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② Semantic divergence:Homonymy can also be brought about through diverging sense development . When two or more meanings of the same word drift apart to such an extent that there will be no obvious connection between them , po;ysemy will give place to homonymy.(出自课本第118页)

③ Foreign influence:Words introduced from abroad have increased the number of homonyms in English ,as can be seen from some of theexamples already given in the preceding section on ―Phonetic convergence‖and ―Semantic divergence‖(出自课本第118页) ④ Shortening:Homonyms may also be created by the word-formation process of clipping .This source is of decidedly subsidiary importance in formal writing but has widespread influence in everyday speech . The following words afford graphic examples of this process(课本第119页)

4、答案在 261页

5、答案在 261-262页

6、答案在 262页

Chapter 7

Ⅰ Synonym

1. Comment on the traditional definition of synonyms. What’s your definition for synonyms ?

P124 Synonyms are traditionally defined as words in differing in sound form but identical or similar in meaning.

P125 a word having the same meaning as other word: as one of two or more words of the same language and grammatical category having the same essential or generic meaning and differing only in connotation, application, or idiomatic use: one of two or more words having essentially identical definitions.

2. What do we mean by complete synonyms ?

P125 two word s are totally synonyms only if they are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings.

3. In what respects do synonymous words differ ?

P133 (1)synonyms of different word-classes(like jealous and jealousy)(2)words synonymous with phases(like to to-lerate and to put up with);(3)different sentence patterns expressing roughly the same idea.

4. Why are synonyms useful for literary purposes and for everyday use of the language ?

P132 Because of the ―sameness‖ of the denotative meaning of synonyms and their difference in connotative, stylistic and affective meaning, we can see synonyms are useful for avoiding repetition and for achieving precision in meaning and variety in style.

Ⅱ Antonym


1. How do you define antonyms?

The term ―antonyms‖ is used for ―oppositeness of meaning‖; words that are in opposition are antonyms P136

2. What is meant by Contraries, complementaries, conversives? Contraries(相对性反义词)

Contraries show a type of oppositeness of meaning, illustrated by such pairs as old/ young, big/ small, long/ short, etc. They can be seen in terms of degrees of the quality involved. Complementaries ( 互补性反义词)

Complementaries refer to a type of binary semantic contrast which admits of no gradability between the lexical items. Conversives ( 换位反义词)

Conversives display a type of oppositeness of meaning, illustrated by

such as buy—sell, give– receive, parent– child, above– below, etc. There is an interdependence of meaning. P148

3.What is the difference between root(固定)antonyms and derivational(派生的)antonyms?

Root(固定)antonyms are words with different toots. Derivational(派生的)antonyms are words with the same roots having negative affixes, such as happy and unhappy.

4. Which is the unmarked member in the following antonymous pairs: long, short; high, low? What is the difference between marked and unmarked ones?

Unmarked member: long; high.

The unmarked member is used when one simply wishes to know the state, quality of features of a person, thing, etc.

The marked member always carries a certain implication of distinctiveness. The unmarked member is one which carries no particular implication at all.

Ⅲ Hyponymy


1. What is meant by Hyponymy ?

It is the relationship which obtains between specific and general lexical items, such that the former is included in the latter . That is to say, the former is a hyponym(受支配词) of the latter. e.g. A cat is a hyponym of animal; flute is that of musical instrument; chair of furniture, and so on.

Chapter VIII

(1)Lexical context(词汇语境): it refers to the lexical items combined with a given polysemous word. One word can be used in many different senses when it is combined with other lexical items.

Extra-linguistic context (语言之外的环境): 1. the actual speech situation in which a word occurs 2. the entire cultural background against which a word is used

(2)the vital role of context in determination of word meaning

A. Eliminating ambiguities(含糊,不明确)