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初三英语作文大全带翻译 1

蜘蛛侠成长记 The Growth of Spider-man

The movie Spider-man is popular around the world. It describes a young boy happens to get the super power and then he wears the costume as a spider, flying around the city.

But since his uncle who raises him gets killed, the boy realizes that the more power, the more responsibility. So he starts to use his power to help people. he fights against the bad guy and saves people from all kinds of dangers. The story shows the growth of an innocent boy. He learns his responsibility and finds his own place in the world. The positive sides of spider-man inspires the children to find their value. 电影《蜘蛛侠》在世界各地都很受欢迎。它描述了一个小男孩碰巧得到超级力量, 然后他穿着像蜘蛛的服装,飞行在城市里。但是自从养育他的叔叔被杀后,男孩意识到能力越大,责任越大。所以他开始使用他的能力来帮助人们。 他对付坏人,拯救人们于各种各样的危险中。这个故事显示了一个年幼无知的男孩的成长。他学到了责任和找到了自己在世界上的位置。蜘蛛侠的积极方面激励着孩子们去发现他们自己的价值。 初三英语作文大全带翻译 2

小镇新闻 News In the Town


In the town, the place is so small, so people can easily have access to the newest news. Latterly, it has been said that a big and weird fish was found in the lake. As the fish had the strange shape that people never seen before, so everyone wanted to have a look at it. The news caught many people’s attention, they came to the lake and wanted to see the strange fish.

When they saw it, they laughed, it was just the ordinary fish with the big shape. But the one who spread the news just exaggerated the fact. News in the town can’t be trust, so we must figure it out. 在小镇里,地方太小,所以人们可以很容易地获得最新的消息。近来,有人说,一条大的,奇怪的鱼在湖里被发现了。由于这条鱼有着人们从未见过的奇怪的形状, 所以每个人都想去看一看。这个消息引起了很多人的注意,他们来到湖边,想看到奇怪的鱼。

当他们看见了,他们笑了,这只是普通的形状大的鱼。传播消息的人只 是夸大了事实。小镇里面的消息不可靠,所以我们必须弄清楚。 初三英语作文大全带翻译 3

中秋节计划 Mid-autumn Festival Plan

Tomorrow is Mid-autumn festival, since I don’t have go to school, so I want to take a break and have fun. Mid-autumn festival is a big day, in the tradition, the families will get together and have a big dinner. For me, I have made some plans. In the morning, I will go shopping with my sister, we will buy some delicious food, so as to prepare for the dinner. In the evening, after finishing the supper, I want to play some games with my family, since it is the precious moment for us get together, we must enjoy the moment. At last, we will watch the TV show, what a wonder night.



我制定了些计 划。早上,我将会我的姐姐购物,我们会买一些美味的食物,为晚餐来做些准备。

晚上,吃完晚饭后,我想要和家人玩游戏,因为这对于我们来说是一个珍贵的时 刻,我们必须要享受这个时刻。最后,我们会看电视节目,这是多么美妙的一个夜晚啊。