专四词汇语法练习八及答案 下载本文

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1. If only the arbitration court __A__ the dispute. A. resolve B. will resolve C. can resolve D. would resolve 1. A)

【句意】但愿仲裁庭解决这些争议。 【难点】 If only意为“只要,但愿”,后边引出的句子往往用虚拟语气,表示与将来事实相反或将来不可能发生的事情时谓语通常采用(should)+动词原形。 2. I advise you __B__ of ____out such a dangerous plan. A. to stop to think... carry B. to stop thinking... carrying C. to stop thinking... carry D. to stop thinking... to carry 2. B)


【难点】 advise 一般用于句型“advise(sb)that 或advise sb to do sth,意为“建议?做”。stop后跟动名词或名词时,意为“不再做某事,停止正做的事”。如果stop后跟动词不定式,则表示停止一件事情而开始做另一件事情。 3. She bought _A__plates.

A. one dozen beautiful pale blue dinner B. one dozen pale blue beautiful dinner C. beautiful one dozen pale blue dinner D. one dozen dinner beautiful pale blue

3. A)


4. More and more advanced farm machines __C__ , the agricultural production increased tremendously.

A. using B. having used C. having been used D. to have been used 4. C)


【难点】本句的原因状语采用现在分词表示独立主格结构,由于主句和从句的主语不一致,故在作状语的现在分词之前加了其逻辑主语more and more advanced farm machines ;从时间上看,产量的提高发生在使用先进机械之后,所以需要用完成时,而且必须构成被动语态才能够阐述所要表达的意思。

5. I think you are supposed __B__ your graduate study last year. A. to be finishing B. to have finished C. to finish D. to have been finished 5. B)


【难点】 be supposed to 相当于should,后跟完成时,表示一种与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。

6. The paper ____ several persons are risking their lives is an important report on missiles. A. after which B. for which C. with which D. at which 6. B)


【难点】 for 作为介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词,往往表示某一动作或行为的目标或试图获得的东西。

7. The actress is not so beautiful ____ the press described in advance. A. that B. which C. as D. what

7. C)


【难点】 so(as)+adj/adv.+as 用于同级比较,意为“像?样?”。

8. The protection device can eliminate the faults __C__they cause more damage. A. unless B. until C. before D. although

8. C)

【句意】该保护装置能够在故障造成更大的损坏之前将其消除。 【难点】 unless意为“如果不,除非”,相当于if not ,用于条件状语从句。until意为“直到”,由until引导的时间状语从句,所对应主句的谓语动词通常为延续性动词。before意为“在?之前。 although意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句。 9. All __D__is peace and progress.

A. what is needed B. for our needs C. the thing needed D. that is needed

9. D)


【难点】 all 后如果跟定语从句,则关系代词为that。 10. __C__he was aware of the real meaning of life. A. That was from that book B. It was that book which C. It was from that book that D. It was that book that

10. C)


【难点】本句为强调句,强调句的常用形式之一为“it+is/was+强调成分+that分句”。 11. I hope you will never fall into that _C___. A. mistake B. fault C. error D. defect

11. C)

【句意】我希望你别再犯那样的错误。 【难点】 error意为“失误,(行为,信仰的)错误”,fall into error意为“误入歧途”;mistake意为“错误,过失;误解”;fault 意为“缺点,过失,小毛病”;defect意为“缺陷,缺点”。 12. Then the __B__ streamed into the great hall. A. group B. crowd C. gang D. masses 12. B)

【句意】然后人群涌入了大厅。 【难点】 crowd意为“人群”;group“小组,群”;gang意为“(劳动者的)一队,一组”;


13. Once a __A__ is formed it is very difficult to shake it off. A. habit B. custom C. practice D. usage 13. A)

【句意】习惯一旦形成,很难改掉。 【难点】 habit 意为“癖好,(个人的)习惯,习性”;custom 意为“习俗,惯例”;practice 意为“惯例,常规”;usage也有“习俗,习惯,惯例”之意,但不太常用。

14. My husband likes early American furniture, but I prefer __C__styles, designs that reflect today’s times.

A. noble B. neutral C. contemporary D. simple 14. C)

【句意】我丈夫喜欢美国早期家具,可我倒是喜欢反映当代的现代风格的设计。 【难点】 contemporary 意为“当代的”;noble 意为“高尚的,崇高的”;neutral意为“淡色的,中色的”;simple意为“无装饰的,朴素的;简朴的”。

15. For many people, overeating and overspending are as __A__to Christmas as candles and holly.

A. integral B. suitable C. inevitable D. compatible 15. A)

【句意】对许多人来说,多吃和多花就像蜡烛和冬青一样成为圣诞节必不可少的一部分。 【难点】 integral 意为“构成整体所必需的,缺一不可的”;inevitable意不“不可避免的,必然发生的”;suitable意为“合适的,适宜的”;compatible意为“和谐共处的,相容的;符合的”。

16. When my kids go a weekend without pizza and TV while camping, they think they are suffering great _B___.

A. deficiency B. deprivation C. depression D. starvation

16. B)

【句意】我的孩子在宿营的时候要是一周不吃比萨饼,不看电视,他们就会认为损失太大。 【难点】 deprivation意为“损失,丧失;匮乏”;deficiency意为“缺乏,不足”;depression意为“消沉;沮丧”;starvation意为“饥饿;饿死”。

17. The police have asked for the__A__ of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the missing boy.

A. cooperation B. advice C. helpfulness D. aid 17. A)

【句意】警方要求公众合作追查失踪男孩子的下落。 【难点】 cooperation意为“合作,协调,配合”;advice意为“劝告,忠告”;helpfulness意为“有益,有用”;aid意为“帮助,援助,救护”。

18. She murmured something and blushed as if a secret had been __B__. A. imposed B. exposed C. removed D. renewed 18. B)

【句意】她喃喃自语了些什么,脸一红,好像有个秘密被揭露似的。 【难点】 expose意为“揭露,揭穿,揭发”;impose意为“把?强加于”;remove意为“移开,挪走,拿去”;renew意为“更换,把?更新”。