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研究生英语论文评判标准 1) 语体

论文应该采用正式语体。 相关知识链接:语体





b)词汇特点:通常采用在正式场合使用的词汇,或在需要时采用专业技术用语,少用在日常用语中采用的通俗用语,尽量不用俚语。从以下例子中可以看出正式语体与普通语体在选词方面的差异。Mr. John Smith delivered an interminable address at the conference.(正式)John Smith gave a very long speech at the meeting.(非正式)将两个例句在词汇方面进行比较,可以发现,前一个句子采用的词汇(deliver, interminable, address, conference)比后一个句子采用的词汇(gave, long, speech, meeting)要正式得多。

c) 结构特点:通常不用在日常用语中常见的简略表达形式,如: can’t, they’re,而应该用can not, they are。根据意义表达的需要,通常采用比较长的句式结构,比较多的采用各种从句。而在非正式语体中,为了交流方便,常常采用比较简短的句式。



论文应该采用议论文这样的文体。由于缺乏文体方面的知识,或忽视了文体区别,曾经有一些同学将在论文中错误地采用了说明文或分析劝导型文体。 相关知识链接:文体

记叙文(Narration):记叙一系列的事件的发生。有时有一个主题陈述(thesis statement)。 说明文(Exposition):说明一个事物或事理,主要目的是介绍信息(providing information, or informing somebody of something)。介绍事物的说明文通常在开篇部分对所说明的事物有一个总的概括介绍。一般采用写作中的描述手法(description)。描述总要循着某个规律,或从左到右,或由表及里,或由本质到现象,或由一般到具体,或由整体到部分,或进行比较对比(comparison or contrast),或进行因果分析(cause analysis)。说明事理的文章可有一个主题陈述。这个主题陈述虽然可能是有争议的,但是不能将这个文体与议论文混淆。作者并不去试图证明或反驳某个观点,只是通过陈述一些事实或事例来解释说明主题陈述。在罗列相关事实或事例时,作者不用遵循什么规律,只要能够达到说明主题陈述的目的就行。



么有趣,多么简单容易,多么必要,多么紧迫等。第二部分告诉读者如何去做。这类文章的一种变体是解决问题型(problem solving)。第一部分说明问题的严重性,解决这一问题的必要性,重要性,紧迫性等。第二部分提出各种可能的解决办法。进一步的变化是只有第一部分,只讨论问题,而不去讨论解决办法。










6) 避免常见错误 2. 如何写论文摘要

论文摘要应该包含论文中的核心内容(thesis statement),应该能够使读者明白本文的中心话题是什么,



实例分析: 例一:


When we talk about success, we often meet a question, which factor is more important to success, diligence or opportunity? I have to admit that besides diligence, opportunity is one necessary condition for success. But people should keep trying and never give up until one good chance come. In this thesis, I choose diligence and explain why it is more important than opportunity. Some students discontinue their studying to create their own business. We rebutted this view in this paper and give reasons for that why students should learn more knowledge and stay in

school. Then we have some advises about how should students study and what to do to prepare for the opportunity in the future. At last, I talk about four changes of our country's policy which had brought people lots of opportunities and the situation we are in. 点评:


When we talk about success, we [语言不正式,没有分清书面语和口语的区别。写paper的时候,应该用正式语言,应该是客观地讨论问题,不应该滥用I, we, you这样的第一和第二人称。] often meet a question, [前边的question和后边的which名词从句应该是同位语的关系,不应该用逗号隔开。] which factor is more important to success, diligence or opportunity? I have to admit [语言不正式] that besides diligence, opportunity is one necessary condition for success. But people [典型错误] should keep trying and never give up until one good chance come[主谓语不一致.] In this thesis, I choose [语言不正式] diligence and explain why it is more important than opportunity. Some students discontinue their studying[词类和拼写错误,应该用study。此处最好用their college education。] to create their own business. We[人称] rebutted[时态错误] this view in this paper and give reasons for that [从句连词应用错误] why students should learn more knowledge and stay in school. Then we[人称] have some advises[不可数名词,词类拼写错误advice] about how should students study[从句词序错误。不应该用疑问句的词序] and what to do to prepare for the opportunity in the future. At last, I talk about [语言不正式]four changes of our country's policy[没有注意可数名词单复数变化] which had brought[时态错误。看不出为什么要用过去完成时态] people lots of opportunities and the situation we are in.



In the discussion about success, a question may inevitably arise: which factor is more important to success, diligence or opportunity? It can be admitted that opportunity is one necessary condition for success. But one should keep trying and never give up until a good chance comes. This thesis tries to explain why diligence is more important than opportunity and gives reasons why students should stay in school and try to learn more knowledge. Some advice is offered about how students should study and prepare for the opportunity in the future. Four changes of our country's policies are discussed, which have brought about lots of opportunities and the may further change the situation.



The purpose of the paper is to uncover the adverse impacts of the Internet that are glowing every day and give readers some advices on how to overcome the disadvantages of the Internet. Through compared with the active influences and the adverse impacts of the Internet, Naturally we can draw a conclusion that too much information provided by the Internet does no good for people. So it is time we should strength the management of the Internet, reduce useless things and classify the information in rational and healthy ways. Actually, measures have already been taken right now. 点评: