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经济学人:日本社会的不平等 一份稳定的工作有多重要?
Finance and economics: Inequality in Japan Thesecure v the poor 财经:日本社会的不平等,稳定工作者与穷人 The problem is not the super-rich. 问题不在于巨富之人。
“Capital in theTwenty-First Century”, Japan appears as another richcountry in which wealth is becoming ever more concentrated.
It is certainly another rich country in which the book is selling well. 当然,它也是又一个畅销此书的富有国家。
Mr Piketty visited Tokyo this month, to a rapturous reception. 本月,皮克提先生应盛情邀请访问了东京。
Yet Japan may be the place where his thesis holds up least well. 然而日本还是一个对他在本书中的思想最不追捧的国家。
The bursting of Japan's asset bubble in 1991 is one reason why the rich have amassed lessthan in America or many European countries.
The share of wealth held by the richest tenth of Japanese is lower than in famously egalitarianspots such as Norway and Sweden.
In fact, it is the second-lowest of the 46 economies surveyed by Credit Suisse ResearchInstitute, above only Belgium.
The share of income going to the wealthiest has been fairly stable too. 国民收入中流向富人的比例也已相当稳定了。
Levels of executive pay are far less egregious than in America. 只对富人们征收的费用又远低于美国。
According to an analysis prepared for the Wall Street Journal by Mr Piketty's collaborators, theshare of national income taken by the top 1% in Japan, excluding capital gains, fell from a highof 9.5% in 2008 to 9% in 2012.
根据出自皮克提合作者的一份“华尔街新闻”的分析报告,不包括资本收益,占日本人口1%的上层人士所占有的国民收入比例已经从2008年的9.5%下降到了2012年的9%。 Other types of inequality, however, are on the rise. 然而其他类型的不平等也在增加。
The most important is not between the mega-rich and the rest, as “Capital” would have it, butbetween a privileged cadre of workers on permanent contracts and those with moreprecarious jobs, who account for a rising share of the workforce.
The average annual salary for permanent employees is around ¥5m ($41,500) , compared with¥2m for less secure workers.
Many argue that what Japan really needs is a lot more inequality, but of a different kind.
Its employment system still tends to reward seniority and status rather than performance, inwhat Japanese call aku byodo or “bad egalitarianism”. 它的雇佣体系仍趋向于让高级别和地位的雇员获得更多,而非根据受雇者的工作表现,这就是日本人所谓的“糟糕的平均主义”。
If people were paid for what they accomplish, argues Robert Feldman of Morgan Stanley, theeconomy would grow faster.
And Japan's chronically low levels of business creation mean that there is worryingly little wealthinequality of the sort created by entrepreneurs who become billionaires by dreaming upexciting new products and services.
None of that has stopped “Capital” selling over 130,000 copies so far in Japan.
以上这些都不能阻挡《21世纪资本论》这本书在日本迄今为止的销量已超过了13万本。 Idiots' guides to the 700-page tome have also done well. Idiots’ guides公司对这部700页的大部头所作的也非常棒。
Mr Piketty's timing is ideal, for he has tapped into growing doubts about Abenomics, theeconomic-revival plan of Shinzo Abe, the prime minister.
By inflating asset prices, Mr Abe's schemes could increase the gap between haves and havenots, Mr Piketty warned during his visit.
Ironically, however, Mr Abe's main economic concern at the moment is bullying big companiesinto lifting workers' pay.
1.super-rich 超级富豪
例句:Here are some of the most likely trends among the super-rich for 2008. 以下是2008年中超级富人中最有可能出现的一些趋势。
2.at the moment 此刻;当时
例句:I can just about tolerate it at the moment. 当时我差一点就忍受不了了。
3.economic-revival 经济复苏
例句:One year later, Argentina had defaulted on its debt, and Brazil was at the beginning of a 10-year economic revival.
一年后,阿根廷债务违约,而巴西则刚刚开始一场历时10年的经济复苏。 4.wealth inequality 财富分配不均
例句:Under such situation, how should we understand the problem of global wealth inequality?