2019年高考英语一轮复习 每日一题(第5周)副词的类别 下载本文

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 每日一题(第5周)副词的类别

高考频度:★★★☆☆ 难易程度:★★★☆☆

1.What a terrible experience! ________, you’re safe now — that’s the main thing. A. Anyway 【参考答案】A

B. Besides

C. Otherwise D. Therefore

2. Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was alive. A. steadily permanently 【参考答案】C

【试题解析】句意:就算我们很少了解食物来自于哪里,我们大多数人都明白,放在我们的口里的每一点食物在之前都是活着的。A. steadily意为稳定地, B. instantly意为立即地,C. formerly意为先前地, D. permanently意为永久地。在做题的时候,只需要理解最后一句话就可以了was _____alive. 根据句意及常识不难得出答案,在吃入口中之前的都是活着的。 3.Henry was away from home for quite a bit and _______ saw his family. A. frequently 【参考答案】B

【试题解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:Henry离开家很长时间了并且很少回来看家人。根据句意因为离开很长时间了,所以,他应该很少回家。根据句意选B。 frequently频繁地;always 总是;usually通常。

【解题必备】 副词的分类 1.时间副词,如:today, now, then, ago, before, early, late, soon等。 B. seldom

C. always

D. usually

B. instantly

C. formerly


2.表示频度和重复的时间副词,如:always, often, never, hardly, again, once等。 3.地点和方位副词,如:everywhere, here, there, home, near, away, above, below, across, in, out, inside, up, down, upstairs, around, back, behind等。 4.方式副词,如:hard, well, together, clearly, slowly, politely, suddenly等。 5.程度副词,如:much, quite, rather, almost, even, just, still, nearly, only, very等。 6.连接性副词 anyhow/anyway even so “反正,不管怎样”,表示让步。 “即便如此,即使这样”,表示条件关系。 “更确切地说”,表示进一步解释。 or rather though 用作副词时,常在句末,意为“然而,可是”,表示转折关系。 “因此,所以”,表示结果。 therefore meanwhile moreover however instead 7.派生副词 “与此同时,在此期间”,表示前后分句的动作同时发生。 “另外”,besides“另外;还有”,表示承接关系或递进关系。 “然而”,表示让步、转折,常用逗号与句子的其他成分隔开。 “相反”,表示前后分句意义相反。 1) 最常用的后缀是-ly, 即“形容词+后缀-ly”构成副词。 2) 还有加后缀-ward(s), -ways, -wise等构成副词。如: backwards, northwards, sideways, crossways, clockwise等。 【误区警示】易混淆的副词 1.also, too, either, as well also和too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。also放在实义动词前be动词、助动词之后,too常置于句末。as well与too可互换。 2.already, yet , still already(已经),用于肯定句;yet(已经)用于否定句或疑问句;still(还、仍然)一般用于肯定句或疑问句中。 3.ago, before ago表示"现在以前"某一时刻,常用于一般过去时。before表示"过去某一时间以前",常用于过去完成时;单独使用时,泛指以前,用于现在完成时或一般过去时。 4.fast, soon fast表示"速度快",soon侧重指两件事情先后发生,中间间隔的时间短。 5.just, just now just "刚才",常用于现在完成时。just now"刚才,不久以前",常用于一般过去时。 6.so…that, such…that so修饰形容词、副词;such修饰名词。另外还要注意以下两点:名词前有表示"多"(many,much)、"少"(1ittle,few)的形容词时,要用so。修饰可数名词单数时,so与such可互换,但词序不同。如:such a good student相当于so good a student。 7.almost, nearly 在not, pretty, very后只能用nearly。在any, never, no, none前只能用almost。其它情况下可互换。 8.fairly, quite, rather 按程度强弱排列,顺序为:rather, quite, fairly。fairly多用于褒义;rather多用于贬义形容词、too及比较级前。quite和rather可修饰名词,置于"不定冠词+名词之前"。如:quite a good story, rather a strong wind。 9.much too, too much much too修饰形容词、副词;too much修饰不可数名词,也可单独作主语、宾语或表语。

1.—What did you do last weekend? —Oh,nothing________. A. much

B. else

C. ever

D. yet

2.A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful ________if we do something to stop progress. A. either

B. neither

C. too

D. also

3.Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy ________ priced bikes. A. competitively

B. recently

C. reasonably D. affordably

4. Tony can hardly boil an egg,still ________ cook dinner. A. less

B. little

C. much

D. more

1.A 【解析】考查副词的用法。句意:——上个周末做什么了?——噢,没做什么。此处nothing much


多; else其他的; ever 曾经;yet还。