2012-2013-1软件工程试卷A 下载本文

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2012 -2013 学年第 一 学期考试试卷 A 卷

考试科目 Software Engineering 考试方式 闭 完成时限 2小时 拟题人 审核人 批准人 2013年 1 月 9 日 信息与电子工程学院 2010 级 计算机科学与技术专业 题序 一 二 三 四 五 总分 加分人 复核人 得分 签名 命题:

得分 I. Please select the correct answer and fill in the answer sheet: (20 pts.)

1. A step-by-step process for developing high-quality information systems

is referred to as __C__.

A: information design B: systems application

C: systems analysis and design D: software packaging

2. When planning an information system, a company must consider how a

new system will interface with older systems, which are called ____D____.

A. enterprise applications

B. network operating systems (NOS) C. operating applications D. legacy systems

3. The __B__ analysis combines data, and the processes that act on the

data, into things called objects.

A. object-structured B. object-oriented C. object-initiated

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D. none of the above

4. Structured analysis, based on a detailed plan, is called a(n) D


A. process-centered B. systems life cycle C. object-oriented D. predictive

5. Systems development typically starts with a A .

A. system request B. feasibility study

C. preliminary investigation D. IT team meeting

6. __D__ is the process of planning, scheduling, monitoring, controlling,

and reporting upon the development of an information system.

A: Process management B: Object management C: Code management D: Project management

7. A risk __B__ includes a review of the project's scope, stakeholders,

budget, schedule, and any other internal or external factors that may affect the project.

A: response plan B: management plan C: identification plan D: analysis

8. __B__ is a widely used method of visualizing and documenting software

systems design.


9. Scalability means that __A__.

A: a system can be modified, expanded, or down-sized easily to meet changing needs

B: data can be shared across the enterprise, allowing more users access to more data

C: consistent standards are set for data names, formats, and documentation D: systems are relatively independent of how the physical data is maintained 10. When designing a report, you should prepare a sample report, which is

called a __C__, for users to review.

A: mock-up B: prototype C: either a. or b.

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D: neither a. nor b.

得分 II. Please give answers for the following statements. (10 pts.) 1.

Explain why an analyst needs to understand how people think, learn, react to change, communicate, and work.


Many business problems require support for communication and

decision making of users. Analysts need to understand human decision making and thought processes in order to provide support for the problem. They also need to understand the limitations of human

thinking and memory when designing the user interface. On a political level, it is important to understand how people think to be able to

predict their attitudes and reactions to problems and solutions provided. System developers need to make systems easy to learn and use, as well as provide help and training resources for users.Therefore, they need to understand how users learn. Because any new system (or change to an existing system) involves change, it is important to understand how people view and react to change so the developers can overcome resistance and help users deal with change.

Analysts need to get information from users throughout the project, so they need to understand how people communicate. Additionally, the analyst needs to present information to users in oral and written form, so it is important to master communication skills. Most information systems are designed to support the work of users, so the analyst needs to understand what users need to do to complete work tasks.

Additionally, analysts need to understand the users’ preferences for how they do their work.


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