

A: Maybe you have ____________(发烧)… B: …


lie v. 躺,平躺 现在分词 lying; 过去式为lay 不规则变化!!! 2d

Mandy: Lisa, are you OK?

Lisa: I have a headache and I can’t move _________ (I) neck. What _________ (应该) I do? _________ I take my temperature?

Mandy: No, it _________(not) sound like you have _________(发烧). What did you do

_________ the weekend?.

Lisa: I _________ (play) computer games all weekend.

Mandy: That’s probably why. You need _________(take) breaks away from the computer. Lisa: Yeah, I think I _________(sit)in the same way for too long without _________(move). Mandy: I think you _________ lie down and rest. If your head and neck still _________ (hurt)

tomorrow, then go to a doctor.

Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.

考点 :① 辨析 too much , much too 与too many too much +不可数名词 too many +可数名词 much too + adj. / adv.

② enough的用法 足够的,充足的

enough + n. enough money He doesn’t have enough money.

adj / adv. enough old enough The boy is old enough to go to school.

③ same “相同的”,反义词 different

without prep. “无,没有”; 反义词with, + Ving. 高频考点!!! ④ -ache的用法,表示身体部位的疼痛

back-ache stomachache ear-ache tooth-ache 3a

Bus Driver _______ Passengers Save an Old Man

_________ 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 _________(be) going along Zhonghua Road when the driver _________(see) an old man _________(lie) on the side of the road. A woman _________(紧靠) him was shouting _________ help.

The bus driver, _________(24岁) Wang Ping, stopped the bus without _________(think) twice. He _________(get) off and _________(ask) the woman what happened. She _________(say) that the man had a heart problem and should go _________the hospital. Mr. Wang _________(know) he had to act _________(quick). He _________(tell) the passengers that he must take the man _________ the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers _________(get) off and wait for the next bus. But _________ his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some _________(passenger) helped Mr. Wang to move the man _________ the bus.

_________ Mr. Wang and the passengers, the man was saved by the doctors in time. “_________ is said that many people don’t want _________(help) others _________ they don’t want any _________,” says one passenger. “But the driver didn’t think about _________(him)” He only thought about _________(save) a life.”


1. Wang Ping _________(be) the driver of bus No. 26 at 9:00 a.m. yesterday.

2. The old man had a heart problem and needed _________(go) to the hospital right away.

3. The passengers on the bus did not want _________(go) to the hospital, _________ only Wang Ping went with the woman and the old man.

4. Some passengers helped to _________ the old man onto the bus. 5. The old man got to the hospital _________(准时)

6. Bus No. 26 _________ (hit) an old man on Zhonghua Road.


① should的用法

should 为情态动词,“应该,应当”+ V原,否定形式shouldn’t,”不应该,不应当” You should wear school uniforms.

You shouldn’t talk in class. ② hit的用法 hit v. 击,打

击打某人某个部位, hit sb. in / on the +部位 【注意】 打在柔软的部位用in, 打在硬的部位用on hit sb. in the face. 打某人的脸 hit sb. on the head. 打某人的头

③ trouble

n. 苦恼,问题


What’s the trouble with you ? = What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you?

“干某事有困难/ 麻烦”时可用

have trouble (in) doing sth. = have difficulty / problems (in) doing sth. I have trouble (in) learning English.

④ 辨析 thanks to 与thanks for

thanks to “多亏了,由于,因为”= because of

Thanks to your help, we can finish the work in time..

thanks for “因…而感谢” + n. / pron. / Ving Thanks for your help, Thanks for inviting me.

Grammar Focus

1. – What’s the matter?

– I have ____________(胃痛)

– You _____________(should) eat so much next time. 2. – What’s the matter with Ben?