2019-2020学年高二英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ Word版含解析 下载本文

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Section Ⅱ Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip



1.We have made (arrange) for our vacation. 答案:arrangements

2.Are you trying to find a (furnish) house? 答案:furnished

3.The newspaper article gave a beautiful (describe) of Beijing. 答案:description

4.She (fold) the letter in half and put it into the envelope. 答案:folded

5.It’s no use (quarrel) with me. 答案:quarrelling


1.用to one’s delight,with delight,delighted填空 (1)She was by the news of the wedding. (2)The children screamed when they saw the puppy. (3) ,we won the football match at last. 答案:(1)delighted (2)with delight (3)To our delight 2.用take the place of,take place填空

(1)I’ll Jane,as she can’t come to the meeting herself today. (2)The ceremony will next month. 答案:(1)take the place of (2)take place


consist of divide into leave out take the place of break down in memory of 1.This word is wrongly spelt.You have a letter. 答案:left out

2.The professor has suddenly fallen ill.Who can him to give the lecture?

答案:take the place of

3.The Roman Empire in 476 A.D. 答案:broke down

4.The museum was built the great writer—Lu Xun. 答案:in memory of

5.The country nearly 200 islands. 答案:consists of

6.The cake four parts for us to share. 答案:is divided into


1.Smith had a fever and his temperature has been higher than normal two days. 答案:for

2.Jack likes to read novels online and makes comments them. 答案:on/about

3.I was (thrill) to be invited. 答案:thrilled

4.Once there was a small village with many mountains it. 答案:around

5.Our English teacher always asks us to answer her questions turn. 答案:in

6.To everyone’s surprise,he was able to make us (delight). 答案:delighted

7.Would you lend me the book that you think is quite useful me? 答案:for

8.Now he has a large (collect) of various stamps. 答案:collection

9.They have been seen together two separate occasions. 答案:on

10.Much my delight,he has been made chairman of the party. 答案:to


1.有这样的一个学生我很高兴。(delight v.)

答案:I was delighted at the presence of such a student. 2.看到这样一部电影我们很激动。(thrilled)

答案:We are thrilled to see such a film. 3.这些书下午就可以用了。(available)

答案:These books will be available in the afternoon. 4.很奇怪她竟然被一个孩子骗了。(strange)

答案:It is strange that she should have been cheated by a child. 5.有必要马上派他到那里去。(It is necessary that...)

答案:It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once.


It is reported that students usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep a night,but many Chinese students do not get enough sleep.Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children 1. (study)late.They don’t want their children to leave their homework 2.hope their children work hard.Almost all parents expect their children well 3.the examination.

Once a mother told us that every morning her 15-year-old boy put up one finger with his eyes still 4.

(close),begging for one more minute to sleep.Like thousands of students in China,he has to

get up before six every morning.

Experts say that students should develop good study habits.Some clever students never study late so that they will be able 5. (work)well in class the next day. 答案:1.studying 2.unfinished 3.prepared 4.closed 5.to work

(finish).They all




Dear Mary,

How are you?I saw you posted some wonderful photos of the coastline near your hometown.You’re really getting into your photography!Right now I’m taking a break from social media(媒体) to write you an email.

Remember you said you’d like to come over to the UK sometime this year?Well,I was thinking that this year you might like to come to the Edinburgh Festival with me in August.I’ve got an aunt with a flat in the city centre who could put us up.

Do you know much about the festival?It’s very famous—the biggest,most popular arts festival in the world!There are lots of things going on—art exhibitions(展览),concerts of all kinds,modern dance,a book festival,etc.The thing it’s most famous for is the newest and most exciting theatre.People come from all over the world and perform(表演) in their own language.

In Scotland you have the best of both worlds:culture and wild land.After the festival,we could hire(租) a car and go up to some of the islands off the west coast,like Skye.The weather can be changeable in August,but the landscape(风景) is beautiful,with empty beaches and rocky mountains.It’s the perfect place for you to take photos.Afterwards,we could head back to the east coast and visit my friend Rob in St.Andrews.It’s really pretty and Rob’s enjoyable to be with.You’d get on well with him.

So,why don’t you have a think about it and then get back to me?Take your time,there’s no rush.