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这一期,继续为大家整理了10个单词。 1 ache


生义:vi.(1)为…感到难过,同情(to feel sympathy or compassion) 如:His heart ached for the starving animals.他为那些挨饿的动物们感到痛心。 (2)渴望(toyearnorlong)

如:The refugees were aching for their homeland.难民们渴望回到家乡。 2 adequate


生义:adj.(1)适当的,胜任的(good enough,of a quality that is good or acceptable) 如:They are adequate for almost any computing need.他们可以满足几乎所有的计算需要。 The old methods weren't adequate to meet current needs.老方法满足不了现在的需要。 (2)勉强的,差强人意的(of a quality that is acceptable but not better thanacceptable) 如:Her first performance was merely adequate.她第一次的表演只能说差强 人意。

Your grades are adequate but I think you can do better.你的成绩还可以的, 但我想你能做得更好。 3 alone


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熟义:adv.仅仅,只有(indicating that something is confined to the specifiedsubject or recipient)

如:More than 35,000 people were killed in traffic accidents in the US alone in2015.2015年,仅美国就有超过35000人在交通事故中丧生。 4 bathe 熟义:v.洗澡

生义:v.(1)沐浴(covered with light,especially a gentle,pleasant light)

如:The lamp behind him seems to bathe him in warmth.他身后的灯在他身上投下温暖的光。

The trees are bathed in moonlight.月光笼罩着整个树林。 (2)沉浸(to become immersed or absorbed) 如:bathe in music沉浸在音乐之中 [拓展]take a bath遭受巨大经济损失

如:Sally took a both on that stock that she bought.Its price went down to nothing.莎莎在她买的那只股票上遭受了巨大的经济损失,它的价格已经跌到不值什么钱了。 5 contribute

熟义:v.(1)做贡献 (2)捐款,捐助

如:They say they would like to contribute more to charity,but money is tight

this year.他们说他们很愿意多捐一些钱给慈善机构,但是今年他们的资金有些紧张。 生义:v.(1)投稿( to supply something,such as an article for a

publication):He contributed several poems to the magazine.他投了几篇诗稿给那份杂志。 (2)是…的原因之一(If something contributes to an event or situation,it is one of thecauses ofit.)

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如:Drink contributed to the accident.飲酒是这次事故的原因之一。

The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy.报告说两艘船在设计上的缺陷也是导致这个悲剧的原因之一。

(3)(在讨论中)发言(give one's views in a discussion)

如:He did not contribute to the meetings.他在这些会议上没有发言。 6 lose


生义:(1)(钟、表等)走得慢(of a timepiece,go slowly)

如:Please hurry!My watch loses 10 minutes.快点。我的表慢了10分钟。 (2)看不见,听不见,理解不了(to fail to hear,see,or understand) 如: We lost the plane in the fog.大雾中,我们看不见飞机了。

I lost her when she started speaking about thermodynamics.当她开始讲热力学的时候,我就听不懂了。

[拓展]lose it发脾气

如:I completely lost it.我完全失去理智了。 7 mean


生义:adj.(1)不友好的(lacking in kindness;unkind)

如:The teacher was not being mean in asking you to be quiet.老师让你安静 一点并没有恶意。

(2)卑鄙的、刻薄的(cruel,spiteful,or malicious) (3)恶狠狠的(expressing spite or malice)

如:He gave me a mean look.他恶狠狠地看了我一眼。